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What do you fear (today)?

Community Member

In line with my "when were you last truly happy" post, I wondered about what other people fear?

Is it an "every day fear", or is it a "just today" fear?

Do you fear getting out of bed? Do you fear opening the mail? Do you fear the phone ringing? Do you fear being alone? Do you fear the darkness descending? Do you fear confrontations? Do you fear rejection? Do you fear not feeling anything at all?

I wonder if just voicing that fear, sharing that fear, will help to take away it's power? Or will it give it life?

For me, my big fear at the moment is being found out. Fearing my kids or family will come across my posts. Fear a colleague will recognise my writing style or circumstances. Fear that someone will see through this big brave front I put on to get through the door each day. Fear that someone sees my vulnerability.

810 Replies 810

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Kanga,

sorry I haven't been here much. Had a few things to do this week and really tired at night. This is a lot for you to take in with your son. I think you mentioned he is high functioning? One of my ve y good friends has a son with autism. At 15 or 16 he moved from a mainstream school to a special needs school where they are taught everyday life skills and do work experience and are given many opportunities and guidance to find work. He started off going a couple of times a week then he wanted to go full time as he was supported better and enjoyed it. My niece's hubby is a special needs teacher and it's all about guiding them with everyday things. Maybe this is where you need to start by looking at his education. I'm thinking the teachers can then help you with how to deal with it. I'm sure there would be an organisation or support group for parents also.

hope that his helps.

cmf x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I all ready know about special needs schools what they do I have a daughter in one I have seen what it has done for her Plus I have worked in one as a volunteer, It's just that I hag d very Little support from teachers in the beginning Prep onward I had to push for it I had him diagnosed In the beginning they were saying he's fine he is fine Usually the parents have the blinders on I wont the best for him and I missed it Just stopping short when I missed a few markers he has missed about six years of possible treatment or better ways of addressing all his needs That's what I am miffed about I missed it she special school does have a lower standard in education though less challenging for the kids. I have seen it My dearly beloved lived it as that is the education she had. till she went to become a teacher


Thanks Babyboomer much appreciated

Community Champion
Community Champion


Thanks for reaching out and communicating your fears.

You have so many things to worry about that of course you will be feeling low.

I wonder what is your biggest worry at the moment as it can be overwhelming to face many problems all at once.

Did it help you to write everything down?

Take care


Another goodbye today

My GP of over 10 years

I fear I'm not going to get through these next few weeks

losing all I'm familiar with - what the hell am I doing ?

So did I ever tell you?????????

Try to stop your mind from spinning,there is so much going on,

Eliminate anything you don't need to do straight away, don't double handle things,

Dont talk to people ATM unless you have to,

Deligate people to do things for you.

get as much sleep as you can.

you know all this already,put it to work.

My especial friend.😘

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
My life has no purpose.

Community Member

Hey cmf

im here if you need to talk

hope your ok


Community Member

Goodness CMF ... you're a Mum! And a great one. What greater purpose in life could you ever have?

Can you try to define what extra things you feel you want in life?

Hello Nath, I've seen you around a lot. And I did check out your thread, but you'd already received lots of posts from others, so didnt think you needed me there too. Didnt want to become a crowd!

Taurus xx

Community Member

Hi Taurus

im always looking for people to talk to and any advice you might have is always welcome. I've seen that you help a fair few people and you seem to have really good advice. Thank you for checking out my thread that means a lot to me.

