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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Good luck with your goals. Sounds like a great idea to try 4 different forms of exercise. Perhaps you could write a list and stick it up somewhere. Add to the list when you think of ideas and then tick them off when you actually do something.

Same for National Parks. When you have time look up NP that are within reach & perhaps find an interesting walk. Print the walk instructions off so when you have some time you can just pick one and go and explore the National Park. You could use a bulldog clip to attach ideas to the back of your calander so you don't lose them &are more likely to try them.

Today went for a walk with my son & his kids. Mr 6 was in a bad mood because we didn't go where he wanted but we ended up splitting up so I walked with the 6 & 8 yr old up the steep hill & back to the boys home while m son returned to our house with his toddler & my husband to pick up his car. Trying to keep up with the boys up the hill had my heart racing

Hello and are you OK there?

That is such a sweet and loving way to spend time with your dad walking and you being carried on his shoulders. It's beautiful.

Oh hello Elizabeth!

Merry Christmas to you. Thanks heaps for the tips about writing a list.

I will do what you suggested about the walks in the national park. Properly more likely to actually go if I have route instructions already handy and ready.

It is nice to see your name pop up too. And still walking with your grandsons, guessing all the restrictions have lessoned and that

Community Member

Went for a walk on the breakwater path again. It was super busy with people walking or jogging. I watched a couple of people on skateboards. And a few people zoomed past me on their electric scooters. That actually look fun on the electric scooter.

On the walk back, I noticed dogs on the doggie beach. One was bolting through the shallow water. So carefree and loving life. And there was a tiny one walking briskly just on the waters edge. Then a third dog running towards the bolting one. They ended up chasing one another and just having such a great time.

People were walking their dogs on leads on the path as well. I do like looking at dogs and especially their expressions on their faces. Most just look like they love bring alive with their happy faces.

I walked right to the end of the path and back

That's so true. I reckon a lot of dogs are happier and love unconditionally more than human's do.

I've been sedentary these last couple of weeks but look forward to swimming laps and being more active in general.
My eating has improved a lot now I need to also incorporate more exercise so I came to this thread for some inspiration.
How I can lay around on the couch all day beats me, but I will improve. I can only improve.

I believe you will improve MM. Reason being you were such a fighter with determination going after what was best for you in regards to all those issues with the injections and such. So I am thinking that same determination will carry over to other parts of your life.

Community Member
I went on another walk on the breakwater path today

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Shell(l)~

I wanted to say that you seem to have been more composed of late and that very much gladdens me. I do not speak to you often nowadays, but that does not mean I don't care and don't glance though your thread.

It is a good and gentle thread and attracts people who not only gain from the gentleness but give back too, Elizabeth and Mrs Dools to name but a couple.

I wish you good luck with your new year's resolution, walking is ideal, though if you tried to walk to the end of the breakwater where I was a lad it would be quite a task - 2.4klm long! I only ever did it couple of times, pulled along by my Nain (grandmother)


Community Member

Today I went for a walk along the beach, then up onto the breakwater path on the way back.

I noticed the sand feeling very soft on my feet as I made my way to the waters edge. I passed a fenced off area that said stay back drones. I looked up but did not see any.

I walked along, think I was looking down a lot. I do do that when I am struggling with something. I should remember to look up. I know it often makes me feel better when I do.

Anyway looking down I did notice piles of seaweed that smelt like ocean water and fish. Further along I noticed a tiny ball, about the size of a unshelled macadamia nut. I picked it up, because it just looked unusual. It was not a ball at all. It was a pinky colour with sort of a pattern on it and had little fine spikes. It did not feel spikey though. It also has a small hole on the top of it. And it rolls quite well on the damp sand.

It was a itty bitty sea urchin. I am not sure if the sea creature had gone or not. I don't know much about sea urchins. But I think it had, as it felt empty and looked fragile. I did not only just see one of them though. There were about 10 or so all washed up on the sand, right near the shore. I did start to count them as I walked along. Some where that pinky colour, some were more purple. They were sort of pretty in a way. I had never seen them on that particular beach. I just liked them.

Anyway I walked to the end, and sometimes in the water. Oh I did look up... because I remember seeing the dark low clouds that looked like they would burst with rain any minute. But they didn't. I even had the opportunity to sit in the sand for a while and mindlessly dig holes on the side of myself.

I noticed some seagulls just standing there, not far from me.

I ended up walking up a small sand hill to the breakwater path. I walked back on that with no shoes on. I didn't need to wear shoes as this path is brand new and it doesn't hurt your feet like the old concrete rocky path. I deliberately chose to notice what my feet were feeling as I walked along. The path felt gritty, and in section was warm.

Nearing the end, I noticed there were only a couple of dogs on the doggie beach this time. Not like last time I walked, that beach was fairly busy with dogs running around and having fun.

It started to rain towards the end of the walk. Very light pitter patter rain drops. I liked it.

Community Member

Ah Thankyou Croix for popping in and your well wishes. And I know that you care about me, as I have felt it before from you. That is tucked inside my heart. I often see you as a father figure.

I hope you are doing ok Croix. The breakwater you walked on with your grandmother ... I am assuming it is in England some where.