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Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.
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Hi dear monkey_magic and the girls lol and Croix and Paul lol and everyone...
Please consider talking with Victim's Services in your state, ours are just the most BEAUTIFUL people to talk to.
Seriously monkey it may be an avenue you can get support with BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is that once you've lodged something there..... then who's going to touch you later?
yeah no one.
This group alone is our shield in the specific abuses my children most esp suffered, from a relentless abuser.
If you have a successful application EVEN if it's for free Counselling / psychology which is fantastic to have financial support for - and you may need this support to get this garbage out and to flick it away bit by bit.. then it's worth it.
You have won your case but if it can happen to you, then it could happen to anyone.
God forbid it happens to you again. Lodging with VS could just be the "insurance" you need to prevent it.
I didn't lodge for me, I lodged for Yvette... my acronym for YD.
I cannot credit VS enough with providing so much support for me over the phone to help Yvette.
Then many, I think 40??? free Psychology appts for Yvette. And she has a financial compensation for her when she's 18yo also, they did most of the paperwork, I just signed off on it all (as horrifying as it was to read - I've blocked it out of my mind tbh).
I think you have around a year from yesterday to start the process.
Please consider... I hope my story helps.
Love EM
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ABSOLUTELY NO more quacks for you. Thats a BIG no, no
Get your health in order. Swimming is gr8 exercise. It'll be good for your weight gain from toxic med aswell. Youll feel healthier for it
Just had lunch - prawn salad & chick 2 min noodles.
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Ok I'll give it a shot because I do want that insurance it will never happen again.
Justice action who I've been in contact with also do something like this as well.
It was such a bad and traumatizing experience.
Something in me wants justice I feel pulled towards it but my mind is saying steer clear of sueing them.
Going to stall for now and just enjoy being clear of them...
Amending my medical records might need doing as well...but...I'll do it later.
Your story does help. It's inspiring. You won despite the odds. It's a brave read.
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You don't have to think "sue" in there anywhere at all... (sueing is another thing entirely)...
You can just phone whatever Victim's Services Agency there is in your state and talk through things with them.
I didn't "go for" anything.
Detectives involved in Yvette's case needed to get Victim's Services involved to get Police Referred SA counselling for her.
It was VSs idea to subpoena all records, which they did.
Then their support to put through written paperwork summaries which they did also.
They did the subpoenas, they did the summaries.
I just signed off. (I had to read it all which was so shocking I can't remember anything but the quotation marks and bold print from that 15+ page report).
I had NO IDEA until this year that Yvette has 35 free SA Psych sessions left and we could apply for more if she needs more.
That part of that year was such a blurr.
I'm really happy you are thinking about it.
Please put the "sue" word down and step back from the "sueing" word lol.
Slowly slowly keep your sanity lol!
There is absolutely no complete insurance this will ever happen to you again.
But think of VS as a Breastplate of your protection.
Or a helmet.
Because there's a time limitation on VS support after reporting or whatever.... and because they can be SO SUPPORTIVE of ppl when they phone... it's similar to calling a MH Helpline IME...
I would prefer you begin there.
Just to talk.
Just to consider.
You may want to go all out Rambo but I would not do this nor have this kind of energy.
It's pointless.
Rational thinking cap ON. Breathe.
Pray if you like, I'll Pray for you too.
You'll get the RIGHT people to guide you on the RIGHT path.
Have faith.
It's happened before, it'll keep happening. Trust that.
Love EM
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Hey little miss naughty (Monkey, as in monkies are naughty),
I'll second Ems here - don't think 'sue' atm. Concentrate on your health and extracting the toxins out of your system first. Leave aside your legal issues for now - such things as amending your records can be done at a later stage. I don't believe there's a time frame for this. You can do this anytime.
The litigation (suing) part requires more thought and legal advice before you proceed. I say this because it will be costly, and you need to weigh up the costs involved in litigation vs the possible outcome. It mightn't be cost-benefit. Just my advice.
I hope you were able to fit in exercise and swimming today 🙂 I can't wait for the gyms to reopen and start exercising properly again. Atm I do sit-ups and stomach crunches as well as keeping my butt taught with bum exercises. I try to do this 3 times a week. I'm too lazy to overdo it. I'd feel guilty if I don't exercise and feel all sluggish. Last thing I ever want is a gut & a saggy ass. lol. But, will come a time when I'm older and everything will just have to fall down facing terrifirma!! hehe.
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I hope you're enjoying your day. As you would be aware, there is a royal commission into mental health system. One of the things that is being investigated is the complaints proceedure. When I lodged my complaints, they all fell on deaf ears. They don't take mental health complaints seriously.
Im waiting for the ruling. As soon as that happens, I will be relodging every single one of my complaints. I hope you do the same. So, this gives me more reprieve from editing my complaint any time soon. Fingers crossed, this time 'round the outcome would be better for me.
I urge you to do the same.
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I'm on a webinar - the mental health system learning network. Beyond Blue got a mention. You should join up to have your say or questions you may have. There's a panel of 5. Currently, there are 600 ppl online. I'm well thank you. How are you? what have you been up to? Waiting for my chicken skewers to cook.
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I'm good. I'm taking all of your advice on board.
I've got the belly and big butt for the two of us lol. Didn't get exercise in, except some walking at the shops but I did buy myself some jewellery, clothes and yummy food.
Oh a royal commission into mental health, no I didn't hear. I'm so glad this is happening. This needs to happen. Changes need to be made asap. The more complaints, the more people that open up about what they've experienced the better.
And how r U Mocha?