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Asexual with lesbian tendencies

Captain T
Community Member

Hi all


Im a little confused as to how I feel. Some deep soul searching and I know that I am asexual. I’m not interested in sex. But I like the closeness of a female relationship, not that I’m sure I want that. Is this possible or do I have everything all wrong? 

5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


Thankyou for your post. We community champions are lived experienced members plus members here that might help but we arent professional so just bare that in mind of our limitations.


Although you are "confused" I like how you know that and want clarity. The most important thing I feel is to pursue whatever comes natural with your desires for friendship or other. Eg I'm heterosexual, married kids and 68yo. but my wife knows that due to my sensitivity I have far more female friends than male friends. The worst case for discomfort for me is being in a pub amongst a bunch of alpha males talking tough lol. That isnt me.


So you dont have it all wrong at all and I suggest that with any interests you have, hobbies, sports etc that you gravitate towards them for the sort of friendship that you are comfortable being in. A local music group that includes females could be a start or any group that includes females just to get your networking started.


What is important for your mental health is to remove any guilty feelings that pull you towards any stereotyping that we are all subjected to growing up. You are you Captain T, that means nobody on this planet is like you, embrace that as a gift, as an individual you are as wonderful as the next person and the next. Your journey in life has many forks in the road, choose the fork on each occasions as you'd choose, not anyone else and you'll blossom into a confident person that nobody should criticise.



Community Champion
Community Champion

hello and welcome.


firstly, apologies for the delay in anyone responding to you. I hope (truly) that you get to see this. And ... hopefully my reply will make a little (as in some) sense to you -


Before I say (what I was going to) I want you to know that it is OK to feel confused. But I would also say here that you do you. When I comes to my mental health, I have to say that I have garden variety depression, anxiety etc. I also a medical thing, and there it also sits in a grey area. It is sometimes hard (?) to not be able to put myself into a box/category if some sort, because that would be so much easier. So I will throw this question to you ...


What stops a person from both asexual and having to desire of a female relationship?


After all, we (humans) are made for connection. I guess it depends on the type of connection. And in your case, it might be asexual. I am not saying what it is or isn't. It does not make you odd or having it wrong. It makes you... you.


Listening if you want to chat more...

Community Member

It's completely valid to feel unsure or confused about your feelings, especially when it comes to something as personal as sexuality.


Being asexual means not feeling sexual attraction, but it doesn't mean you can't desire or enjoy close emotional relationships, whether they're with friends or potentially something more romantic.


Everyone's experiences with sexuality and relationships are unique, so there's no right or wrong way to feel.


Take your time to explore and understand what feels right for you.


It's okay to have questions and uncertainties along the way.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Captain T


I find soul searching to be an interesting thing. The more of your soul you search for and connect with, the more things change. It can become more about feeling and less about thinking. Instead of 'What do I think about this?', it's more so 'How do I really feel about this?'. In a way, it's about becoming thoughtless to some degree (in a positive way) and, as a consequence, our beliefs (aka 'collections of thoughts') start to change.


I never intended to become one of those mind/body/spirit woo woo gals😁, it just kinda happened that way, as a consequence as going down the 'Who am I and how do I tick?' rabbit hole. My gosh, that thing's extensive. From 'What is emotion?' to 'Oh, I never considered it as energy in motion or e-motion (something that can be felt)' through to 'Well that's interesting, how that ties into elements of quantum physics (the behaviour of energy)', as I say it's extensive. Whether looking at things from the perspective of soulfulness or spirituality or from the perspective of quantum physics, we're basically energetic creatures, one way or another. From every energetic cell vibrating or vibing at some volume and frequency, through to the energy in our chemistry and chemical reactions and all the way through to the energetic connection we give off and feel from others, all this dictates how we feel everything, including life itself. Energy expressed, suppressed, depressed or energy in a state of intense hyperactivity or extreme excitement (whether it be pure joy or anxiety) can be felt. So, after all that, you could say 'I will feel my energy in different forms, expressing itself differently. I may feel it as high sexual energy and attraction or calm peaceful attraction without feeling sexual elements. I may feel zero attraction, attraction to masculine energy, attraction to feminine energy or attraction to either (without discrimination)' and so on. Then there are people who enjoy 'group energy' because of it's intensity. While I enjoy the energy of certain groups, I smile when I say that group sexual energy's definitely not my thing but, hey, each to their own. As long as there's no harm in how we express our energy, that becomes our truth, 'No harm done, in how I express myself'.


There's a gentleness about feminine energy. It can be soft and calm, nurturing and joyful in a peaceful light kind of way. Btw, I'm not a fan of alpha females, just as I'm not a fan of alpha males. Such people tend to feel too sharp, hard and suffocating. I find them very uncomfortable to be around. Everyone has a feel to them. At the end of the day, we may constantly change throughout our life while finding who we naturally are along the way but there is one thing that will never change...we are feelers on a spectrum of feeling, from feeling nothing or numbness all the way through to feeling extreme excitement and everything in between. For some, not all, when the question is asked 'How do you feel?', the answer can be 'I feel through my soul'. 🙂

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Sexual attraction is just one of seven types of attraction.  Asexuality exists on a spectrum and there are a significant number of labels that people use to describe their asexuality.  There are romantic labels that align with sexuality labels - heteroromantic, homoromantic, aromantic, etc.

The label "AroAce" applies to me - the sub-labels  "gray-romantic" & "sex averse/repulsed" probably apply to me too.  I use these labels to quickly, but not accurately, describe my sexual & romantic attraction when interacting with other people in the asexual/aromantic communities.  Intellectual attraction is the most dominant "pull" when it comes to my attraction to another person.