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Introduction - Hello Everyone

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Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

977 Replies 977

Na, lazy day today. I hope youre having a lazy one too. Boiled up some pork & fennel pasta thingy (like ravioli) premade from coles with tomato & basil sauce for lunch. Was good. I recommend it.
Gonna prep to die my hair at home. Nooo, its soo messy. Cant wait for hairdressers to open up. I need my nails done also. I get the pink and white tips (french manicure). I desperately need to do my eyelash extensions too. Cant be bothered with flasies, having to apply them every day. I get so lazy but lucky Im home most of the time these days.
ECT therapy I don't agree with, either. Sounds barbaric and against human rights when its made compulsory. I categorically dont agree with lobotomy either. Australia is the only country in the world which practice this, I believe. Again its archaic, against human rights and barbaric. If I was a member of Parliament, I'd advocate to overturn these in the mental health act 2014. Do not sit well with me. Im struggling to cope with Forced drugging as it is.

Monkey, I would love to own a stun gun for protection - I wish that was legal here. Women do need the protection of some sort, we're vulnerable without any form of protection. Not even capsicum spray. They say to simply run when you're faced with danger. Yeah, if you could run, that'll be great. What if you couldn't run? Another argument against weapons is "weapons could be used against you" - well, the person attacking you is using himself against you. A weapon to momentarily disable an attacker whilst you run to safety is something I'd like for all women to own in Australia.

Yes, beautifying ourselves is the go to to feeling better.

I bought these magnetic lashes. Special eyeliner makes them stick on but I agree last extensions r so much better.

My hair needs doing too- too much regrowth. I get my nails done only occasionally.

I'm sure you will look beautiful once it's all done.

The more I look into psychiatry the more repelled I am also. Some ppl describe it as being pure evil.

Woman should be able to carry something around in case of an attack. I have run from preditors before and gotten away but I was fit healthy and fast in those days. Because of the close calls I had a friend got me a stun gun and I felt a lot safer.
I don't get that level of attention these days but it was so unsafe at times.

Alas, ahh waiting for dye to do its thing before washing off. Oh the magnetic lashes. Do they work or is it a gimmick? Anyhoo when beauty salons reopen - ill be first there!! This would be my self-care time.

Yeh, psychiatry has merits but I question many many of their hypothesis and practices. I would be more inclined to see a good, down to earth counselor.

You woul've felt safer with a weapon on you. I would. xx Who are these ppl preying on others - disgusting humans.

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I agree Blubes, finish your degree, get into Parliament & CHANGE THOSE LAWS.

Then I'll rest easier.

Another thing - far heavier sentences for the worst crimes.
Do not Jail ppl for freaking unpaid traffic fines.
Jail for violence. Fill jails full of violent offenders & they can violence against themselves.

I don't even care about embezzlement & financial crimes - TAKE ALL OF THEIR POSSESSIONS... marital & otherwise + ENORMOUS INTEREST. Ban them forever from working in any financial sector.

Like a Working With Children's Check have a NOT to be employed with money of any kind check.

Then make them all wear ankle bracelets for as long as the previous jail term... embarrassing at the Beach!

And a P should be tattooed on some ppls foreheads and we teach children to YELL & run from those demons.
In my Country those ppl would be gone.

Lobotomies? Ohhhh one person I know needs one.

GIRLS we got so much done today! Not as much help as promised but yeah, we got stuff done.

I didn't trigger once! And I even spoke with bf & told him about the whole demon thing. No triggers.
I've decided to "time" my talks with bf. We hadn't spoken in 3 days & he STILL repeated himself about more than three things... I stopped counting at 3.
I ended the call.

I got so much more done without spending HOURS on the phone.
He thinks I can still get on with things.... but he CAN'T. So if he has to do something simple then he says "I have to do x, so I'll call you back in 5" & it's always hours later. I used to wait for him to call but now I say "We'll talk another day then".
Just rude.

If I have to wash the dishes / sweep etc he says "I can't hear you with that noise". He expects me to STOP & now I won't. I just say "Ok better go then, got things to do".
He HATES that & puts up with the noise but sometimes I insist on ending & do.

Not doing it anymore. Can't stand it. When I'm on Leave he thinks he OWNS my whole day!

It's his Ds bday tomorrow, he told me to text her for it.
I said "You didn't text my BOYS for their bday".
He said "No but hers is a SPECIAL bday so I'd like you to text"
I said "THEIRS was a SPECIAL bday 18 IS SPECIAL here".

I'm getting weirded out by some of his comments too as if he has NO plans at all for coming out here to live. When I ask he says OFCOURSE baby! But then goes on with stuff in 5 - 10 years THERE.

My Counsellor said to phone once a month lol! Might happen.


I'm not phoning him tomorrow.
I'm busy and I WANT A LIFE.

Hi all,

I'm watching The Split on the ABC - it's sooo good.

Ems, I can't wait for my studies to be over to start my career!! You don't need a degree of any sort to enter parliament. You need the backing of members. But a career in parliament would be awesome, too.

Oh, Ms Fiona Patten MP 'liked' my response again today. It was my comment on dental services being exorbitant & highway robbery and that dental should be treated the same as health services. It feels great. In turn, I've signed a few of her e-petitions to submit to Parliament.

I'm sorry to hear about your b/f - he sounds like a jerk. Sorry, but he does. Sounds like he ddidn't care too much about your kids' b'days but expect you to call on his. Thats not fair. Cool down and don't call him tmr. I'd have to agree with your counsellor here, call him once a month, for your own sanity.

It must feel awesome to have the house slowly, slowly (got this slowly, slowly thing off Monkey) coming along. It usually feels great as soon as everything is done.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend. Im going to have an early one tonight, if I can.

Dyed my hair today. It looks good. I'm happy with it.


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Valued Contributor

Well done on the hair dyeing... I have a backyard lady who does a better job than the $300 a pop ones...

And do you know what she did.... she did my hair for free before every Court Hearing.
What a luv.
I still go to her.
She still only charges me $80 for everything.

Yep I know you don't need any Quals to be in Parliament. My friend from school is a local MP.
Gorgeous man. He was a gorgeous boy too. Pity I'm in the electorate right next to his. Can't vote for him. He does have a degree though. He was in his political party since SCHOOL lol.

OMG I was going to tell you all about 'The Split'! LOVE LOVE LOVE that series lol.
I think I've watched / listened to it about 4 times. LOVE Nicola Walker.... she's BRILLIANT in anything she's in. Would have to be one of my favourite actors besides monkey_magic, monkey's my all time favourite lol.

I Googled the next series and it was probably halted due to covid.

I think she was in Bleak House too. And a Netflix one I liked (she was ghost).

Re: bf.... the more time I spend by myself ie without a partner... the more I don't want one lol!
When we've been together, it's been really lovely. But I still feel more 'sexless' now. Like I know I'm heterosexual and not bi at all BUT I just don't know about wanting anyone near me in that way.
And I don't feel like going through 'all the hassle' of an IRL relationship AT ALL.

I think I'm completely sick of compromising the shyte out of my life.

I used to look forward to telling him all about what was going on. Now not so much.
I just want to DO life.
I used to be interested in what was happening in his life too. Nothing ever changes there and he just talks to keep me on the phone I think - that's why he repeats the same stories.

Not calling tomorrow. Definitely not calling on Tues / Wed this week.

Ages ago the female GP I had (after demons affairs came out) said to me.... lay it all out on the table for yourself and ask yourself "Would I go into business with this person?"...
LOL!!!! I only know one man I WOULD go into business with but with a stack of Legal Docs as protection there too.

Maybe I'll feel differently later on when my life is less busy.
IDK I'll see how I feel then lol.

Have a wonderful sleep ladies.

Can't wait till the party's over here. I'll sleep through anything anyway I think!

Love EM

Hey all,

so I received a letter of re-enrolment for uni next year - yay. I'm enrolling now. How exciting but daunting at the same time because there's going to be sooo much work and reading involved!! Ugh.

Shame that you can't vote for your MP friend. But I'm guessing he's popular with his constituents any how. 🙂

Ems, where do you find these ppl who do cheap work for you? $80.00 for hair is UNHEARD OF!!! A style cut in Melbourne alone costs anywhere between $60.00 upwards not including dye or anything else. Just style cut. My hairs quite long and I get a layered style cut, it costs me around 60ish every time. Sucks big time.

Gotta go pick out my units for uni ... brb. 30mins roughly.

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Valued Contributor

OMG PICKING OUR UNI oops I meant to write YOUR UNI UNITS lololol I can't stop laughing at that typo!!

I'm SO freaking excited for you Blubes!!

You HAVE to tell me what you chose!

I can't wait to hear!



I ACTUALLY Pray for these ppl!
I seriously DO. No kidding.

Sounds like a fickle request BUT IT'S NOT lolol... I Pray for the BEST _____ to come into my path.

I KNOW right? It was costing me MINIMUM $200 for long hair foils and dye and cut and style before. I had a period of AFTER demons affairs came out and then out it went (THEN the millions of overdue bills came rolling in)... in that short period of a year or so I saw good hairdressers but it cost me up to $330 UGH! At that time I didn't give a HOOT because it was all my money for once in the godforsaken hell of a marriage.

But then I Prayed because I needed to go to Court and needed my hair done well.
And would you believe that my h/dressers mum WORKS for Victims Services as a SA Psych?
She told me this after Yvette disclosed and organised for her mum to get her hair done at the same time as me.... she's so sweet.
I got HOURS of free Counselling to help Yvette. My darling darling girl.

I needed so much support. I was a WRECK.
I went from a Size 14 down to about a 4-6.

AND I do the same thing for Handymen etc lol.... this guy is Alexa's neighbour's Handyman.
So it's great! I can ask ALL the awkward questions of whomever recommends the person, like how much per hour and are they a creep? lol.
Are they punctual, do they do a good neat job? etc.

Still I'm guarded.

SO what are we studying lol,

Love EM oh and CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!!!! I can feel a Partay coming up in the BB Cafe for you!


Well, I've enrolled for Criminology, as I haven't changed into law yet. The details with the uni and links they've provided me is for Crim. I can't just do law per see, as I'm not even sure whether the actual course is full. That's why I've chosen are law units and can easily be transferred once I transfer into law - not wasted time here at all. But because I've got credits off (I don't know which ones), I'll have to call them tomorrow, as the units I've chosen can't be uploaded. Argghh. BB celebrating in cafe? Naw Ems, you're the SWEETEST person, EVER!! That's sweet as. Love you heaps. I'll let you know once all is done. xx

Keep beautifying yourself - it's great self-care & you're worth it. I know I always feel great when I have my hair, nails & eyelashes done. And, I love foils!! Do you get thick or thin foils? I like them thin, except they're really costly. Thicks a bit cheaper to do. But I think thick is a bit passe now. Keep them thin and absolutely a full head looks nice. As much as I hate to say this, but despite what my ex (not ex ex - one involved in scam) put me through with the court system because I broke up with him, he was always encouraging me to maintain my hair, nails & eyelashes. He liked his women to look a certain way. I got used to looking this way and I wouldn't change it. I like it. We deserve it, as Loreal would say. hehe.

Silver lining in the horror you went through - size 14 to size 4-6. You would've looked even YOUNGER!! I'm currently a size 6 (this is my standard size forever). I've borderlined a size 8 before and I didn't like it. My face got too chubby and I looked HEAPS young.

Ask the handyman all the awkie questions you like! Hope he's not a creep. I'll fly to where you are, otherwise. lol. No one messes with gorgeous Ems. I've got your back.
