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Would you and how to tell your GP you self harm?

Community Member

Recently I have been self harming. Im not sure if I'm allowed to say how though. Should I tell my doctor? And if I do , how do I tell her? She is quite approachable and lovely. The idea of telling her that I S/H, fills me with so much anxiety! How do I blurt that out? What would she do? I already am booked for 6 psychologist appointments and I have written it down as one of my reasons for attending. Any advice please?

Thanks very much.

210 Replies 210

Hi LJ, 

It sounds like it's been a really hard time, we're so sorry your feeling this way. We're really glad to hear that you've been open with your health professionals, this is such a difficult thing to do, we hope you can see that and give yourself some credit.  

Please know that we are here for you, for any moment you want to talk things through, or if you have any thoughts or feelings that you don't want to feel alone with. You can always call us on 1300 22 4636, our team are here for you 24/7 to talk it through on the phone or via webchat. If ever you feel like you may harm yourself, this would be an emergency and you should call 000.

We're so glad you could share this here. It's not an easy thing to do, and it can really help other members to know that they're not alone in their experiences. Do keep us updated, whenever you feel comfortable to, on how things are going. Our community are here to listen and offer their kind support to you, and you never know how your story might help someone else. 

Kind regards, 

Sophie M 

Community Member
Thanks very much Sophie

Community Member

I don't know whether or not to ring the psychiatrist on my referral? Or wait for them to call me? It was faxed off yesterday to them. My GP marked it as urgent. I would have assumed more than 24 hours later, they would have replied if urgent. Thoughts please? It's making me anxious.

Also I'm not sleeping very well. I have no trouble getting to sleep. But I always wake up in the early hours and can't get back to sleep. I'm tired every day lately.

Community Member

LJ , you are very strong and are an inspiration to me and others on BB I’d say. You have helped me so much with telling people.
Before I seen your original post no one in my whole circle of family, friends and my medical care team knew I self harmed. I am now 57 , I started self harming at 15 and Now my 2 daughters know, my GP, my osteopath, my psychologist and 5 very close friends.
I thank you.
Is really has been such a weight lifted from me.
You know not one has criticised me, I have just had the most amazing support. I still struggle daily with my pain and it’s my big setter offer . I haven’t SH in three weeks .
Please feel strong , you, we and any one else that SH should never be ashamed of doing it.

Community Member

I'm really happy that I've helped you. It really is a huge weight of your shoulders. I felt the same. Except I didn't tell my family about the s/h bit.

It is a good feeling to get help and have support. That's fantastic that you haven't harmed for 3 weeks. Great work. I did yesterday unfortunately. I have a pattern, I do it when I feel negative, sad emotions, more so when having doctor’s and psychologist appointments actually.

Huge hugs for you Harpbird. You're doing well. Pity there's not a way to chat in real life.

Hi LJ, 

We can imagine how stressful that wait would be. If it makes you feel better to give them a ring and ask if they can give you an idea of when you'll hear, we think that could be a good idea. If you feel you'd benefit from focussing on trying to ease your anxiety, we'd welcome your call on 1300 22 4636. Our counsellors would be happy to talk things through with you, and can help with what to do in highly anxious moments. There's also some strategies for managing anxiety here.  

If you haven't already, we'd definitely open up about the sleep issue, either to your GP, or another trusted health professional. We do have some advice on sleep on our site, though we can understand if it feels like cold comfort at the moment.  

Thank you so much for sharing that, Harpbird. As this community shows, you are not alone, and your sharing can be incredibly valuable to people going through similar terrain. 

Kind regards,  

Sophie M 

Community Member
I know hey, would be great to chat privately, shame BB hasn’t got to put in a thing like other forums, like private messaging. My husband don’t know I SH. I told my daughters if he ever found out I’d leave . I couldn’t take the way he’d treat me . Though he knows I see psychologist but he thinks it’s just for our grand bub we lost . He asks to take me sometimes but I just say no, I going by myself.

Community Member

I'm ok now. I decided to not worry about calling. I might tomorrow. If not I will ask my GP Monday when I see her.

I'm going to stay up a little, and go to bed soon, when hopefully I feel more relaxed. Thanks I read that sleep article. Very helpful. I normally read before bed, in bed. It normally puts me to sleep but the trouble is I wake up in the early hours and can't get back to sleep.

I'm finding my eyes are getting blury. I'm wondering if it's the antidepressants. Or maybe it's age. Lol. I'm 40 in a few weeks time. I did just get my eyes tested and they're ok.

Community Champion
Community Champion

It takes real courage to open up to those around you and tell them what is going on. You (or at least me) at the moment you are about to tell them don't really know what sort of reaction you might get. Will they believe me? Are they the type of person who does not believe in mental issues? Will they support me? Will I scare them? Will they think I am weak? These were all thoughts I had.

Now perhaps I was lucky with who I told and overwhelmingly the response being brave, fighting it and similar words/phrases. This may be related to the fact I was getting help (as well).

The words that were said to me also apply to you. And looking after yourself is important.

My final words (in this post) is that it took me about a few weeks before I got to see my psychiatrist for the first time. If you have the contact details of the psychiatrist you can always follow up to see what is happening.

On another thread I put a quote something like this... it does not matter how slow you are moving as long as you are moving forward. It may seem dark now and you are doing all the right things.

Community Member

It's definitely hard to tell your loved ones that you S/h. I know what you mean with your husband. The on,y reason, mine knows , is because my best friend told him, because she was concerned about me. I am safe. I wouldn't have done anything. They don't understand. Also I definitely feel betrayed. Haven't told my best friend though.

I'm with you. I prefer to go to my psychologist appointments on my own and doctor's too. I feel for me, it is very private and I am sure I would not say anything in front of my husband.