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Alcohol Free Days

Community Member

Hi all,

I've been thinking for some time now that it's time for me to come off the alcohol.  Beer is my weapon (drink) of choice ... well it's not actually a weapon, it's more of a very close and comforting friend.  Yeah, that's it.

Oh and before I go on and drive some of you insane ... AFD is my abbreviation of Alcohol Free Days ... and each year I count how many I have.  Well, not each year, I've only been doing it for the last five years.  Is that kind of Obsessive Compulsive;  oh and the fact that I keep a daily diary for what happened in my day EVERY day;  and that's been going on for, wow, I'm coming up to my 20th year of keeping my daily diary.

And it's in my daily diary that I record down my AFD's.

So for the month of February (laughter I hear from my fellow readers - with exclamations of "Nice work Neil, choose the shortest month! - and you wouldn't be far wrong either!) I am going to chalk up 28 AFD's.  Of late I've been hammering it pretty hard of a night and I think my body is screaming for a dry out period. 

So it's cold turkey straight away ... with no easing into it.  I usually chip away at this kind of thing each year for the first 4 or so months ... and then come early May for the last 5 years, I stop totally - for a period of gee, well from early May to late September/early October.  This is because I compete in natural bodybuilding competitions and so I've gotta have that amount of time to work off the adorable beer gut that is associated with the elixer of the gods.  And it's amazing, cause each year I get rid of it, and I actually then see (for only a brief period of time) the most shy, timid and hard to spot creatures in the whole world - and they would be my abs!!  They come out for a short while, but then after a brief appearance they scurry off again, not to be seen again for another year!  Timid little creatures they are.

However it does cause me much sadness to know that my local bottle shop will suffer incredibly during February financially speaking.

So there you have it folks ... February the 1st and it coincides with AFD 1 for Neil - I'm actually glad that I've posted this cause it'll also keep me focussed and on track.  Because now that all you know, I can't be letting you down.

And I will sign off with a simple, bye for the time being (and I'll leave the cheersing till next month) 🙂



37 Replies 37

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Neil

AFD - good one!!

Well done for coming on here and letting us know what you are going to do.,  Because you know what - we'll all be checking on you!!! ha ha

Neil, you know you are amazing.  I just had to say that.  Body building - omg.!!  Neil, do you find that when you exercise a lot like you do that you feel better as in less depressed. (Can't explain what I'm trying to say)

OK, tomorrow I am going for a 5 km walk and then go to the beach.  You now have inspired me to get fit and keep going.

Sorry I am digressing as you would put it!!

Wishing you all the best for your AFD February.  Let's count down!!!

Jo 🙂

Community Member

Hi Jo

And thanx.  For all of your post.  🙂

And I won't do this everyday, but chalk up AFD 1.   But whoa, when I wrote that post it was like, really early evening.  Not long after that, me decided to get the shakes for some silly reason ... even though it was 35 degrees outside.  Then that calmed down and then I thought the best way to get through the first night is to hit the sack.

So tablets taken and by 9pm, I was in bed.

And slept fine till about 1:30am.  And then I proceeded to see each hour tick by, till I don't know somewhere between 4am and 5am, I drifted back to sleep.

That is definitely not me ... and unlike so many of my fellow sufferers, I generally can get a pretty decent night's sleep - but last night, be it coincidence or whatever, wasn't so flash.  Oh well, one in a long many ... I shouldn't have even written about it.

Jo, I know exactly what you're referring too and YES is the answer.  My gym sessions are a brilliant release for my tension, stress and yes, I believe that they do help my depression.  Having said all that, there have been many times when I've had to battle with my mind to either get to the gym OR EVEN when at the gym (last Sunday for example) I had to really push myself just to stay there.

So even though the gym is my second sanctuary ... behind home, my dog toddles along to the gym with me and does his best to drag me out.

I've always been into sports and exercise ... but now I'm just mostly into weights.  I just love that exercise, the lifting, the feel of it, the pump, the adrenaline flow and yes when you get that stage of exercise, the endorphins come to the fore as well.  And I tell you, those little endorphins are like an anti-depressant ... as I'm sure they get out into the system and punch above their weight, throwing lefts and rights at the black dog.

Holy ... here I've gone off again, when this is supposed to be about my time off or on the wagon ... I think it might be off.  But as always, I stand corrected.

Cheers with water,



Community Member

Hi Neil,

AFD. I like that. Better than the acronym I used to have for myself...SFA. (Sweet functioning alcoholic) 

So many calories in alcohol....that's pretty much the only way I can look at it now and keep up with my AFDs. And yes my timid little abs have also made an appearance recently. I wondered what they were at first. 

No doubt about it, it's hard to feel anxious or depressed when your muscles are burning and your heart is pounding (in a healthy good way...not in an alcohol withdrawal kind of way) and your breathing so hard. I love it and motivation is not usually a problem for me...knowing how much better I'll feel just for that one hour is enough to get me there.

So I hope AFD 2 goes well and you have a better sleep tonight.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Neil,

How did day 2 go?  Neil, back on the exercise thing ...... if I use hand weights will I tone up. I'm only walking with the dog or on my own or with hubby.  Oops I keep forgetting those damn lunges!!!! they hurt so much, Ok, maybe I can start them again

Take care,


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Congrats Neil! I'll be keen to see how you go, I always find myself much better mood wise when I;m not drinking, much as I hate to admit it. Have you heard of Febfast? 

Community Member

I really like this idea Neil.  I remember the days when the thought of going alcohol free for a day seemed like an impossible task, let alone a whole month.  I salute you for this decision!

I think it's so great, your decision to go drink free for Feb.  I like it not because I hate the demon drink (because I don't, I believe most things are ok in moderation) but because it will be an awesome way for you to show yourself that YOU are in charge of your life - not mental illness, or outside factors.  It will be a testament to your strength of character and gives you a goal which will lead to a sense of motivation, pride and accomplishment - those things are important.

Do you understand what I'm saying?  I feel like I'm having trouble explaining myself today, but I hope you get the gist of it 🙂

Also, on the exercise thing.  Wow, bodybuilding!  that takes a lot of work and dedication!  Any hints for someone just starting out on their fitness journey?  What keeps you going back to the gym?  Do you have a schedule?  I tend to miss a day or two of exercise then get discouraged, give up and go eat half a block of chocolate. lol.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Scorch

Re: exercise - that is me; that's what I do - get motivated for a little while then bang something happens and i get unmotivated to start again.  Maybe we need Neil as our "online forum member personal trainer" !!! LOL  (Neil what do you reckon??)

I think with exercise you have to find something that (a) you enjoy doing and (b) you feel good when doing it and after and (c) it can fit in with whatever lifestyle we have. Pointless joining a gym when you can't get there enough times to reap the benefits.

Neil - any suggestions??  I love this, this is so good


Community Member

Hi Jo,

LOL!  What a great idea! I think we should definitely hit Neil up as our online forum member personal trainer.

Looks like a new career opportunity could be in the works Neil.  😉

Community Member


I’m sitting here and have tears rolling down my face.  I’m getting to the stage of I don’t know … a breakdown, perhaps.  I don’t know.  You’ve touched on a subject that I really LOVE to talk about, (OMG I hear you exclaim – not another one) but I just can’t at the moment.  I will get back to you all I promise but I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m going to visit Tears quickly and then might go out for a while.
