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Community Member

i've been going to a therapist since i was pretty young, around year 4 but only for anxiety and never anything bigger. recently i've been going through a rough patch and just felt kinda useless and lonely. when i told my therapist about this she asked my parents about anti depressants and they refused to try. since going through this rough patch i've only just started sh (about 2 months ago) and i think i should tell my therapist but don't know how. can anyone give advice?

2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hey guest_5147,


Rough patches can spiral very quickly, it becomes a challenge to keep up with everything that keeps toppling over you. It becomes overwhelming and I have seen many cases when sh becomes the easiest method of coping. But, it is not coping, it is just harm. We want to avoid that.


It’s so brave of you to reach out and here at the forums we are so glad, we are able to give words of advice. Congratulations on taking the first steps!! There is also beyond blue services on here that can give you the advice you might be looking for. What I can say is, if you trust your therapist, then addressing this is the best way to go. It may not come out as what you expect, and it may be extremely daunting. However, if you don’t address it now, things may go haywire before you know it. I speak from experience when I say that addiction is terrifying. 

I hope this gives you some clarity,


Community Champion
Community Champion

hello and welcome.


I'm sorry you've been struggling lately. It's understandable how you are feelin during a rough patch. While I won't go as far as call it advice, once thing I have done was to write an email to my therapist. Perhaps you might be able to do something similar? It enabled me to the "say" something that I could not say in person, but needed to get out. That may make it easier to open up face-to-face. Your therapist cares about you and wants to help. Being honest with her is an important first step so you can work through this together?


Even if you don't feel that you can do it at the moment, that you are writing about it here is a big step!