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Poems by mmMekitty *TW*

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello everyone,

I’ve written poems with content which some people may find distressing to read.

I write to express thoughts & feelings. Sometimes these are vivid.

I welcome any response from anyone, whether comments or with poetry of your own.

* Pacific Shore

Thinking too much. Now I'm in pain,
All those memories come up again,
Who can stop the memories, put them out?
Who hears my whimpering effort to shout?
"Go away! Get off of me!
You're not the brother I want you to be!"

I can understand, but Mommy,
I can't ignore - you weren't there for me.
Money can’t replace your protection.
No money makes up for a lack of affection.
Casting your ashes off a Pacific shore
Won't bring us together, no, no more.

[April 2022]

* Shipwreck

A shipwreck,
Tossed about at sea,
splintered boards,
Rubbish & debris,
A broken heart,
A shattered me.

[April 2022]


21 Replies 21

Hi tealflowers, SB & everyone,

When I was young, when I first began to write down the words I heard in my head, I did because If mot, those werds were lost, as if gone forever. that's what I felt at the time. It was a sort of compulsion to write them down, as Ive mentioned elsewhere, like taking dictation. When I heard the words begin, sounding not really like my own voice, they wouldn't wait, so I'd have to get to my paper & pen & just write them as I heard them. Sometimes I could barely keep up.

It's not like that anymore. Now I have to open a space, maybe, a sort of mood, or what I'm thinking & feeling needs more exploration to sort out. For these times, I have to recognise & sit & permit myself this time & place to write whatever comes to mind, & go where it goes say how it says, just write it. The difference now is I am consciously allowing my thoughts & feelings more directly onto the PC.

Oh, I do miss the pen & paper.

Funny how my head voice still doesn't sound quite like the voice from my mouth.

Especilly for you, tealflowers, I'm sure you have a lot to say. My best advice, is to, if you want to, Write down these words:

This is my space to say 

& you fill in the rest. If you need, sit for a bit, quie & still, maybe close your eyes, & listen. Soon yu will hear something. I don't want to suggest what that might be, because it varies from person to person. There is nothing you can say that is wrong... & no one ever has to see what you write, unless you choose to share it. Repeat as often as you feel.

😺 Go for it!



Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

An exercise we did in the writers’ group I was in, was to begin each line of a poem, with "I come from..." It does not have to rhyme or have verses or anything but what comes to mind.

I think this is a good exercise to do every now & then, because it’ll be different each time, & I for me, reflects where I am in this moment.

So here is my “I come from...” today:



I come from my heart.

I come from my mind.

I come from my deepest needs longing to be met.


I come from this lonely place of silent years.

I come from my witnessing of many others' tears. 


I come from my child & her friend.

I come from our unspoken shared experiences.

I come from not being there at the end.


I come from my grief & sorrow

I come from my own tomorrow. 



mmMekitty August 22 2022