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Self harm

Community Member
Hey, i was on these forums 2 years ago when i was 14. I am 16 and 17 in may, time flys. I have struggled with anxiety, depression, ocd, eating disorders/anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, ptsd, emetophobia and much else. i havnt been at school since early 2019 in year 9 now im in year 11 at a new school and im so behind anyways, Ive been admitted to the psych ward multiple times for attempts and when im not doing well. I have also been admitted to private psych wards.

Today i just wanted to ask if you struggle with self harm do you check the weather before you do it to see how hot it is gonna be for when you have to wear hoodies for the next few weeks. 

Anyways thanks for reading if you did,
12 Replies 12

Hi Izzy,

We're glad to have you back on the forums. We're so sorry to hear that you've had such a difficult journey and that you have been self harming. We're concerned about you and we are getting in touch to offer some extra support. We would strongly recommend that you get in touch with Kids Helpline when you're feeling overwhelmed- https://kidshelpline.com.au/  Kids Helpline counsellors can be contacted 24/7 by young people 25 and under via telephone and also via webchat if you go through the website provided. Moving to a new school can be tough, especially if you're feeling behind at school.

Headspace is another organisation we would recommend, they are specifically for young people aged 12-25 and they offer a wide range of services including counselling and group programs. They also have a group chat on their webpage - https://headspace.org.au/

It may also be useful to check out some of our tips for less harmlful alternatives to self harm - "Self harm and self injury" -  https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/suicide-prevention/feeling-suicidal/self-harm-and-self-injur...

Many of our members will understand and may be able to help. If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best help support you.

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Izzy

I read your post and wanted to send you a hug. You’ve been through a lot—too much—and it sounds as though you’ve been let down by the system.

I’m really sorry that you’re struggling with so many issues and wanting to hurt yourself. I realise you’re in a lot of pain right now. Perhaps it would help to delay acting on the urge to self-harm and having a chat with the folks at kids helpline, like Sophie wisely suggested.

I’m wondering if you’re receiving any professional help now? I think it would be really helpful, particularly as you’re struggling at school. Is this something you want to pursue?

Don’t worry too much about being behind, as there are many ways to complete high school. You might find you need to do it your way and that’s just fine.

I’m a mum who supported my daughter, who has OCD and anxiety, successfully complete high school and recover. (She also spent time in a psych ward at age 13).

I’m here for you if you want to talk.

Kind thoughts to you

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Izzy

You have a lot going on. How do you like your new school? Do you have any subjects you like? I really struggled with English, but my son loved it.

You've said you've been admitted a few times, when you're not doing too well. I'm wondering if you have support for the rest of the time? Of course, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. But it might help you manage things a bit better if you're getting some support before things get to that point.

I was talking to a friend today about SH thoughts, and we both have a plan in place, for things that we can do when we feel the urge to self harm. Some of those things are to talk to someone we trust and ask if they'll just sit with us (no need to talk), or she does gardening, I pat my dog. Maybe a plan might help you if you don't already have one, to find some alternatives to SH. What do you think?


Thank u to all of u. ive had such a shit year. I was dating this boy when i was 15 then he turned 18 and then i turned 16. we dated for 11 months. we broke up in august last year. its exactly 6 months today. He emtionall, sexually and mentally abused me. he took advantage of me as i was extremely vulnarable, he went to jail for a bit for stalking me and some other stuff. i have a restraining order agaisnt him but he never leaves my mind. he got arrested out the front of my new school and was on the news and now everyone at my new school knows that im his ex. he took photos of me naked whilst i was asleep. which thankfully the police found coz i had no idea about them and he was charged with child pornography. he goes to court next month and i find out soon if i have to go. i just have a lot going on and its so hard, the replys made me cry u guys are very sweet and i thank you a lot

thank u so much. ill be ok for now just a lot going through my head

also to add i have not seen my psych in a while as she wasnt helpful and its so hard to find someone else

thanks katy, i just i dont know how to talk about it to family as they are use to it and just say ill be fine

Community Member

Hi Izzy P 5, welcome.

I'm sorry to hear you're self harming lately, and having issues with your mental health, psych wards, etc. You're not alone.

Please know you're loved and cared for, including people here, you're in a good place.

Are you safe? Do you have anything you can do to distract yourself? Maybe play iSpy with yourself or someone? Draw?

Hey again Izzy

I'm sorry you went through all of that. It's understandable it's on your mind. It's pretty heavy stuff to deal with. I'm really glad you felt comfortable sharing here. It can be helpful to talk, yeah? I'm sorry you didn't find the psych helpful. Sometimes we just don't connect with people. Sophie has suggested some good resources if you do want to talk to someone. I've used helplines before, even just to purge and get my thoughts and feelings out. Or writing it in a journal too. But you're also just welcome to talk here if you feel like that's what you want to do. There's a bunch of good listeners here.
