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I'm struggling with alcohol abuse

Community Member

I want to stop drinking but I feel like I can't.

Due to my drinking I have lost friends because I have done or said things while I blacked out.

Drinking has affected my work and relationships.

I'm at a loss. I feel like I'm punishing myself. I have children and a partner who is trying to be supportive but I'm sure he's not going to want to put up with an alcoholic partner for too much longer.

I feel like a failure.

12 Replies 12

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Phoenix, hey first up, welcome to the beyondblue forums. You will see that it is a super relaxed, supportive and caring place to be so well done for coming here and posting.

You are not a failure, let me assure you of that. Even though you are feeling like it, you are not. Alcoholism affects many people in the community so you are not alone in this journey you are on.

Even though I have not had issues with alcohol, I have had close friends that have and continue to. What they have done to help is:

  • Gone to the GP and discussed it. If you have not yet done this, I highly recommend that you do. The GP will be able to help and give you strategies. Your drinking may be linked to a psychological matter so even more reason to see the GP.
  • Clear out all the alcohol from you house. Your partner is supportive so I think he would agree to it and maintain it.
  • My mate also, when ever he went out, did not take any money or credit cards with him so he could not have a sneaky drink.
  • He hit the gym and worked out his frustration that he couldn't have a drink.

They are only a couple of things that can be done but i do want you to go to the GP as soon as you can.

Again, I want to say that you are not a failure. You can get on top of this.

I will be here so if you want to post back and discuss further, more than happy to engage with you on it.


Community Member

Hi Mark, thank you for responding and your kind words.

My first step will be to get to the GP. I have previously sought support from a Psychologist and Counsellor for other issues but haven't been to see either for a while.

Hi Phoenix

there's a great thread on here called Battling the Booze you may find helpful. Lots of advice and sharing on there. I have found it useful over the past couple of years......please take a look...

I had no choice really to give up grog completely just over 4 years ago...still miss it! My reason was health....it damaged a part of my body that couldn't take any more.....after a couple of ugly episodes requiring emergency department intervention...I just couldn't go through that horrible experience again....nor put my loved ones through it....so I chose life instead..........(still miss it though..yep).......have a look at Battling The Booze and good luck..take care....

Thank you Moonstruck

Its nice to know I'm not the only one struggling and feeling pretty shitty about myself.

I'm at home from work again which makes me feel even shittier.

I feel like I have no one to turn to and thank you to you both for being here for me.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Phoenix, one thing that i can categorically say is that you are most certainly not alone in this journey. Please do not do this by yourself.

Yes you feel crap but please be kind to yourself. When you start to criticise yourself, stop and tell yourself that you have taken one almighty step to correct the problem and that takes courage to do. Yes this will take time to get full control of but that would never happen if you didn't have a start point and you have created that.

Great that you are going to the GP as well - awesome.


Community Member

Mark thank you for being here for me.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

You're welcome mate.

I ain't going anywhere so as long as you need support, got you covered.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Phoenix

i have always been a big drinker in the past. A few wines most days, more if I wasn't feeling great & binge drinking in social situations, life of the party,often to black out. My psychiatrists urged me for years to give it up. Almost 12 months ago my depression was so bad I was hospitalised for a few weeks. During that time I couldn't drink, I took up daily exercise & started eating healthy.

for the most part of that 12 months I have not been drinking & now realise how it was making the depression worse. In fact a few weeks ago I drank at a family celebration after no drinking for 8 months & it really messed with me. My anxiety went through the roof which led to more depression & for 3 days I couldn't get off the lounge & leave the house. So I am not drinking again because I hate going back to that place so I will stick to the gym instead.

everyones provided good advice in speaking to your GP. I don't know how bad the abuse is but at one stage my psych prescribed meds to take away the cravings, which it did, but at that time I didn't stick with it. The hardest times now for me is social situations where everyone else is drinking but it's getting easier and friends had to adjust to the new me.

i hope you get the help & support you need because believe me it does impact your mental health. I'm here if you need support.


Community Member
I'm so glad I found the courage to seek support here. I have to say there's no judgment from anyone here. Kindness does go a long way.