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friendship taken away. can Men & Women be besties ?
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Hey guys so im 40 with 2 kids & a wife,a good job but because ive focused on work & family friends have slipped away. I was lonely & looking for friends. New neighbours moved into the street & our kids got along well so i used that as an excuse to catch up, my dream was for both families to be close. I organised bbq's get togethers, footy nights, boxing at the pub , lunches out & dinners out.There was a couple of boys nights where the dads had beers & watched footy & a couple of girls nights where the Mums saw a movie or drank wine. I suppose I used our kids friendship to get close to them. After 18 months i thought it was going well. The neighbour's wife was more friendly than the husband & i messaged her a lot to organise the catch ups & kids play dates, i though this helped strengthen the friendship
One night the Mums had a wine night at the neighbour's house. my wife txt at midnight for a lift home & i drove the 500m up the street to pick her up. When i got there the neighbours Mum offers me a bourbon and i get on it with her. My Wife decides she is tired & goes home leaving us alone.Me & neighbours Mum have the best night ever as mates drinking & laughing until 5am. I realise she is wasted so i put her to bed innocently at 5am & i walk home thinking we are best friends for life.
So i see neighbour's Wife a few times & im chummy as thinking were besties. Then after 2 weeks she just blows up at Me & tells Me she cant remember the night She was too drunk & from now on all our conversation should be left for when her husband is around
I lost it a bit & desperately sent a lot of txt & messanger messages saying nothing inappropriate happened, we were mates. Our friendship meant the world to Me
After some messaging between us she got nasty & said She felt uncomfortable around Me, we were never friends , she only hung out so our kids could be friends & She dosnt want to speak to Me She's happy to be friends with My Wife but not Me
We havent spoken since
Im totally devestated & struggling to get over it as she wont talk to me at all
obviously the friendship is over but i cant move on
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lad you might be feeling better. For the record , my husband, now Long dead, would agree with you about ww
hy women make better friends. Women are more chatty and willing to be open it is great to find men who respond to that. My husband was a hairdresser and adored women. It didn’t make me jealous rather appreciative of him. He was the man at a bbq who was not with the men,rocking on their feet and admiring themselves, but with the women, gossiping and laughing. But his work gave him that in. He would also never cross any boundaries.
There are lots of people out there to be friends with, it is this woman who had the problem
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Thanks Tess2
I really appreciate your input, the B.B. community has really helped Me through this drama
Me growing up with 2 older sisters and their friends hanging around and then having a Wife & 2 Daughter’s Probably makes Me more comfortable around Women than a lot of guys would be
Your Husband sounds like a beautiful soul sorry for your loss, but your memories of him have helped Me with my perspective on life 🙂 thank you for sharing
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Coffelover and everyone reading or posting here,
This is a great thread and has involved beyond your issue, into a very interesting discussion about male and female friendship and the advantages and the pitfalls.
In an ideal world it would be possible but once other people are involved it can be incredibly awkward and difficult.
I know a friend who is friends with her ex and his new wife and friend's husband is ok about that.
This I suppose is rare and is even more complicated than being friends with someone you have never been romantically involved with.
I wonder if people in their 20s will approach this difficulty. I know a woman in her 30s and single was best man at her male friends wedding.
I find it fascinating. I am sorry coffee lover that the friendship ended for you but I appreciate you sharing the dilemma with us.
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Hi everyone,
I’m 25 and finding
this conversation of a great insight, as this is a question I’ve
been asking myself. Since my ex and I broke-up 8 months ago I’ve
been quiet lonely and have missed the deep level friendship one gets
in a relationship more than anything else. I’ve got a small
friendship circle, but no one I can really rely on for a deep
conversation. I’m not really in a stable or responsible spot in
life and so don’t feel comfortable entering into a full-blown
relationship. Ideally then I’m looking for someone to be best mates
A few months ago I
was trawling around on a dating website, just looking, not really
expecting to find what I was looking for. Eventually after a week I
came across this woman with what was a fairly cryptic but profoundly
compelling profile. What she had written just popped right out at me
and I could tell we were going through something similar. I sent a
heartfelt message basically explaining how much her profile had
touched me. Her reply was pretty cautious but I could tell her
intrigue was as strong as mine, after establishing intentions we
actually set a meet. In her view we should just meet and bear
ourselves to each other as people just didn’t do that kind of
thing. It was an amazing meeting, we talked nonstop 2+ hours and if
she didn’t have to leave I reckon we could’ve been there hours
She made it clear in
that meeting that she’s still hung up on one of her ex’s and that
she has intentions of winning him back. I explained that my
intentions are that of purely friendship, and that in someways I’m
still attached to the memory of my ex. It seems like we have an
understanding and might become really good friends. We have one or
two more fantastic meetings, but then one day out of blue she’s
asks if I’m available to talk. We meetup and she starts talking
about her plan to go and confront and apologise to her ex. I’m
totally supportive and listen to her plan which sounded solid and
well thought out. For valid reasons she can only go and see him at a
certain time on a certain day. We meet a few times before the date
she plans to woo her ex, when that date comes I wish her luck and
enquired afterwards how it went. She hasn’t replied since. It could
just be that I’ve been too eager in being apart of her life, clingy
almost, or maybe she’s gotten back with her ex and I’m a
irrelevancy, perhaps it went bad and she’s embarrassed, or maybe
she just got board of me.
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Shes inspired me, in
a way she’s the person I wish I was. It felt like I learnt
something new about myself every-time I met up with her. I thought my
companionship, honesty and friendship might have been valued higher,
but I guess not. She’s had a massive impact on me, and I’m left
just trying to make the most of what I’ve gained from it.
I’m not sure if
women and men can be close friends or not. I feel women are often
easier to talk to on that deeper level. Men can be closed or cryptic.
I wear my life, on my sleeve, and there’s very few areas I would
not discuss even with strangers, though I try not to gossip or
divulge others confidence. But I find most people even old friends
are really confronted with talking about ones deeper issues if
there’s no connection. So I’m not sure if I just haven't found
the right guy/gal to connect with yet.
It’s also made me
reflect on the kind of relationship I had with my ex, and if anything
I wish that relationship had remained good friends rather than having
gotten romantically entangled. Hindsight is a gift and a burden.
Sorry for the double
post. I can waffle 😞
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hello all
Thanks for your posts which do not waffle but are very interesting and descriptive.
I suppose you wont know why she has not replied and maybe she will in her own time. It is good you could relate to her and be supportive without wanting more.
I think men and women can be friends but the context has to be right. If you have a partner and you have a friendship with the opposite sex, I feel your partner must be understanding.
I know people who are friend with an ex spouse but I think that maybe the exception. I know someone whose husband is so friendly with his ex and they do have children together, but she finds it takes lots of patience and tolerance.
Thanks for your contributions.
How are you and your family. This thread you started is till going and sparks interest.
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So these neighbours haven’t spoken to me for 4 months.
It has eaten me up inside, and been a major mental hurdle to have someone not be on speaking terms with Me
We live in a small town our kids do activities together and go to the same school & our paths have crossed a few times and I have been unbelievably uncomfortable they have been an arms length away and not spoken to me
well you wouldn’t believe it I went to register for the local over 35 soccer team & guess who is there THE HUSBAND
i almost left & went home the last 4 months have been tough for Me I am anxious and uncomfortable driving down my own street
so anyway I decided to play soccer even though he is there and invited him to the pub for s beer Tonight
What do I say to him at the pub?
do I discuss the drama?
do I just make a plan with him on how to interact in a polite way & not be friends?
should I try & be friends with him ?
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good to here from you and your update. I suppose in a small time you will meet up with that couple.
So I am assuming he agreed to come to the pub. That is a good start.
personally I would not bring up the past at all. O
can you play it by ear and see how he reacts, I am guessing if he turns up to the pub that is a good sign.
I can see you are worried but may you can talk about shared interests sport etc. He may be as apprehensive as you are.
Be as polite as you can .
just a few ideas but I don’t know him and how he will react.
i am pleased you still,played soccer and have invited uhim to the pub.
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What an very interesting topic!
Good luck tonight coffeelover. Well done for doing the things you want despite the discomfort.
I am not sure about the men and woman being friends thing. I think it is a matter of making sure that both people are on the same page and that there isn't any romantic attraction there.
I have a brother and I grew up hanging out more with him and his friends (mostly male) than female. In many ways I was more comfortable around those males (friendship wise that is I had 0 confidence when it came to dating etc). That said my brother and his friends may not have been "typical" males and did communicate well about lots of interesting topics and emotional things there were a couple of females in the group and one of them is my brothers best friend and now shes very close friends with his wife as well.
As a single woman I find it tricky to be friends with married men because I fear this might be misinterpreted by their wives. I find it hard to be friends with single men because friendship is often not what they are after.
I had a friendship break down with female who had a female partner because the partner was jealous (despite my not being same sex attracted). Also another one break down with a female friend who was romantically attracted to me.
Outside of the situations with jealous partners (which is often a trust issue springing from other things that may not have been addressed) or attraction beyond friendship. I think friendships with people of the different genders, gender identities, of sexual orientation are important and healthy and add to our understanding of people.
This said on some levels I found it tricky being with a man who had close female friends.... But I realised that it wasn't actually anything to do with the friendships and everything to do with my own insecurities and trust issues. I was also aware that that there are many benifits to being with someone who has female friends and a the different perspective that brings. Same goes with men who are/were close to their sisters.
One thing that did strike me about your story Coffee lover was the time of night and the drinking. I have no doubt that you didn't cross any lines, and not suggesting you did anything wrong. But it does put things on another level to daylight interactions with out drink...... Just food for thought.
Hopefully you will find like minded people to connect with in the future.
best of luck tonight
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Thanks for the support guys it’s not long now and I’m actually getting really nervous
The last 4 months has been emotionally draining and a challenge for me mentally
hopefully this puts an end to it all tonight
thaks for the emotional support guys
cheers coffee lover