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Talking to a parent about gender

Community Member

I am struggling to talk to my mum about gender dysphoria and being trans. I don't have any siblings and I have a single mum, so there isn't anyone else that I feel close enough to talk to. I'm worried that she'll just say that it's normal for kids my age, as I'm almost 13. How do I talk to her about it while telling her that I'm sure about this?

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear New Member~

Welcome here, a good place to come to find others with similar experiences, it is a very worrying situation to be in. If you use  the find spyglass above you can search for 'trans' (no quotes) and you will find a fair number of hits on this problem and other related matters too.


Can I suggest, if you have not done so already, you contact Qlife, an organisation for the  LGBTQIA+ communities, you can use phone or web-chat. They have a lot of experiences and are very helpful.


I would think you probably know your mum well and if she is not very knowledgeable about this subject you could suggest she contacts Qlife separately, they assist parents and and tell them what they need to know.


It may feel like you are alone with this problem, you are not, and will be welcome here whenever you wish

