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Meditation, Manifesting, Gratitude & The Law of Attraction

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone,

Not sure where to start so hope I can express myself clearly and maybe with others' input we can expand on this. I'm interested in people's thoughts/ experience with meditation, manifesting, gratitude & the law of attraction. I've recently started using the Smiling Mind app to meditate when going to sleep and sometimes when feeling a little anxious, like tonight. It is something i thought i could never do as my mind rarely stops, however, with persistence, I find I enjoy it. I guess i tend to have a negative mindset which I am determined to change.I always felt uneasy about thinking positive things as i thought i would jinx myself, and that whenever I made a positive comment or felt happy it would go wrong or something negative would happen. So i refrained from allowing myself to be too happy, I guess to 'protect' myself. Recently i have been feeling happier, stronger, expressing gratitude and taking note of when things have come to me when i needed them. Coincidence, or answers to what i put out to the Universe? I like to think the latter. A work colleague one day told me to manifest something i wanted, put it out to the universe , so I'm trying. Example, recently we needed to measure the floor space at reception so we could calculate how many people we could have in at one time. I needed a tape measure, which i did not have. At that moment our handyman walked into the office. Guess what he had? I am getting into the habit of practising positive thinking instead of thinking/expecting negatives. If something 'negative' does crop up, it can be dealt with, it's not the end of the world. I look for the positive in every negative situation. I am becoming more aware of being grateful for little things, things like getting a good car park at work, a warn cosy bed, a tidy house. I feel when i am expressing gratitude I am putting positive thoughts out into the universe and I notice more positives instead of focusing on negatives. Late last week we had internet issues at work and a colleague i found a little annoying. I've been feeling very drained, agitated, negative for a few days. This morning things were not running smoothly for me. A result of my negative mind perhaps? Little things became a big deal, my morning was crap. If i look back, it wasn't really an issue, i just did things in a different order which gave me more relax time this evening. The Law of Attraction, positive thoughts, positive experiences.

What are your thoughts?

cmf x

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I wanted to revive this thread and ask how people are going with their 'Law of Attraction' work.


I'm finding UPBEAT music to be a great stimulus for getting moving and getting things done.... "raising vibrations" as it were.

How do I visualise "less mozzies" lol! Oh yeah bought Mozzie coils... brb. Ok done lol.

Things are going well here in all sectors really. Got alot done inside the house on my leave over Summer with the help of Blue's Clues' Minimalism thread, LOVE that.

Still got a lot to do but we're getting there and that's something.

We have a BIG School Reunion this year, we have them every year, but this one's a big one (we hope). I decided to have an After Party back here for specific friends and want to have lots of painting and other stuff done by then. Doing it all myself, planning to anyway.

I decided to take some Long Service Leave around this time so I can do some snazzy things for myself beforehand. NOT Painting.

Looking forward to things is a something my Counsellor and I found I needed to do.

So that's a big thing.

Is anyone else focussing on attracting what they want in their lives?

Love EM

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi EM and all reading,

Sorry for late reply, have been busy and distracted with other things of late.

My vibration is low. My work colleague is lovely but can be very negative and moody. Weve6spomen of being positive, raising vibrations and letting go of things out of our control. I haven't been seeing as many repeated numbers as I was before all this so I'm def on a low. My goal this week is to change that.

Ive5been in my new full time role for 7 weeks now, im so blessed. I've had a few big expenses but its ok, I'm working full time so the Universe is taking care of me. Im very grateful as I would have he them anyway. I've been quite anxious again so need to work on changing this and thinking positively

Yep, I have a bit to do!


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Valued Contributor


We're Blessed too by having you on the forums.

Congratulations on your full time job!!
WOW! Happy Days!

I'm working FT too now. Hopefully can maintain this all year this time!
I'm definitely enjoying the pay increase.
Only had one fortnight's FT pay but wow I've used that to the hilt lol.

I hear you about having a very negative person in close proximity at work.
I moved my Office this year and am next to an extremely negative person. Today she didn't acknowledge any greetings of Hello or anything. Like a huge black storm cloud around her.

SO I'm putting up "sunny" and positive quotes all over the place in my spaces lol.


Onwards and UPwards!

Love EM

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Valued Contributor

Hi EM and CMF

Have to say you're both positively inspirational. You've definitely raised my vibe this morning. A big THANK YOU to you both.

Have been focusing too much on what is lacking in my life lately, which is not an entirely bad thing until it starts to become the #1 focus and lower your vibe a little. You've woken me up to replacing the lacking, placing it somewhere else so that abundance can come in and take its place.

Couldn't quite put my finger on what was causing my discontent up until recently. Decided to meditate on inspiration the other day, for an answer, when what came to mind was 'I can't live basically, a basic life. it's just not enough'. So the quest has become about reforming myself to live a life beyond basic. First thing I did was accept the challenge of signing up for a 2 day course at an amazing place called 'Mystical Dragon'. The course is about raising your vibe. I imagine you'd be able to relate to the fact that when your vibe is higher inspiration comes to mind more easily and the things we need to bring into our life become more obvious. When the vibe is higher the flow appears.

I can relate to there being key people whose vibe impacts yours. For me, it's my husband. He's a wonderful caring supportive man but one of his goals in life is to live as simply as possible. I've been so accommodating in living simply that it seemed I'd lost my spark to some degree. It can be a lonely experience when your partner doesn't want to add ventures to the relationship or seek excitement. From my experience, you gotta create energy to be able to feel energetic. At 54, he puts his lack of energy down to simply 'getting old'. Me, I want to 'get young', hence the vibe raising quest. Again, I thank you both for your inspiration. You've changed my outlook dramatically. You're gifts to this world.

You've inspired me to become more sensitive too. When the vibe's a little low at times I gotta learn to ask more

  • Am I sensitive to a challenge that's come about that I can't quite recognise?
  • Am I sensitive to a person who's influencing my energy?
  • Am I sensitive to the need for change?
  • Am I sensitive to the need to let go of an outdated idea or belief that doesn't serve me?

The list goes on when it comes to what influences may be at play, what changes the way we feel life.

My wish in this moment involves blessings for you both on your path, well deserved blessings/gifts from the Universe, in return for you both having gifted me a new perspective.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Dear Therising,

I've made my day.

Thank you x

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Dear therising, indeed you ARE! lol I think I've written that before to you, such a gentle generous soul.

Thankyou for all those Blessings too!
They must've included some more new bedding from Spotlight this afternoon lol, so THANK YOU!

My work is broadly in the field of 'disabilities' and the whole 'deficit model' of thinking drives me nuts.
Sure I have to analyse, test, score, measure and okay I'll do that BUT when I speak to the families and individuals I work with about HOW AWESOME THEY ARE, they shine!

They smile! Sometimes they cry - alot.
You can see love exuding from them, with a definite sense of relief, that I can see a whole lot more of than any "deficits".

We all have 'deficits' (Lord I can't stand that word lol)... or things we'd like to improve!

But and it's a big butt here.... how's that going for us as individuals?..
and in relationships?..
and in families?..
and the whole of society to ALWAYS focus on them. Eeeek. Awful.

We can choose to get bogged down in everything that's "wrong" with us or in our relationship or wherever....

OR drum roll...

We can look at the most beautiful parts of ourselves and others.
Our qualities, resources, anything that's wonderful.

therising, why live a life even beyond basic when it can be purely abundant!

A Brene Brown podcast I listened to on "Fear" was amazingly wonderful!
It's helped me turn the last bits of fear on it's head (the C-PTSD has so little lingering now, I'm SO GRATEFUL!).
Brene talks about....
"Thanking fear for trying to protect me".
I'm not really a perfectionist lol BUT if you are, thanking the perfectionism inside us for trying to encourage us to strive for better. IDK I'm still not a perfectionist lol!

Then imagining and visualising all the elements of our dream life.
As much as absolutely possible.
Then acting as if it's ALREADY here.

My bedding is lol, so I'll be unwrapping that after my Counselling session.

Love and many Blessings to you too therising AND you CMF and all the wonderful peeps reading.


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Oooops sorry I forgot to write that the OPPOSITE to the deficit model is having a GROWTH MINDSET.

Sunshine, rainbows and fairy floss. 🌈🥰😍🍀

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Oppps...I meant to say YOU"VE made my day.

So i am trying to change my focus to being positive. I have a dental appointment which has been causing me some anxiety. It is in May however I am on a wait list if an earlier appt comes up. I was anxious all weekend and sort of wishing i could get in earlier to just get it over with. Well today they called and told me they have an opening for tomorrow! So tomorrow it is.

Its been hard to find parking at work due to road works and last week so had to use 2 hour parking and keep moving the car which unsettles me. Today i just accepted that if that is the case so be it, it's out of my control. I got to work to find the road not closed off and was able to park all day. Bonus

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Valued Contributor

Wow CMF, you got what you wanted!

Thinking of you for the dentist tomorrow.

Well done with the car spaces at work lol.

Bringing miracle into your life with one change of mind.

Love EM

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Valued Contributor


I will definitely practice meditating on abundance. There are so many areas of my life where I can practice. Now I realise how lucky I am to be able to say that, to say I am free to practice in many areas of my life.

The fact that you work for other people's freedom to find the best in themselves and express that best in a world that does tend to focus on deficits makes the world a better place for having you in it. In spiritual terms, you'd be regarded as 'a light worker', a guide who brings about enlightenment, someone who sheds light on things and the truth for other people. You are the reason this world is not so dark. I've heard it said before that the life of a light worker can be filled with many challenges and much pain, things that are graduated through in order to find that light within. The more you graduate the more brilliant you become, to both your self and those around you.

I imagine we will always face challenge of some nature, for we are always graduating in some way. The 2 typically go hand in hand. To graduate through focusing on abundance, through a clear vision of the path ahead, means graduating through the magic, while maintaining a degree of flexibility and faith in the universe (that it knows best).

Okay, so, today I will begin practicing. I haven't practiced a lot in the past, when it comes to manifesting, but I do have a good imagination which I believe will serve me well in mastering this practice. I'm excited.

Happy dreams to you in fresh linen 🙂