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Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.
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Hey Mocha,
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way in recent times. Life can be so challenging at times and at some point in our lives, we've had the same thought of life being doom and gloom. And at times the thought that there isn't any way to fix the situation we're in. Are you on antidepressants now, if not, would taking them again help you through this tough time?
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Heya Monkey,
Okay, so your friend was at work. Who called the police? The neighbours? And, for what reason? Right, the suicide attempt happened after the incident.
Yes, you would've had nightmares from your trauma or at least vivid dreams from the meds. Experts say that sometimes when trauma happens it manifests itself in our dreams.
How exciting test driving a car!! I love car shopping, it's so much fun. What cars are you into? I have a hatchback - great on fuel, and cheaper cost to service. I couldn't live without my car. Will you be buying it? and is it a good price?
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Hi girls, ugh just got a text from the dog groomer that my baby is ready to be picked up so this is short!
I was really busy with the chiminea burning TONS of branches plus all the kids & grandkids here for dinner - it was crazy lol!
I was thinking of you mocha as my family were here, I had alone times with the raging fire... mmm.
The first thing is that I want you to feel empowered.
Not afraid.
Knowledge IS power.
So sit back and have a think about what everyone here tells you because we all have YOUR best interests at heart. We really DO and want you to stay safe.
I think you need support if you are having sh thoughts. I am SO GLAD to hear you haven't followed through with acting on these thoughts. PLEASE DON'T!
I had FAR MORE faith in the MH profession 2 decades ago than I do now.
In saying that I do trust my Counsellor alot and I know how she keeps records - not many, and she doesn't report to anyone - not even my GP. Just to me.
The problem (and solution for some I hope!) is that there is SO MUCH sharing of our MH reports.
SO when a misdiagnosis happens and this forum is plastered with these, then it's almost set in stone as 100% true and correct. No questions.
I find this absolutely ridiculous.
So I would phone 1800RESPECT and speak to them ANY TIME. They are just so amazing. I can't praise this service to us highly enough. I ALWAYS tell them my name. They have a file on me / my journey. I doubt anyone would know to subpoena them lol, so I feel a modicum of safety with this service. Albeit, it's still a referral service.
Just know that whatever you tell your psych MAY be shared with others. Even future employers which upsets me for my children tbh.
I'm FAR more concerned about the people who NEVER get MH help! Those people are running rampant in our society doing harm with no remorse.
Love EM
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The same scenario happened to me. After the CATT bullied and threatened me (yes, they threatened me .. "we will take you to hospital and shove pills down your throat if you don't comply with us" "we will be here all night and the next day" .. "we get paid to do this"), I too had thoughts of suicide, although never attempted. Just thoughts of how and where. I couldn't cope and especially after I reported to police, I didn't think that anyone would believe my story thereafter. I was now labelled a 'crazy' person. I didn't do anything wrong.
So I understand how you felt. How DARE these people placing someone like myself (and you)' who was already battling severe depression from family abuse, at risk and in harm's way. SHAME on them, not us. I'm still so angry, I'm beyond angry actually.. FURIOUS!! And, you know what? I still don't know what the motive is, I still don't know why they did what they did to me. Not a clue. Surely ppl don't do it just for kicks, do they? There's got to be a motive, and it certainly wasn't for my health or welfare.
Love you, kiddo xx I LOVE my BB family xx
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Hey Mocha (cc Ems into this thread also),
PLEASE don't follow through with your thoughts, as you are valuable and deserve to be here. You've reached out to your BB family and disclosed to us - that's MASSIVE! Good girl. xx You know we are here to support you and have your back 100%. You want the help and as Ems said there are ppl out there who either never get help or the help is inadequate. The inadequate help is a failure of the mental health system. The system is broken, remember that.
We like to think in this day and age that discrimination doesn't exist despite the furore and awareness campaigns but it does. Ems pointed out that the sharing of MH reports is unavoidable. There'll be times where you are forced to sign consent to have these released, for example, for employment agencies, employment checks etc. Discrimination in this case unfortunately comes into play, and when you do not get the position for THAT dream job, it'll be VERY difficult to prove discrimination case in court. The sad reality is, your patient files does NOT belong to you - I want you to know this before you choose to disclose.
As both Ems & Monkey suggested, lifeline, your BB family, respect helpline are efficient, amazing and super supportive. I've taken this road (I'm here with my BB family aren't I?) and will NEVER trade it for a visit to a psychologist. I would rather lived, real life knowledge over someone with a PHD any day, but that's just me.
Thinking of you and supportive of the choice you'll make. xx
Ems .. lol .. cute...I love love dogs. Cats are awesome too. Beautiful things they are.
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My love and respect to you all.
Dear mocha
Remember knowledge is power. I want you to feel empowered over your life and to heal and create the wonderful life of your dreams.
I think it's so seldom mentioned, but I really feel the need to mention it here and I relay this with love and respect, never to abandon or shame any one.
Our MH begins with us and ends with us, with everything going on between. Without a doubt we've suffered horrible abuses and this has impacted our abilities, cognitive, emotional, psychological etc.
We can and SHOULD rely on others for support for our healing.
We do this with physical illness, same with mental issues.
The "others" we rely on to heal ourselves is our choice.
But MOST of the work is done by us if we want to be mentally well.
This is seldom mentioned. I would say ALL of the work between sessions and with our research and reaching out to others we trust enough to do so.
We have to work hard and strive for it. Never losing sight of the person we intend to become. We have to hold strong to our own convictions REGARDLESS of other's opinions completely.
So I don't want you to give your power AWAY.
I know you're powerful. You do too.
You'll have a million questions inside your head to answer at varying times in your life. Seek the answers and never stop seeking.
Sit back and feel what resonates within you to be true for you.
The answers can be different for each one of us.
What works for some is harmful for others. And vice versa.
Over time, as you relax into your own power, you will know that the answers were probably inside you all along.
You just needed others to confirm them. At that time.
Over time you will need external validation less and less.
This is your power growing and strengthening.
Our beautiful loving group here is creating a synergy that can only happen where there is unconditional love, pure intent and joy in each other's achievements. No matter how big or small, one step forward and some times 3 steps back lol! But we trod that path forward so we can do it again.
It becomes easier as we gain strength from each other.
Love yourself. WE love YOU! Bring that in and know your worthiness.
You are doing SO well and I'm SO proud of you!
Thankyou for trusting us to share. I am humbled and grateful and understand the deep privilege of your sharing.
It's a gift you gave us.
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I asked someone to call the police because I was scared. I actually hid in their house- after they let me in from the back after I yelled out help after being pointed out by a dodgy character on a bike. I was in fear of my life at the time. I have a history of scary things happening to me and had reason to believe ppl were possibly after me.
I don't want to go into too much detail and because it's the past. There's more detail on my thread but bcas I thought ppl were after me I was labelled schizophrenic before a bipolar diagnosis.
This makes me extremely angry bcas some ppl actually have reason to be in fear of something happening to them or could have ppl after them.
I agree with you about trauma manifesting in your dreams.
The car I'm hopefully getting ( upon finance approval) is a Mazda, only 4 years old. I love it but just hope nothing is wrong with it.
I'm getting a friend to check it out.
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Hi monkey_magic
That's an incredibly extreme reaction from the Police to charge you for break and enter when you were invited into a home, albeit after you asked for help.
Plenty of people do that. Take sanctuary in others' homes when they ask for help.
But you knew these ppl, didn't you?
My life and plenty of others' lives are testimony that ppl ARE after them.
Incredulous that the Police didn't believe this.
I guess fortunately for me, when the Police were called both times I took sanctuary, that the Offenders were still at my home. A pity that charges were not laid either time.
I had to engage a Lawyer to have an AVO against the first perp. It went through with a battle but successfully in the end.
The perp was so riled up by the Judge's decision that he tried to attack me when I was gilded by Police and Court Security. They had to crash tackle him and charge him on the spot.
HAP HAP HAPPY about your car magic!
But the most important thing I need to ask is..... what colour is it?
Love EM
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I wasn't charged with break n enter. At the tribunal right at the end they said I was illegally entering properties which was complete BS. I didn't know them. I knocked at their side window yelling out help. The second property where the police drove me to where my car was my friends. But they obv didn't want to believe that either.
It just means that ppl will misunderstand things, not believe you or just incriminate you.
The car is a really nice blue colour. Find out if I get it for sure Mon/Tue.
Sounds scary what you've been through. Lots of scary times. Same. Same.