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I’m not even sure

Community Member

I’m not even really sure how to do these things but I’m really struggling with what happened in my past and it’s really effecting my day to day life and me being a mother to my child. How to I get out of bad habits when the people around are stuck in bad habits to? Why do I get so attached to people who I should let go of? How do i let my brain process thing normally instead of going into full protective mode? How do I do life when hurt so young? 

1 Reply 1


Hey tixiany, 

Welcome to the Forums. We are glad that you have found us here. It sounds like you are sitting with some really challenging thoughts and feelings at the moment.

It is completely valid to be struggling with things that happened in the past, old habits, and people that we feel might not be good for us. While it can feel really frustrating, it is still so important to treat yourself gently and with kindness and know that you are doing your best.


We’d really recommend reaching out to the Beyond Blue counsellors to talk this through on 1300 22 4636, or via webchat here. They’re really good to talk things through with, and they’ll be able to discuss getting some further support.  Another option is reaching out to Parentline on 13 22 89 (from 8am – midnight AEDT every day). They offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues if that is something you might be interested in.


Thanks again for posting here. We think it’s an incredible thing to have done and could be a huge step towards feeling better. Hopefully we’ll hear from some of our lovely, understanding community members at some point today once they spot your thread. In the meantime, please feel free to share a bit more about how you’re feeling.  


Kind regards,  

Sophie M