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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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hey Monkey,

how r u? Ahahaha .. Nooo .. you can keep your belly & butt to yourself, thanks. I've worked too hard over the course of my life-time to keep them in shape!! You'll lose your belly soon now without the toxic med. woohoo!!! Yeh, there's a royal comm - I urge you to complain.

ohhh jewellery and clothes? I'm super jealous. I need to get myself some.

How r uu feeling without med?

Hey hey,

It was naughty of me to splurge on clothes and jewellery but I feel good so this naughty monkey is happy.

I've had half the normal dose injected as I have to taper off...I don't feel shaky which is good, feeling mentally depressed but I'll curb that with swimming.

I always wanted to beat things naturally. Mental health is repairable naturally. In my case anyway. I'm strong willed.

I feel like I just got out of jail. I'm free.

Hi blueberry & monkey I’m all good right now and as to what I’m up to during my appointment with my psychologist yesterday she asked if I have any distractions for when I’m feeling low/down ect ect ect which I don’t have any distractions. So afterwards I was on my way to a better location to catch a Uber home and I stopped in at a big w as there was some things I wanted to get there and while I was looking for what I was after I saw the 1000 piece puzzles from $10 down to $8. So not only did I find & buy what I was after but I also brought 2 1000 piece puzzles as well to use as a distraction. I’m also planning on getting a few more so I don’t get bored redoing the ones I have when I need a distraction.

Ohh Mocha,
Puzzles? Thats awesome!! I havent done a puzzle in soo long! My way of distraction includes reading (though haven't picked up a book for awhile - libraries r closed) & listen to good music. Any type & genre. Atm im listening to easy, trance & electronic. My fav d.j is the gorgeous Tiesto. Love, love him. Avicii is good too.
Monkey, how long did they say before you wean off them? Yes, youre free and out jail - thnk goodness. You must feel so good. Good on you, naughty monkey.

HI girlfriends lol

I had a huge bonfire today in my garden to get rid of more branches, lantana etc.... the fam came over and some were in time to help lol!

Most didn't but we ate well together.

OMG girls I AM FINALLY seeing the end in sight with lantana removal AND clearing the land.... It really will be years before all the trees are brought under control or the dead ones removed.

mocha you go girl! My sons used puzzles to distract themselves during their most stressful times a few years ago with ex. It really helped them calm their minds.
Ok they also used ARCHERY in the back yard too!
Then built a gym and belted the crap out of the punching bags lol.
But you know, it started with puzzles!
You got bargains there. Well done.

Monkey - I had to report to the Royal Commission a few years ago re: ex and it's family. My report was almost 20p long. Our entire family received an email after it ended giving us free Counselling for the rest of our lives. Apparently.
My Counsellor doesn't charge me, she may have used that knowledge, IDK, she said she applied for Grants to keep seeing me free of charge.

Oh heavens! YOU DO DESERVE some new clothes and jewellery - what the heck lol.
Go all out.

Blubes - are you going to ask that Councillor for a job? LOL. I think you should!
Why not hey?

ok. love youse all. I'm beat and hitting the sack asap.

Love EM

Ems, I'm working slowly, slowly to build-up rapport with him before asking him for a job. I don't even know he's even looking for campaigners etc. But I'm talking to him (on personal matters, not too much of political talks, that happens on twitter) and getting to know him a lot more every day. He made a comment on twitter "our love blossoming". lol. God bless him. He's saved me from trolls on twitter as well. My knight in shining armour - I didn't even ask him to. He just did it.


I went all out! Bought two gold pairs of new earrings, and bought a whole bunch of second hand jewellery off a lady..a whole lot of rings, earrings, necklaces and bangles for a bargain.

Four tops and a pair of pants from Target as well.

Love puzzles...yes, a very good distraction.

Ems, lots of fires at your place...glad you are finally seeing the end in sight with Lantana removal and clearing the land. Must be satisfying. And lots of councilling, fantastic.

Reducing my dosage with a 3 month weaning off period after nearly 2 years to be safe. Looking forward to it even though I know withdrawing can be painful and difficult.

Ive got a really good doc and I trust the process. Some doc's take you off cold turkey.



Yer, you'd have to be weaned off it, slowly otherwise your body can go into shock. No doctors would EVER tell you to go cold turkey, it's too dangerous. The docs who tell you to need their license revoked. It could cause harm and even death. Just wow, I can't believe docs would even make such a suggestion.

Hehe, you DID splurge. Good on yer, babe.

I'm glad you're ok now. 🙂

Going to get ready for bed now naughty kiddo xx Speak tomoz.

Lol Monkey, I stumbled upon a seller called 'monkeyknowvalue' on Ebay and it reminded me of you.


Yess this monkey know value lol.

Are u buying something? Or selling?

I have many things I need to try and sell again. Many artworks and jeans. Bought stock for a jeans business long time ago, all the jeans are still in my friends roof.

It's really good that U exercise 3 X week. After my long hospital stay and meds my body blew out severely. And I used to be the epitome of health. I worked as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. Now everything is a struggle. It's slack that I was sedated and slowed down by the meds, caused so much weight gain.
