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Struggling to get help
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I know this is a place where we are supposed to encourage and support each other, to offer suggestions of where help may be received and to try to be positive in our experiences of reaching out for mental health guidance and care.
Unfortunately that has not been my experience for a long time living in the country.
My GP kept telling me he would make an appointment with me to do a mental health care plan. That took about 6 months. At an appointment I basically told him I needed help, could he please do the plan that day and not make me wait another 4 weeks for a next appointment.
The psychologist he recommended sent me an email stating with the information the Dr had written in the referral she was unable to assist me. She had not even met me!
Wait another 4 weeks for another Drs appointment. A new psychologist was recommended, I had to drive to the city for this one. Had to wait a couple of months for an appointment. My appointment was to be on Thursday this week. Received an email from the psychologist stating "due to changes in his circumstances he is no longer able to offer me sessions".
I go to the local hospital and am told "the Doctors are too busy seeing more important patients to be able to see you". The Nurse/Sister actually stated that to me over and over.
Looks like me and my sick mind are just going to have to keep trying to support myself until it doesn't work any longer.
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your post are so raw and honest and inspire those who read but don’t post.
i think we can all relate to those times that we struggle..
I admire your determination to keep trying new things. Thanks or trying new ways to help .
waves to the rising your posts are so thought ful.
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Hi quirky and all,
I encouraged myself to go for a walk this morning. I managed some housework then decided to go for a drive to a little town near us where I have not stopped before. All I really wanted to do was stay home and hibernate!
The walk was good, I took some photos to share with a friend, I heard some birds.
I took a picnic lunch to the town I visited. I had a walk around, found a small park, ate my lunch and wandered along a couple of streets. It is a very small township with loads of housing as it is an hour's drive from the city. New houses popping up like mushrooms.
I did have a look in an Op shop, they didn't seem to have prices on a lot of stuff and the guy serving behind the counter did not look very friendly to me so I had a quick look and then left.
Maybe next week I will manage to set up more of a routine for myself...at least a healthier one, more productive with a variety of pleasurable activities. Not mainly reading books and eating chocolate!
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That sounds like a really positive step you took today! Going for a walk, exploring a new place, and having a little adventure can make a big difference, even if it's tough to get out of your comfort zone. And taking photos to share with a friend is a nice way to stay connected.
Op shops can be hit or miss, but it's understandable that you'd want to keep things positive and not let an unfriendly vibe get you down. Next time might be better, who knows?
Setting up a routine with a mix of activities is a great idea. It can help break the cycle and make things feel more manageable. And hey, reading books and indulging in some chocolate from time to time is also good self-care, so don't be too hard on yourself. Small steps can lead to bigger changes, and it sounds like you're moving in the right direction. Keep it up! 😊
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you are right I think we need to be flexible with our moods as on some days a walk may work but others it doesn’t. I love books so bring around m6 books and sorting books helps but on other days it does not .
i like the way you mix up activities that will help.
Do you find writing here suits you. .?
It helps many people.
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Thanks for the feedback. You make a really good point about flexibility - what works one day might not the next, and that's okay. It's about finding what helps in the moments you need it.
I've found writing here to be quite therapeutic actually. Just being able to share experiences, even small victories and setbacks, in a safe space is comforting somehow. And it's nice knowing others can relate too and draw inspiration from each other.
Do you journal at all? I know putting thoughts on paper is another way some people process their emotions. Or what are some go-to things that help on your more difficult days? Always looking to expand my own wellness toolbox.
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Hi mypositiveside and to all reading,
Yes, the atmosphere may be different in the Op Shop next time I go there, and it may just be my own attitude that needs a tweak!
Setting up a routine and having ideas in place for quiet days is something I know I need to work on. I also realise there are days when doing little is all that is possible. My issue with chocolate is binge eating. A Dr asked how I felt after I had eaten a whole block in a matter of minutes and I stated I was disappointed I had finished the chocolate without even realising I was eating it! Something for me to be mindful of.
Thanks for the encouragement to continue with making positive changes. Kind Regards to you.
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Hi quirky,
Yes, writing here does help. Sometimes I forget it is something I can do! I had been writing in a Gratitude diary for months then one morning forgot to do so and it has now been idle for a couple of months. It is like I just forget things! I know there is always time to start once more!
I have actually been called in to work 2 days this week. The first time in a year I have have been asked to do extra shifts. The other lady who took my position was not available and I heard they are also training up a new person. They really don't want me back working at that job on a semi permanent bases! I am appreciating the extra money and catching up with staff I have not see for a year!
I have tomorrow off so am trying to think of something nice to do then.
Thinking of you and hoping you are okay.
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Hi mypositiveside,
I have made up a box with different things included in it for me to easily find distractions. It holds item like word puzzles, a small jigsaw, and easy craft project, a little book of positive quotes, a pack of cards and a list of other things I could be doing. It helps when I decide that it would be beneficial to pick the box up and have a look in it!
I also have a pad with a weekly schedule on it. The idea is to choose something an activity that will improve wellbeing from the following suggestions:
BODY- healthy foods, water, exercise, self massage, rest, mindfulness etc
ACHIEVEMENT: work, volunteering, starting a task, learn something new, wash the dishes etc
CONNECTION: Family, Friends BB forum, text, emails, saying hello to people in the street etc
ENJOYMRENT: hobbies, reading, crafts, gardening, music, youtube clips walking, exploring etc.
There may be activities that incorporate the different sections. I use a different coloured pen or texta to show which topics are covered. Another activity I can plan to restart next week!

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