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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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Hi Paul,
Glad to hear you're well. Thanks for your kind words, Paul. :-)

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

HI Blubes, mocha, magic and our Uncles lol and anyone else reading...

Blubes... do you have to go to Court to have your records released?
I didn't think so but I trust your investigations so far....

Have you booked a call with Women's Legal Service yet?
I REALLY want you to call them. The Lawyers, when they spoke to me, were so incredible.
You have to get past the Admin first lol, they were pretty cool too.

I ended up being provided with the Head honchos direct number and used when I was in desperation about what my Lawyer's / Barristers told me... WLS put me right back on track with fresher and more correct lol info then I got back on track.

monkey_magic IDK why you don't give them a call ALSO!
I mean DRUGGED without consent over bogus claims????
Come on!
This HAS to change.

The MORE we use this service, the MORE it's acknowledged as NEEDED in our society.

And the saddest thing is that SO MANY abused women don't feel validated enough to CALL THEM.

Be warned there's a false number online for them (that I called for about 6 months). Put up by horribly abusive men's groups here but can't be taken down because it's got a U.S. isp number of some rot.
If the Govt cared, then they'd get it taken down.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I'm exhausted. Work is really and I mean really heavy atm.

So much conflict about what to do about many issues. Weird stuff happening from above.

My beautiful boss is terribly ill now and off with radiation treatment. No one else realises how serious her illness is.

The Wiley ways of evil.

I FINALLY got home this afternoon after running around after work. PUT MY PJs on and came out as usual to the front garden to feed my darling blind chicken. I have to defend her from the wider bird population so she can eat.
Then I saw a person walking down my driveway... leaving bags after bags. I quickly went inside.

I am so so sick of this. It was my mother. I'm a bit shaky, still. Exposed and vulnerable.

I didn't tell you all about it but there was a massive hooha last week involving my adult children, grandchildren and her.
They came to me very upset and we can only talk outside the hearing of the children.
Trigger city.

Then last night ex sent it's latest brainless minion to my children's WORKPLACE AGAIN.
They didn't even KNOW her.
Apparently there was a huge long letter one son threw in the garbage immediately.
My son scanned it and it said blame on me for withholding them, oh dear God!
Wanting to see them vomit vomit vomit.

And that son said "He only wants my money, that's all he wants. MONEY!"

and he's right.

I'm going to have to talk with the children and seek legal advice about an AVO restraining ALL these people from going to the children's WORKPLACE now... and include the school.
IF the kids want.

I am so exhausted from all this. I keep almost passing out when I get home and when I'm home.
I'm napping all the time. It's like full on black out dissociation.

That's why I haven't been able to keep up with posting. I'm out for the count.

Counselling Thursday morning. I am so tired.


Wow, just wow!! Your mum, ex, and his minion are making some momentum in trying to get back into yours and your children's life at the moment! May I ask how old your children are? Are they capable of communicating with these people that they don't want anything to do with them? Or are they too scared to do so? An intervention order to stop the children from being distressed would be the best option. You have REPEATEDLY asked for NO contact of any nature, and they're not getting the message. These acts are causing the children undue stress and they're not coping well.

Speaking of feeling shaky, exposed & vulnerable by the sight of your mother ... (this leads to the advice I wanted from you & uncle Croix) ... last night I balled my eyes out because I too felt your emotions about my mum. It is ALWAYS a trigger. I didn't and haven't been sleeping well. Yesterday I received an envelope from her. Inside were two covid face masks. On the envelope, she's written "call me on Wednesday to talk". As the envelope wasn't addressed with a stamp, she's been on my property and placed it in my letter box. I haven't had anything to do with her for 4-5 months now. The last time she was here, I told her to eff off because I tried to get her to confess the drugging to police. After she claimed that she didn't know anything about it and denied the damages caused to my home (my home was made to look like a psychotic episode with a massive hole in the wall; tears to carpet;), I told her to eff off and never contact me again.
The advice I want from you is whether I should contact her to talk. Keep in mind that we DO NOT communicate well, as she NEVER listens. She's argumentative, doesn't back away from a fight, and she's always right. It'll be pretty futile. BUT this is what I'm thinking .. it's pretty devious. If I could contain myself and not argue with her, pretend to be her friend, I could possibly have a better chance to get information out of her about what happened. She did say 5 months ago before I went ballistic, that she will support me in getting my medical records amended. This process should extract some truth from her. She also said she will pay for the damages caused to my home. She retracted this after I told her to eff off. She said that if I can't be her friend, then she won't pay. She's blackmailing me.
My problem is .. I can't stand the sight of her and I'm not a deceptive person - I don't want to be around her to pretend to rekindle our relationship. I honestly don't want to rekindle anything with her. I don't want to know her. I just want the truth, get myself off the CATT's system, amend my record, and possibly a confession (if I work really hard at it). I don't know how to be a fraudulent person, sadly. She causes me great distress every time with her presence. So, this is my dilemma.

Ems, you're right that you don't have to go through court to have record released. It's done via FOI with the organisation. There is a process to appeal the decision if not granted, and that's done (again) with the organisation. Silly huh? If still unsuccessful, you contact the OAIC which I haven't done. That is another process in itself. As I will be having my medical record amended (this is done via Magistrate's Court), the lawyer will need to seek my records via a proccedure called discovery of documents. I thought I'd bypass the OAIC and go straight to court. Saves me some effing around.

I haven't contacted the women's legal service yet, but I will. I'll let you know what advice they give me as soon as I do. I beileve you when you tell me that they're good and that more abused women should use them. I've been hesitant becuase Iike you said, I don't feel validated enough or feel that they'll believe my story. I am now labelled a 'crazy person'. Who's going to believe me? That's how I feel.


Hey Bluberry,

I'm labelled a crazy person but people still believe and believe in me.

You'll be surprised at how much support is really out there for you.

Today my doctor was tearing up because of my story. He believes me and it restores my faith. You can find this too.

Believe in yourself.


Hey Monkey,

What are you still doing up? I can't sleep atm. Thanks hun. I'm pleased that you've found someone who believes that you're not crazy, such people are hard to find. Im sooo happy for you - I'm elated actually. I'm so proud of you.

Aw thankyou.

Knowledge is power and I've been reading a lot about the mental health tribunal. Article says they're self serving and go against human rights- yep. I know they don't care about me or what happens to me from neuro toxins from past dealings but you know what I do have ppl in my corner and my doctor wrote a letter to them. It's a very good letter. I'm elated too!

And my psychologist has ruled out bipolar so has my doctor. The tribunal can still go against us but I feel good.

Not everything is fair in this world I've learnt. Now that I know this I know what to expect.

Yes I'm still up. My brain needs feeding haha...doing some reading.

You are right those ppl are hard to find but there are soldiers out there that will go into battle for you...not many but I'm very lucky I'm finding some. It's a privilege when u do find them.

Proud of you too.


I just woke up. How did you sleep?
I have yet to find soldiers thatll go into battles for me. Not with this aspect or any other aspect of life. I thought my ex, ex wouldve had my back given that we were besties but he turned on me too. He got involved in the scam and I don't know why. He must hate me too.
Again I'm super proud of you and waiting for the day you get off meds & away from these ppl. Xx