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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

977 Replies 977

Halo, halo dearest Monkey,
How r u? I'm ok, just feeling not 100% but ok I guess... Erm, yeah ok. Lol.
I know youve screamed at the top of your lungs many times and noone has heard you. I feel sad about that. Believe me when I say that I understand, I really do.
How have you been? What you been up to?
Thanks darl... Yea, it is traumatic and you & Ecomama are right in saying that I shouldn't minimise it. I do most of the time because I always thought that itll help me 'get over it'. But I know that isn't the way to do it.
I had Vietnamese pho (rice noodle soup) for dinner. It was yummy.
How was your dinner?


Being ok isn't a bad way to be. I'm usually just so- so these days bcas of what's done to me but I lie to ppl and tell them I'm good...have to keep up that facade at work. Don't want ppl catching onto what's really happening and going wrong. I've learnt to keep my secrets.

Been working on a paint by numbers waterfall...lots of intricate bits to add colour to and it's coming to life. Also saw my dad but that ended up being a disaster.

Letting go of things that have happened is freeing but it doesn't mean you forget about them. I've let go of what's happened for my soul but I'm wrecked everyday. I guess I live with some poison from what's happened but it doesn't define me...other times it's like it hasn't happened at all.

My dinner was lamb chops. Yours def sounds more interesting lol.

Hi blueberry and monkey_magic I may not be going through what you both are but I hear you both 🤗 but what we do share is a mental health journey of sorts I guess you can say. Being here is like being apart of one big family who understands & gets each other even if all our journeys are different but at the same time the same if that makes sense.

I love lamb chops!! I had that last night with my flatemate. I got the crumbed chops with herbs.. They were really sweet and tender. Had those with shredded salad and mayo on side.
Paint waterfall by numbers? It sounds painstakingly slow - i need one of those to occupy my time in lockdown.
I hope you get off meds soon. I really do hope you can get an alternative thatll suit you better.

Absolutely, Mocha....we're all here for each other, to support, care and be each other's rocks throughout our mental health journey. It's a long and isolating journey, at times, even scary, but to know we've got each other here for support makes a huge difference. And to say hello or talk about the day we're having. Xx

You're such a sweetheart mocha. Your words are wise ones indeed.

Back to food lol!

I am SO JEALOUS you had Pho! I love that soup... I could swim in it day and night lol!

I made 2 beef briskets because I have to intuit how many people will be here for dinner lol.

Some nights and in a row too, I am alone at night with all kids working. But I never KNOW when I'll be alone at night and their shifts change all the time.

The kids take shifts at a moment's notice and that's ok. Anyhow luckily I followed my instincts and DIDN'T listen to what half the kids said because they were ALL here for dinner omg... they must've heard I was making brisket lol!

It took me a billion hours of slow cooking... no joke. Felt like it.

My ungrateful whinge about today -
I'm getting sick of my bf / fiancee. I do love talking with him and then I can't STAND it... ugh.
I'm too old for my periods lol and still get them which I hate.
It was my father's bday today and I didn't get to talk to anyone about how frustrated I feel about that too.
My uncle didn't turn up to help today but that's ok - he injured himself yesterday, lovely man.

And I AM OK but grrr, feeling just GRRR - frustrated.

About your words of our journey together mocha, I couldn't think of better companions than you guys! Thanks for listening to my petty grumbles.

We DID burn about 6sq metres of branches in the chiminea tonight so only about 100 sq m left.
Seriously. More probably. grrr. lol. Some people would give their right arm to have all this so I will acknowledge my ungratitude and shut up now. And eat some chocolate.

Did you see Universling's post?
Bella posted there and IDK if you guys feel like thundering in with kind words for both of them?

Sorry to poach your thread Bluberry.

Love EM

You know Ems, there's a thing called pressure cooker...it'll cook your brisket in half the time. It's so convenient and will save you on gas usage also. It defs sounded like a full house last night!! Dinner sounded yummy! You've inspired me to cook some lamb shanks, although it takes about 4-5 hours of stewing as well.
Do the kids have to wear a mask @ work? Is it mandatory where you are?
It's ok. I'm here to hear your whinges. Is your fiancee whinging about his weight again? Or are you simply just tired of talking to him?
Your father's bday wouldve been a bit of a trigger for you, so perhaps it was a good thibg your uncle cancelled also. It's tough I know. My mums bday will be in early October. That's going to be hard for me to deal with.
Thats a lot to burn!! You'll slowly get through them, and when you do, you'll feel better for it

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Thanks Bluberry

Yeah bdays are a trigger. I don't ever remember once celebrating my father's bday with him. I was so young when he left - oh well too bad too sad lol.

Uncle cancelled today too lol! Oh well. I got busy anyway.

Ahhh pressure cooker.... IDK how to use one of those. Are they scary to use?
Back on the old days I heard of them exploding.

Omg I love lamb shanks too lol. Well done you.

No none of us have to wear masks anywhere except for Drs and xray places etc. The takeaway chain the kids work for have made it mandatory but it isn't here. So they wear masks at work.

Nowhere else.

I guess we have "low" numbers but I pay zero attention to news. I just read emails for changes due to covid at work and abide those. We are not ALLOWED to wear masks at work.

Bf mmmm I skipped phoning him today. It's just tedious sometimes. Eldest D says he just talks to fill in time to be with me. So most of it is such mundane stuff it drives me crazy.

I burnt another 6sq metres all ready tonight lol. I've decided to get my steel capped boots on and pile up the scrappy stuff in certain spots that need to built up and crush it all by stamping all over it.

I'll take out the huge stuff and keep it to burn. It just won't rot down.

I found a family with 6 kids to deliver some logs to, yay! They stretch every cent they can and both parents work FT at the hospital in the covid front line. I love that family. Real battlers.

Better go, picking up child from work!

Love EM

No, they're easy peasy to use. Upon buying one, itll have the instructions on how to use. And, no they don't explode lol. That's really cute. Hehe. Certainly I've never had one exploded on me nor have I heard of any exploding either. 😆😆
You must feel so good getting rid of another 6sq meters - I would!!! Burn 'em all. Youll have them gone in no time. That's awesome.
Relationships are a lot of hard work!! They say it's akin to a 'business investment' whereby you'd have to give it your all and don't give up. Would you agree with your D that he's just filling in time to be with you? You say its tedious & mundane at times .. Perhaps spark up the relationship again? It's been 5 years now, and a 5 year relationship can lose its 'lustre'. This part of a relationship is something I'm not missing. I like being single for now tbh. However, I'd like to meet someone kind, gentle & like minded someday. Someone who understands and I can have loads of fun with. Looking forward to that day, actually.

mocha delight
Community Member
I’ve not been doing so well yesterday or today mentally. How are you doing blueberry and ecomama?