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Tips for staying well.

Community Member

I found these on-line forums nearly 10 months ago and what a find!

One thing which of late I've been able to do and it's helped me enormously is having and saying a positive affirmation to myself. Every morning, I wake up and tell myself that I am as talented and as flawed as everyone else, I tell myself this same thing when I am cleaning my teeth, looking myself straight in the eye via the bathroom mirror. Sometimes during the day if negative self talk creeps into my mind, I go back to BUT I am as talented and as flawed as everybody else, and I say it as often as I need to , to be able to say it with conviction. Some days aren't as good as others, some periods of a particular day aren't as good as other parts but positive self talk is so much better than the alternative. 

Years ago, someone told me to "fake it until you make it" most of us do this anyway, covering up our true fears and anxiety, putting on a smile when it really is not how we're feeling. I don't know when I started doing the affirmations and I don't know why they work for me.....they just do.

When my anxiety starts to rear it's ugly head, I stop, I breathe and I start with my affirmation. Sometimes, I only need to say it once, sometimes it's a mind numbing mantra which needs to be repeated 3, 5 or more times, when I've calmed down, there's another deep, cleansing breathe and a final...See, I told you, you are as talented and as flawed as everyone else! You are ok, just the way you are.

All the best,

Trish M.

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

What an awesome post Trish, thanks for sharing. You have found your own little "meditation" of sorts. The reason it is powerful, however, is because it is the truth. You are as flawed and as talented as everybody else! Truth. Powerful message.

Going back to your breath is also a great way to break the thought process which gets us in a pickle at times. Just breathing into our stomachs, slowly in and out, is a very powerful nervous system relaxant. And it is something we can control, at all times. 

I also have a daily tea ritual, where 3 to 4 times per day I'll simply focus on making tea (matcha is my tea of choice, but really any drink will do it provided the focus is there) for 5 - 10mins regardless of what I'm doing or thinking at the time. A nice way to slow down and focus on a basic, enjoyable activity. 

Exercise, meditation, walking, and so forth, are also nice simple and healthy ways to take back our present moment. 

All the best to you and thanks again.


Community Member

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the feedback and also for your staying well hints.

Great idea about the tea, surely we deserve a few minutes for ourselves each day and this has nothing to do with being selfish. It's also wonderful how you describe the "mindfulness" aspect of your tea ritual.....brilliant.....savouring each part of your process and fully engaging in the experience, I love your thinking. Things like this are simple, not necessarily easy but so worth the practice and WE DO DESERVE putting some time into ourselves and things we enjoy.

All the very best to you too Steve.

Kindest regards, Trish M.