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Partner wants to move back to Perth without me

Community Member

I live in Melbourne. He moved here to be with me and after 1 year of living in Melbourne he now tells me he wants to move back to perth because: the economy is not good, Victoria is expensive, his family and friends are back in Perth, he is unhappy with the company he works for. I suggested changing companies and moving to a different suburb but he is not wanting to try those suggestions. He says he is miserable here and wants family/friends support and the support I have given him is different to what he needs. Now he tells me we can still be together while he is still here but we will have to break up once he leaves as he has no intentions of moving back to Melbourne. I feel confused, isolated and betrayed. We had plans to build a life together and I feel like he is throwing all that away for family and friends and work. I feel like he is quitting on me and he is running away thinking the grass is greener on the other side.

2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

I'm a 67yo man that has worked with men all my life. In the defence forces, security work and so on. You get to know your colleagues and often their secrets. I don't want to criticise generally but a good percentage.. well I wouldn't like to be a female looking for a loyal devoted partner.


What matters in your situation is- what you want. Following his scattered non specific excuses for what appears as a future separation, you should imo evaluate that if his views aren't in line with yours, then why waste your precious time with him?


If you feel used or, convenient until he relocates, I hardly blame you.


I don't think you'll change his mind. His comments don't seem to be aligned with loving you.


That's the bottom line. You deserve better


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

But the thought never crossed your mind that you could move to Perth?

Relationships can be a double edged sword at times, and commitment can mean sacrifices of epic proportions.

Not sure either party is fully invested in the long term here.

Interesting that the only excuse NOT used was that he no longer loved you... isn't this all that really matters?