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Anxiety from INJUSTICE

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

We grow up knowing right from wrong. We adults pride ourselves that we uphold our values. We battle with others to push for what is right and condemn what’s wrong.

For many of us with mental illness and extra sensitivities we react greater when issues occur but its is argueable that sometimes wrong things happen and we get caught up in situations that nearly anyone can get caught up in. Injustice done to us can happen anywhere, anytime then suddenly we are forced to defend. While defending our honour, when we are already fragile, we suffer greatly. It lowers our resilience to a new low.

Australia, a democracy. As someone once said “Democracy is evil, but better than the alternative” or similar. That’s an indication that there are faults in the system. Good examples can be googled like “the padington bear affair” and the “ colour TV affair” These are situations whereby politicians tried to re-enter the country and not pay tax on goods. The pressure the customs officer was under from their own supervisors was enormous. One officer ended up not being able to leave his unit such was the damage done.

In my case as a dog ranger/bylaws officer in the 1980’s I had an unblemished working record in prisons and investigations. I was subjected to pressure (directions) to favour a local politicians car in outer Melbourne. My boss wanted me to ignore that habit he had of parking in a disabled zone. I refused on strong principle. The zone wasn’t set aside for a fat cat to park their because his office was 10 metres away. There was a free car park 50 metres away. But this direction also came from higher above, the town clerk, a mate of the polly. You can see the problem. I could have, in hindsight told my boss that he had a choice- have troubles or patrol that street himself. He likely would have chosen the latter. But what occurred is that my righteousness and sensitivity on attempts to corrupt me, took hold.

The result was a panic attack (initially believed to be a heart attack) off work, an inquiry I instigated and lost as the scapegoat and an ombudsman inquiry that was ineffective regardless of evidence. Welcome to justice!. I did get on radio and in the Herald-Sun news but that was slim pickings compared to- losing my income, my health and family stress.

Upholding values doesn't pay the bills. There are times though that we should fight because the injustice is too great to ignore. If so, don't feel guilty- uphold your values but care for your well being.

Tony WK

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