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It never goes away

Community Member
Had a flashback today by being subjected to a person in the office that wanted me to lecture me on my handling of a matter that was out of my control. I totally broke down and had the light head, heart racing, felt trapped and just wanted to be left alone. I felt attacked and had to flee. I was in a situation about 8 years ago in a violent relationship and managed to flee with my life. It took 2 years of planning after the incident to make my getaway. I avoided talking about it for years and still very guarded. Just finding it very hard right now
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white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi, welcome

Toxic relationships leaving us scarred is really hard to move on...for some of us.

I'm always in amazement how some people simply accept traumatic events as part of life. It confirms to me that our personalities/sensitivity etc has a lot to do with how some of us fall into these illnesses easier than others.

Then we get triggers. Reacting to someone or a place that triggers our dark memories means we haven't overcome our trauma. We may never do. But we should be at least positive in trying.

The only two methods that have worked for me is distraction and realism.

Distraction - try a 2 minute walk around the block.

Realism- decide if your reactions are realistic. If they aren't, keep telling yourself they aren't.

Google (And read the first post)

Beyondblue topic triggers that down you, triggers that lift you

Beyondblue topic distraction and variety

Beyondblue topic worry worry worry
