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Thank you Community Champions

Community Champion
Community Champion
Dear Community Champions,
I would like to offer you all my sincerest thanks and tell you of my admiration. Now at Christmas it seems the appropriate time to do so.

I joined the forums a couple of years ago, knowing nothing about bb and just expecting to have a quick browse.

The quality of your efforts to assist, the breadth of your knowledge, the empathy and caring you display and your tenacity to keep going no matter how difficult a post may be to answer have been a source of information, comfort and inspiration to me, and I’m sure to a multitude of others.

You started out as vague names and avatars, but over time it has become obvious that you are human - and have your own problems with which to deal, despite which you lead others.

You were and continue to be a real and enduring help.

I hope this Christmas is one you can look back on with fondness.


December 25, 2016
12 Replies 12

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Awwww, Croix, that's beautiful! Thank you so much!

And thank you for all the help and kindness you give on the forum. I love your posts - you are a valuable part of the BB community.

Hope you have a good day today Croix.

Cheers and merry Christmas



Oh Croix;

You always deliver my friend. How gracious and caring a post/thread. It's lovely to receive feedback and acknowledgement especially at Xmas. Thankyou so much...

Your presence here since you decided to contribute has been complementary and supportive to the site and its members. (Especially me)

Warm and affectionate thoughts...

Sara xoxo

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Kaz~

I am really pleased, thank you.

My lifestyle is changing and I've more time nowadays to interact on the forums, something that has really hit a chord with me. I think it is in no small part due to the fact that the whole organization is fueled by kindness and generosity, a haven in a commercial world.

May you ave the very best of Christmases


white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Thanks Croix

I recall a girl about 16yo wrote in once and said "I had a reply by White Knight 12 months ago and I pinned it on my bedroom wall and read it everyday".

Such words are priceless.

Your life without shift work and daily pressure will improve in quality to enable you to recover. Its great to have your here in this community.

Tony WK

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Tony~

Thank you,

I had a reply by White Knight 12 months ago and I pinned it on my bedroom wall and read it everyday

Having the ability to have such an effect is precious beyond words.


Hello Croix

Thank you so much for your warm comments. I appreciate this sort of feedback and I am certain the other Community Champions will be equally appreciative. You are also pretty terrific with your responses to others. I have followed your responses in some threads and noticed how helpful you have been. Keep it up because it all helps to give support to those who are struggling and need a hand.

Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Mary~

Saying thanks is the least I can do, and I also really appreciate your kind feedback.

I hope you have the sort of Christmas you can look back on in years to come with fond recollection.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Sara the Just

Words fail me (now that's a change) You are a pillar of strength

Thank you, Happy Christmas


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thank you Croix for your kind words of appreciation. Thank you also for being part of this community. I have no doubt your own insightful, caring posts have helped many.

You are right, being able to share, understand and support means we have experienced hardship ourselves. We have also learned coping strategies along the way. Using this personal combination of past experiences to the benefit of those in need is a double-sided gift. It contributes to turning negativity into its opposite...and so makes sense of otherwise pointless suffering.

Kindest thoughts.