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The wealth of love, the value of care

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

What a materialistic world in which we live. How much is enough to satisfy us?

While living in a caravan park in a 3 metre long 30yo van as my first residence after separation I met an old man. It was in 1996 and this old warrior had listened to me pour my heart out about losing my home, my full time fatherhood, my dog, my neighbours....everything!

Then, following a little silence, he said "on the Burma railway line we didnt think about what we didnt have, we valued what we had". So I listened to this war veteran in total awe.

Since then I've realised that material items do satisfy our lust for possessions but never fill any of the love we crave. A jetski wont ever hug you, an overseas trip wont listen to you and a new iphone wont love you.

In our lives tears drop easily. Is that bad? No, it does no harm...damn its wonderful! One of the few physical results of sadness and pain. It costs nothing, its beauty is taken for granted,, wiped away instantly, discarded, worthless irritant...yet its free and its part of us. Its a wonder.

So what of the privilege of wiping someones tear? Put a price on that. What's its value?

What about our ears? To do what some find difficult- to listen. Just nod, hold, embrace, look, but remain silent. The gift of silence not ruined by speech unless asked

Sharing goals. One of the most satisfying feelings of accomplishment is reaching goals others share with you. The Champions role here is one of those team spirited roles that oozes gratification, yet the accolades are few. Once in a while a comment of praise comes by and how valuable is it?...its mammoth.

Many years ago I stopped to help a lady that had obviously stopped her car on a road near bushland. I quickly realized she had hit a kangaroo. She was crying, howling even as she knelt on the grass next to the kangaroo. As I approached I hesitated as I placed my hand on her shoulder. As she looked up at me, tears falling, sniffling, I saw one of the most beautiful but saddest things I'd ever seen....an ophaned joey.

We organised refuse delivery. I bid the lady goodbye. The experience left me valuing even more the things we take for granted.

Material items have their value and supply enjoyment to our lives. We must place them at the bottom of the pyramid in regards to their value to us as human beings.

If we see how wonderful life can be, even in unfortunate circumstances, we get our priorities in order and that is living life how it should be experienced - lovingly...

Tony WK

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Very good post White

Tears ,free, a part of us. So true. Such a valuable out for emotion, happy or sad.
The privilege of wiping someone's tears. Wow beautifully said & felt

"What about our ears? To do what some find difficult- to listen. Just nod, hold, embrace, look, but remain silent. The gift of silence not ruined by speech unless asked"

Touch acknowledgement caring all so important.

Take good care White (Tony)