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Struggling with being a long distance from husband. Feel lost, sad, lonely and confused

Community Member

I am Australian, My husband and I live in the UK but after an issue with my visa when we we’re returning from holiday I wasn’t able to return home with him and had to come to Australia to stay with family to wait for the visa to be sorted.


I have now been here in Australia for 8 months while he is there taking care of the house and continuing working. 

I have been struggling lot the past few months and begging him to visit but their is always a reason he won’t.


Last weekend I found out he asked a women to go for a night out with him, she is an old friend from his past they were close 10 years ago. I have never met her I didn’t even know they kept in contact he never mentions her never introduced us nothing.


This was a huge shock because

1 I don’t know this woman 

2 I didn’t know they were in contact 

3 I just don’t agree with a married man or woman having a one on one meet up with the opposite gender.


We have been arguing about it all week. He said he didn’t tell me because he knew I’d get upset so to me this makes it worse, he knew I wouldn’t be happy about it and choose to do it anyway and to keep it from me. I’m just so lost my mind is going crazy I am depressed and anxious. I’m just really struggling.

2 Replies 2

Maisy Nina
Community Member

Hi there,


I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time, it sounds really taxing. I don't have any advice to give you, but I just wanted you to know that you have been heard and I am sending positive thoughts, encouragement and blessings your way. (I too lived in the UK with my ex-boyfriend for over 5 years and it broke up because essentially he couldn't commit to coming back to Australia to settle down, even after saying numerous times that it was what he wanted)... Anyway, I hope you are able to sort things out between you and that you are able to feel much better soon xo

Thank you so much!