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No One To Turn To

Community Member

I have a partner, a family & a few close friends.

But times when I feel like this, I can’t bring myself to confide in anyone. I’m laying in bed considering my options to “end” it & realise the only person who would even remotely understand might be my psychiatrist.

probably my fault as I don’t discuss my mental health battles with anyone. I hide it & lock it away & it just burns me from the inside out.

I don’t know what to do anymore, almost at the point of giving up

2 Replies 2


Hey TheBigBlue,

Thanks for reaching out tonight,

We can hear things are really difficult right now. We know it can be hard to open up about our mental health challenges, especially if you've been hurt in the past for doing so. We're really glad you're able to share your thoughts here with us. Are you still in contact with your psychiatrist? could you book another session to see them?

If you don't have many friends where you are at the moment, we'd suggest joining some local support groups or parent groups. You can find information on support groups is available on the Black Dog Institute site here - https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/resources-support/support-groups/

Please remember to reach out when you're feeling overwhelmed and needing to talk it through. You're never alone. In these moments you can get in touch with our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).

Always remember to call 000 (triple zero) if you are in immediate danger to yourself. 

We hope that you keep checking in to let us know how you're going, whenever you feel up to it.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi BigBlue,

I am here to talk with you.............Sometimes talking to a complete stranger is a really good way to get things off your chest. Discussing mental health issues is a really good avenue for healing and also a really good coping stategy. When I have terrible days, I call beyond blue. My husband is not really the best with understanding my feelings. You have done a very brave thing with reaching out to the forum, that is a positve start towards talking about your mental health battles. How are you currently feeling right now? And what is making you feel this way?

I care about you, and you have my support.