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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

977 Replies 977

Thanks babe,

Means a lot. It has taken a very long time for me to find these people.

The draconian laws of forced psychiatry on innocent people need to change. Thankfully there are people working towards this change.

I slept ok. I'm currently at a Chinese restaurant eating on my own after seeing the psychologist again. The report should be ready soon eliminating any bipolar diagnosis.

All those apart of the scam should hold their heads in shame as it's no way to treat a fellow human.

I miss eating out. Yummo chinese food!! I especially love yum cha!! YUM!
I've posted and sought advice from Ems & Uncle Croix. I like your opinion as well. I
I'm asking for advice because I feel SAFE atm. If I let my mum back into my life I wouldn't be safe and scared she might set me up for something worst than what she's already done.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi girls and Uncle

I'm home earlier than I thought I'd be. I brought so much work to do on my Leave but I'd rather be home and "around" than at work - leaving the kids exposed and vulnerable.

I read back.

"Nice" letter from mother there Blubes. Just directives.

Tbh I wouldn't have contact at all. But that's me. I was younger than you when I cut contact, so it was around the same age. Difft issues altogether.

Either way I would phone WLS and you'd better hurry bec I'm phoning them tomoz.
First in best dressed lol. I can't even remember their operating hours...guess I'll find out when I phone.

I think you should phone them first before making any decisions like this.

The thing about abusers and abuse is that each time you "go back" the abuse worsens.

It NEVER gets better.

They NEVER get a lobotomy.

It's a cycle. You can Google "The Cycle Of Abuse" and read as much as you dare.

The next thing about the abuse.... the cycle quickens. The time between their successful "buy back" (phone me with 2 masks in an envelope is a buy back) and the onset of abuse happens faster and faster each time UNLESS....

they have major family functions coming up, a BIG example being THEIR birthday, and they hold off until after the party - that afternoon or night is their choice pick.

my mother chose the week leading up to any special occasion - we called "the bubbling".
She starts to bubble, being ALMOST at the boil and then she blows her top like a volcano.
Either the morning OF or straight AFTER.

Eldest D says it's when the attention is not 100% on THEM anymore. Or not for ONE second.

I feel sorry for all the Sophie_Ms - THANK YOU SOPHIES! Because boy they had to edit my posts last night for the swear words. Not ACTUAL swear words but eluding to them pretty clearly.

I need to post on my thread then have a nap.

I'm outside feeding my blind chicken for a while, so I won't nap here! lol.

Love EM

Hi blueberry, ecomama and monkey_magic plus anyone else how are you all doing today? Well I’ve had the best day since all my issues came to the surface. Had a appointment with my new gastroligist today and she was great plus have my first endoscopy since my coeliac disease & gord booked in for the 13th of October. But now I just feel like I’m waiting for when my next low will come as I bet It’ll only be a matter of time.

Hi mocha,

That great that life has had an upward turn.

I've had an unexpected win today myself.

And I didn't get approval for my car loan but it's ok, I just need to have proof of savings for 3 mnths and can re- apply. 3 mnths goes by pretty fast. Then I should have a nice car.

Work was good yesterday.

Not feeling the best physically bcas of psych drugs forced on me, but, should be off them soon.

It's a beautiful sunny day outside and the birds are chirping.


Hi Blubes, how are you going?

mocha - lovely news you're feeling better! TAKE IT! Ride that wave gf! Grab all the MH you can and hold on to it for dear life sweet thing. The more we do this, the more we experience MH.
Good about your medical appts coming up. Best wishes for those!

monkey_magic - great attitude about the car loan. Been there, I posted on your thread about it lol. It is indeed a BEAUTIFUL day. I've been out in the garden already in my PJs lol. I need to get out of my PJs to pick up youngest children from school in a minute.

Love EM

Hey Ems,

Thanks for the advice. Yer, I was thinking the same. I understand the cycle of abuse well. A big part of me is saying no, of course. But because I want the truth so much, I was contemplating my devious side. I know this path would just cause me great pain, trauma, and set myself up for potential, further set-up by her. I needed yours and my BB family's opinion - that's all.

I haven't called her and I threw away those masks that she had sewn for me. I tried to give one to my flatmate and he wouldn't take it.

Self-care this afternoon was twitter and reading posted news. I am ABSOLUTELY elated and soo darn proud of myself because Fiona Patten (Leader of the Reason Party) 'liked' a few of my responses to her tweets. Normally, you wouldn't even get a response from any politician, let alone 2 or 3. She's been liking my posts. I'm super happy about that.

Self-care tonight: bath.


Mocha, my heart is singing knowing that you feel better!! That's bloody awesome. Lol...STAY THAT WAY!!! lol. Good luck wih the upcoming app'ts, my dear.

Monkey, I'm sorry to hear about the loan falling through but I'm sure after the 3 months, you will find an even nicer, better car for yourself!!

Love to all


I'm still feeling flat, Ems. My mother contacting me by way of an envelope has really rattled me and sent me into oblivion since. My mood's been quite low, actually. To make matters worst, I've stumbled upon a news article which is just heartbreaking.

It's an abc news article called "Disability Royal Commission hears teenager was left with severe disability after being given psychotropic medication"

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Blubes

Sorry to hear you felt flat (NOTE past tense lol)... hope you can get upbeat soon.

I've got a GREAT idea... how bout you sneak in some comments in that Ms Patten's twitter thingy saying how you're continuing your Law studies.... then how you're unemployed....

then when she likes those... ask her for job!

Yah. GREAT idea lol.

Blubes I haven't read anything my mother has sent me in decades.
There's another letter on the bench now.

Someone will read the letter some times... just in case there's something saying she has a terminal disease or such. Not that I'd believe it.

She looked as fit as a fiddle the other day in MY garden.

Blubes saying "no" is not the response to abuse.
No Contact is.

Even a simple no is attention. They CRAVE it like Vampires crave blood.

Zero attention, unless you need to call the Police.