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Coping with Mental illness.

Community Member

i keep forgetting that coping with mental illness means developing a set of coping skills that works for you, building a routine that keeps your mental health stable, knowing what your triggers are and how to keep yourself safe and feel cared for when an episode comes up. it requires consistent upkeep. it’s not about finding a “magic fix” that will make your symptoms go away. it’s not about doing the work sometimes and never experiencing symptoms again. it’s accepting that mental illness is something you have and experience—similar to another health condition like diabetes that requires monitoring and upkeep. these health conditions aren’t different but they’re treated like they are. you have a mental illness and that’s okay. given how stigmatised it is, it’s something most people will not understand, but what matters right now is caring for yourself. tending to your needs. accepting what you cannot control and being there for yourself in ways you can control. you did not choose depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, addiction, eating disorders, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, etc. you did not choose any of these things. understanding that and accepting that is very important. so, let’s get better. let’s de-stigmatize mental illness. let’s recognise all that we have been through and how strong we are for making it through all of the pain. let’s also honour those who experienced mental illness but passed by suicide. they were strong, too, just like you. And most importantly, I am so proud of you.

2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


There is never enough of the type of posts like this one of yours, pure magic and soooo appreciated.


I have gone one step further in one aspect, when it comes to people that dont "get" mental illness, meaning they dont get it AND they have no empathy for it or tolerance. By that I mean basic tolerance, simply compassion is enough. We are after all crying out inside for help and understanding so a bit of compassion is welcomed. If that isnt there then I have little time for such people and that self imposed barrier has worked for me. All I require of myself is to be civil to such people but then the walls go up- purely for self protection.


Again, thankyou


Learn to Fly
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

What a fantastic post! So uplifting. Stating things as they are but promoting hope and motivating. It’s a constant work, often hard work but what isn’t? If we want to get strong muscles- we train, if we want to eat healthy- we make appropriate choices, if we want to know more about something- we read and learn. Nothing happens by itself. But whatever we work for and the results are ours and ours alone. This means satisfaction, feeling better, and at some point happy. Will this last forever? Nope. Will this be back? Yep. But you have to work for it.

Thanks so much. Loved your post.