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- awake and conscious, but feel like 'soul' has left...
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awake and conscious, but feel like 'soul' has left body? anyone?
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over the last 10 years I have had random, occasional bouts where I suddenly feel like I am still looking through my eyes, I can feel, hear and speak to those around me. But "I" feel like I have gone somewhere else and am trapped there. (And its not necessarily a nice place).
Does this feeling have a name?
It feels like I have gone to a place of "isolation and permanence" in that I am there, but my body and physical senses are still where I left them.
Usually I can distract myself by reading my phone, walking etc and I come back to myself.
this almost feels spiritual, but I am sure its chemical and neurological also.
it does seem to coincide with periods of stress.
anyone have some thoughts?
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Hi wallabyjack,
Thank you for your post. I appreciate you opening up about what you're going through; it sounds like it's quite confusing at times.
Although I'm always a bit wary in throwing terms out there, what you're describing sounds like some dissociation. I say this because often in dissociation it can feel like things 'aren't quite right'; maybe people don't feel like they're in their bodies, or their watching their world from behind their eyes - or a whole list of different ways. You said in your post that even though you are in your body you feel like you've gone somewhere else.
Does this sound like it's making sense or adding up to what you're experiencing?
If it is, there are absolutely ways to manage it, and knowing what triggers it is important (like times of stress). If it's not, then I'm way off base! Fortunately the forums are full of lots of different people who can support you anyway 🙂