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Introduction - Hello Everyone

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to this forum. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm 40 years of age, female. My interests include music (any genre), reading a great novel, watching comedy, Restuaranting, and learning new things. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Depression feels very lonely for me. I'd like to reach out for some support. Thank you.

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And, you know what? I'm not suggesting that you associate with these people, even if you were, I would rather associate with those 'type of people' than to be alone. Loneliness is a KILLER!! It is the most horrible, empty, and demoralizing feeling a person would ever experience. It's horrible. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Yet this is what they did to me. Unethical and cruel practice. It's very unfair. I didn't deserve it.

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Valued Contributor

Bluberry said:The accusing question was irrelevant and demeaning, darl. It has nothing to do with my mental state. These men were vilifying me for their own agenda.

I know WHY you love "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo".... similar reasons to me.

I'll keep reading...


monkey_magic said:Yep, I know that feeling oh so well. I did two 3 month stints in psych hospitals and was treated the worst I have ever been treated in my life. By staff and patients. A very traumatic time. My big file under my name is full of demeaning, vilifying things. The psych nurses write notes about you. From talking to other patients in there the psych nurse wrote I associate myself with those I consider drug dealers, what the???

I've been putting off getting all my records because I actually feel sick reading them. They are that bad.

Oh dear monkey_magic.....

I seem to have a book for everything.... I guess that's where I get my "don't give a bleep" attitude....

I had a constant book in my handbag for decades.... I kept giving my copy away to a person who needed it... then bought another copy (and NO it's not the Bible lol!)...

It's "Illusions" by Richard Bach.... I gave my last copy away too... so I can only try to remember a quote... so I won't try...

I also read THE most disgusting things written about me in subpoenaed documents.... not cms high piles... feet high!

OF COURSE this will take you aback... but ONLY let it do this for a short while PLEASE.... you cannot afford to let this suck you in.

The BEST way to clear anything is to be stalwart in your SELF. BE your authentic self.
Then DRESS that way. Or even better...

Yeah... in the presence of "others"... be it Court or wherever you are where people will "Judge" you... do the Dress Code. It's a facade for me because I'm a greenie lol but hey I'm also a straighty 180 too.
SO I DRESS that way.

DO the neat hair.
DO the whole shebang.

You will love Illusions because that's what all this is about.... it's all about Illusions.

Gosh... I'll keep reading lol...

Love EM

Hehe, I love the novels - best novels ever!! And, yes GIRL POWER xx

Hi blueberry and ecomama how are you both going today?

Hi Mocha_Delight,

I'm well today, how are you? I hope you're enjoying your day and you're keeping safe throughout the pandemic. I can't wait until the lock-down is over in Victoria. We are allowed to go shopping once, and an hour of exercise. That's it. I spent a lot of time watching t.v, online & trying to keep busy.

Hi blueberry thanks for your reply I’m feeling like I’m starting to go back to how I was pre antidepressants slowly and other times quickly plus a bit teary today but don’t know why. And it’s good to hear your trying to keep yourself busy.

Hey Mocha delight,

I'm sorry that you feel this way. It's a terrible, horrible feeling, isn't it? I've been feeling that way for far too long now. I have my moments as do you. I've been in bed for three days now and it's only today that I was able to force myself out of bed. When I feel like this, I listen to music and try to sleep. Sleeping is good beccause you're not left in your own thoughts and mind. I will not tell you what you should do such as 'keep yourself busy' 'do exercise' 'do mindfulness' etc .. only you know what to do, and what's best for you. Stay strong. xxx

Hi monkey_magic,

How are you today? As you've been here to listen to my troubles, I'm just checking in with you to see if you're ok.

Hi blueberry thanks for your reply and I’ve tried exercising 10 minutes a day for 3 days straight but by the end of those 3 days my mind had gone to a very very very dark place and was having not good thoughts either so that’s out mostly definitely. This may sound like I’m losing my mind & who knows if I am but one morning with the past 2 ish months of being on a antidepressants I woke up during the night and heard my name called twice. Not loud or anything but enough for me to hear it and when I know everyone ie my parents were sound asleep. And then last night late at night ie almost midnight I heard a cat meow but it was not the sound of any of the 2 cats we have when they meow one of which is my profile picture. Besides if it did happen to be another cat hanging around one of them would have altered me by sitting on the windowsill acting all worked upsi oud of known.