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living alone
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Wondering do you live alone if you don't mind me asking , and how long for , how do you find it ?
No need for any details if your not comfortable or anything like that, not prying just wondering about it all.
l've been living alone on off mostly 5yrs now since splitting with ex w. My daughter use to stay a lot but not much these days, 16, bf and friends over in her town, 20mins away . Also had a friend staying over a lot for awhile or me her place, separate rooms just friends. Then met my gf, together nearly two but 70% long distance,talking 24 7 non the mess but still mostly living alone. That ahsn't worked out and, still living alone.
It's the first time really since late teens and what a time of life for it to come along. l'm just wondering? l'm afraid l just can't get use to it or like it . Although times it's good also , like coming home tired, kick back for the night do your thing, watch what you want or sleep all day or listen to whatever you please as loud as you want day or night, no one else to worry about or please. It can be nice when the wk end rolls round too in ways , same reasons.
But , l still have a lot of trouble with it , don't think l'll ever get use to it. Even though there were plenty of times married would've given anything for this kinda freedom sometimes.
This house is pretty big , to me too big for one, one and a bit if my d stays. Not really into friends hangin round too often , assuming l had a few anyways, new town. But l think a smaller house would help , dunno how some people especially rich people live in monster mansions alone. l've even thought of sharing , got a spare room, it'd help the finances too. But tbh , getting a bit past that with a stranger and it'd cramp my style a bit and spoil the things l do like about this new life alone right now and having all this space to myself.
But over all , l'm really feeling the loneliness. Just don't know what to do about it though, how to deal with it . l feel like l'll get sorta lost in my own non existent world if l'm not careful. l do get out and about quite a bit actually but it's usually alone too. l've always enjoyed alone time even as a kid but l seem to have lost that these days and l find it's really taking it's toll on spirits and like life is passing by.
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Yeah, I'm all good 😊
Sitting back for now is a good idea. Remember, it's out of your control. Ride the wave, see where things go.
Cmf x
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Yeah think your right .
Gonna try to just get on with life for now. l mean we could do the time that's not a prob , not nice but not a problem, it's more all her stuff . Had a dream last night we didn't contact for 3mths and she sudden;y called out of the blue all happy again , baby l can come home, it's all done. Ha, not that l put anything in dreams be nice if this one was true though.
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Manifest it. Put it out there.
The Universe will respond.
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Haaa, don't have that kinda mental energy left right now l'm afraid but eh nice thought.
Having lunch with m right now l guess eh , Sunday, hope you enjoy some time.
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Hey rx
I'm really feeling the confusion and frustration... but I also see very clearly here you have so much love for her. It's showing even here.
Ofcourse it's pretty obvious since you've supported her and hung in there in a LDR... which you know I'm in too and it's no freaking easy road FOR SURE.
Even the thought of having a break has precipitated a dream where you're SO HAPPY she's coming home.
Rx from my POV you probably have no choice but to hang in there. Your heart is so invested.
I remember you mentioned a possible immigration issue that could mean she has to leave?
Is this on the table too?
PS: Sorry I've been MIA had a hell of a family crisis which took and takes so much energy.
Keep the faith rx, with you all the way,
Love EM
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Ahhhhh em, thanks for that . But hey no need to worry about little ol 6ft me with crisis's on your hands no worries at all, thanks very much though none the less.
tbh l had a lot of dreams last night head was spinning trying to sleep . Not gf stuff just one of those crazy nights where ur mind won't stop. l usually dream a lot on those if l do eventually get to sleep, grain of salt. Not expecting or hoping anything or any time soon , except that she can take care of herself. lt feels good to be having this time now and just getting on with things for awhile tbh,life, 12mths of all over the shop, need to step back.
l can usually feel things though but on this one, l'm too close it gets muddled when ur too close. "Someone", is in my cards though and they just won't leave. Who it is , l can't tell , again too close, it's been going on over 3yrs though and it's very freaky that it's still coming up, but it's someone. Maybe she does get through this , no clue.
Might burn the cards again like l did last time they were telling me something and would not let up- that shutem up haha.
Hope things are coming good at home , and you maybe even get some sunday night chill in. rx
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Hey rx
Do you mean "on the cards" as in Tarot cards?
Or do you mean a "sense" that someone is "close" and a person who'll be special to you?
Yes that sense can be a strong one and you're probably right.
I hope things settle REALLY fast for GF, then you guys can work out yay or nay.
Hope the dreams settle soon!
Gotta get on with my day, had to rescue 6 little hens last week and they're taking lots of time, but so sweet just the same.
Take care, talk soon
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Morng all , and thanks to em. Good luck with the hens.
There was a cocky sitting alone beside the road outside my place the other day,Usually that mean he's injured . Thought about do l want to take on another injured bird right now the last one was a Galah we called him Picasso but he was a wild handful and he was in more danger anyway with us , from my daughters cat in the end, than he would've been if l'd left him anyway. love all parrots, but we took him to the shelter after persisting a wk or max would've had him for dinner in the end. lf you don't have cages on hand they go wild round the house fly into the glass and all sorts so it can be a real nightmare, especially with a cat. ln the end l went over to see the cocky , he barked up at me then ran a bit then flew off a few 100mthrs over into paddocks, so that took care of that anyway, hope he'll be ok.
Anyway we dropped in to see what become of Picasso last yr and she wound up loving him too much to find him a home and kept him. So he now lives a life of spoilt luxury around her house and fighting with all the other animals she takes in , he's a happy fella
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Anyway , yeah both actually.
l can usually feel someone or a situation , cards just confirm it really. l knew when l was meeting her, knew l'd meet my ex w before too .
In this with gf though , l';m too close now, things get muddled , senses get confused , especially with her frame right now so l just really don't know how to handle it without those clear. The cards yeah , l've always done cards, but l only use to use them to assist with work though really, not life. With your own business it's really hard making decisions sometimes and cards help.l'd usually block anything life out with them just focus on the work thing at hand. l mean you don't go jumping off a cliff just bc a card say so , but you know when they're right or wrong and it's helped many a time actually , it's kinda just like a second opinion , doesn't mean u do it , but it can confirm things.
Oddly though yeah they've been showing love cards 3yrs now, since before we met. But as l say l don;t use them in life matters only business but they're forcing this love thing and it's still coming, lt'll all sound crazy l know but they're usually spot on. Trouble is l don't know what they're saying or about who. like l said it's only an opinion do with it what you like but this has never happened with them before and and it's very bizarre.
lt's probably gf , in which case it'd mean yeah she holds up and it all works out. but l just can't tell. My daughter does tarot she's very good well this someone comes up every time with her to if she does a hand for me.She says the same as me, it reads like gf , but that all looks hopeless right now, so even she can't tell, it's blurred for her too.
Anyway , l'm a pretty practical person and my biggest concern with gf is firstly , just for her and her frame lately , l just hope she can hold up and keep her strength, she's really worried she can't and l don't say of course but l am too. But 2ndly it all looks really 50 50 atm , us , her situation , visa problems all of it , it could go either way and l just can't feel it, too close . So with 2 1/2 yrs , it's just so damn blurry about whether to hang in there or not.
Trouble is all this time, l kind of need to know what l';m doing and where l'm at for plans this yr. not to mention life in general, it's all been on hold and what ifs so long , just need some clear damn direction for myself again , yaknow.
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Anyway , think l'm gonna get rid of this deck too , they aren't helping anymore it's just confusing things.
l only started using them again 4 yrs ago after 15yrs , but it hasn't been helping, especially with this someone dominating over 3yrs now. They won't even tell me about work answers l need anymore .