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Making The Most Of Our Isolation

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all!

I would like to share a piece I wrote on making the most of your isolation and working out what matters most to you.



Physical distancing presents many challenges, but one benefit is that most of us can slow down, reorient our values and prioritise what matters most. Ask yourself… What do you want, need and truly care about?

Whether bunkered down with loved ones or acquaintances, they’re our in-person family, community and tribe for the next little while. Find a way to work together. If you’re by yourself, find ways to enjoy your own company.

It’s a crucial time for us to stay informed about what’s going on in our city, country and the world, but over-consuming news and getting sucked into social media holes is detrimental to our health. There’s plenty of important information out there, but there’s also lots of biased, unproven and impractical content. Know, trust and condense your sources.

At times, all of us need to turn off, tune out and disentangle from this new reality, but always seeking escapism won't serve us. Whether it’s watching Netflix, eating meals or conversing with others, see if you can treat it as an opportunity to experience something that educates or inspires, to laugh or make others laugh, to be creative, to feel energised.

Some things I’m enjoying right now include; extending my morning routine (which I’ll elaborate on in the future), reading, writing and sharing with others, discovering and developing online community groups and completing a course in permaculture living.

I feel very fortunate and grateful for my privilege, and that I have time, space and energy to explore these interests.

Whatever your situation is, know that you always have moments in time, even just 5 seconds, where you can close down your eyes, breathe deeply, check in with yourself and find some sense of peace.

Calm. Connected. Optimistic. Expansive. Inspired. Free. Many of us have, or will, experience these feelings as well.

Do you prioritise productivity, fulfilment, relaxation, helping others or something else? What can you do and enjoy more? How can you make the most of your isolation?

There's nothing to prove to anyone. Just be honest with yourself.


I would love to hear about any practices you are including in your home life to stay grounded and positive 🙂

I'm also very open to any feedback or reflections and I hope you enjoyed!


2 Replies 2

Community Member
Hi Nico!

This is really helpful, thank you for sharing! I think you're absolutely right! It is so very important not to forget your energy levels during a time like this when just turning on the television or radio or looking at your phone may instantly remind you of how isolated and scared people are right now.

One of the things I have found I have more energy for is creative thinking! I've recently felt the pull to start writing again - usually I draw, but I forgot how much I love writing stories too! It's a bit of escapism and I really feel that releasing those thoughts and feelings into a creative project is quite therapeutic! I've also taken the time to pick up other old hobbies and am playing the drums again after so many years just not bothering to try or feeling nervous about it.

I like the point you make about feeling fortunate and grateful for having the chance to explore those interests. I think it's a really nice reminder that we are still capable of so much! After all, when people tend to hit a wall, all it means is that you will find yourself being more creative to get to where you want to go! It's important not to underestimate our potential... we really can surprise ourselves!

Sending you all the best,

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Nimi,

Thank you for the lovely response 🙂

I think that having time and space - or even 'too much' time and feeling 'bored' - can generate some sense of creativity. At least that is what I am experiencing in this present moment. Writing is a big one for me as well!

Agree that we are all capable of so much, but I think it's also important to note that everyone should go at a pace that works for them, particularly during such an unprecedented time.
