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DID - confusing thoughts about switching

Community Member

Hi all,

I am recognised as having DID. I am still very much in the start of the process of learning about how we work and and working on communication, connection etc. I am not pursuing an official diagnosis as there are already enough issues experienced due to other conditions/diagnoses. 

Anyway the point of this post is I am wondering if any others with DID or OSDD have experienced blocking or distracting away from switches because you feel like it is 'weak' to 'give in' to a switch? Previously there has been fear and shame and things like that, but this seems to be new. We have discussed briefly in therapy, but didn't come up with any ideas. There is still lots of doubt & denial being worked through, so perhaps it is related to that? 


2 Replies 2


Hey Ely_,

Thank you for posting here and sharing your story and experience of DID. You've taken some great steps in reaching out here and in seeking further learning and information about what you are going through.

We are sorry to hear that it can sometimes have a sense of feeling 'weak' in 'giving in' to a switch. That must be really tough to sit with. It sounds like you have a deep level of understanding about what might be bringing these feelings on. You are truly the expert in yourself and know yourself best! Bringing it up in therapy is a great way to further unpack what is happening for you.

 If you ever want to chat, the Beyond Blue counsellors are here for you on 1300 22 4636, or via online chat. It is so important that you look after yourself during these times and they can help you, or just be there if you want to talk. 


We are here to support you and you are not alone. Thank you so much again for sharing here 💙


Kind regards,  

Sophie M 

Community Member

As someone with DID as well I kind of understand what you mean. There's time when I used to feel 'weak' when the switching happen because it feels like running away from things that other people normally face by themselves.


I don't know if this is relevant but thinking of our body like a house where all of us are living together really helped me. So when I switch nowadays, I just think of it as I'm resting in my bedroom and letting my 'brother' answering the door for me. I hope this can help in any way. 🙂