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Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

My Heartfelt regret that I've been absent for the last couple of weeks or more, as I've had to have plastic surgery.

I will slowly return and I must say I'm sorry if anyone has been expecting a return reply from me but wasn't able to get.

My apologies.


12 Replies 12

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Geoff,

I hope all is ok and wish you a speedy recovery.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Great to have you back Geoff and speeding recovery with your surgery.

As you would say to us...take care of you first...

Great to have you back Geoff.

Cheers and Happy Festive season


Community Champion
Community Champion


there is no need for apology. You do a wonderful effort on the forum,

Please take all the time you need to get well before returning to the forum.

Wishing you all the best and hope your recovery is healthy and pain free.

Take care


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Geoff,

You need you right now, so replies and the forums can wait. We will be okay 😉

No apology needed. You have absolutely nothing be sorry for.

I hope you get plenty of rest and treat yourself with double the dose of self kindness as you recover.

Kindness & care,

Pepper xoxo

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

I'd really like to thank you all for your generous comments, each one has a special spot in my heart, you can't imagine how much I appreciate it, this also follows through with those who have posted on my home improvement thread.

It's frustrating typing with one finger, but it will get better.

My best thoughts.


Dear Geoff

Never a need to apologise. One finger typing is frustrating I can well imagine. However I suspect that, like most of us, you started with one finger.

Take your time to get back into the swing of things. My grandma used to say "More haste less speed". And it's true. You cannot rush the healing process.

All the best


Hello Mary, thanks as well, but it seems as though I'll need another operation, unfortunately.

Best wishes.


Community Champion
Community Champion


hanks for letting us know but that is disappointing news.

Re you in a lot of pain?

oping the surgery goes well.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Geoff,

I have just noticed your thread here. Sorry to read you have been out of action and even more sorry to know you may require another operation.

Wishing you all the best Geoff and hope you recover well from your recent surgery and any further treatment you require.

Cheers to you from Dools