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This bipolar life

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Are your moods are like an elevator with no control buttons? Mine are.

Ground floor ... I feel normal, content, just quietly getting on with ordinary, everyday life, loving my family and friends. This is as it should be. And maybe there's nothing wrong with me after all. Live.

Going up, top floor. Oh look! There's a shiny thing! I want to sing! Let's go buy stuff! Let's have a big party and invite the world! What could possibly go wrong! Woooooo hoooooooo! Play.

Going up (a different day) top floor. What do you mean you don't agree with me! I'm right! Why don't you think like me? Keep up! How can you be so illogical? I'll f-ing shred you if you don't do what I want! Rage.

Going down, lower ground floor. Flat, listless, can't be bothered. Can still function but it's a drag. Cope

Going down, basement. I'm never getting out of bed again. I'm useless, worthless. Total idiot, how could I ever imagine I could do anything, nothing ever goes right because I'm wrong. I'm a burden to everyone. Hide.

Welcome to my bipolar world. It's always been my world, but it's only recently I've seen it for what it is. About 15 years ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression during one of my 'basement' times. I had a lot of lower ground floor times too, on and off, and I kept out of the basement (so I thought) with alcohol. Until that took me into the blackest ever basement with only one obvious way out. Having survived doing something very dangerous I realised I had to stop drinking or I really would die.

I never took much notice of the playful times or the anger, that was just me, I was fun sometimes, and sometimes I was a devastating bitch. Ha! Deal with it people!

Well, yes, but in time the elevator started going up and down too quickly and, as I became more aware and more knowledgeable about mental health I realised this wasn't good. Doctor. Diagnosis. Bipolar 2. Lithium.

So, I've started this thread in the hope that other bipolar folks will join me, to share experiences and strategies. In my 'beginners' understanding, we are different from other fellow travellers of the back dog. While we experience depression as many others on this site do, the hypomanic or manic ups and, for some the rapid cycling that can happen, are experiences unto themselves.

I want to learn more, and I want to share with others. I hope my fellow elevators will join me here.
BTW, it's a ground floor day in my head today! Yay!



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Velvet that sounds awful. I hope you get some peace. I’ve heard through others that as parents age some are stubborn snd refuse help, along the lines of no we are fine. Until they aren’t fine.


My days are up and down and here. I just try my best to get through them. 


My father has been nasty my entire life.

Abusive nasty not just stubborn and refusing household assistance.

I'm unable to share what has been happening because it isn't allowed.

I've spoken to government agencies including police so...... there's a hint.

Velvet, that’s horrible. They say you can pick your friends but not your family.My mother had dementia and there were some nasty episodes which was so unlike her.I hit a carport the other day causing some damage, so my wife will be designated driver from now on.

My weight continues to go down. God it’s taking some effort. It was nice to ride on some gravel and see the open fields which is my happy place.

Asdff thanks for keeping in touch. I have up and down days and days where I am overwhelmed. I am not patient with sick people either partner or me. 

 Elves so sorry about your dad. How do you cope. 

My parents  have ben dead for nearly two decades.

 Now I I am older generation whose adult children want to help me to get help. It is hard when it seems so  stressful so I end up procrastinating. 

Airies, but I can choose a couple of really good friends who are family to me. Dementia is possible with my dad, because he is getting worse. He's never been nice anyway. I am the scapegoat! Maaaaaaa! 

Oh dear. It happens to all of us Airies re misjudgement/cars etc. I hope you guys are OK? The weight control has got to make you feel good though? Well done!!!

Oh, I ate a bag of dark chocolate licorice bullets the other day ahhahaha. No regrets!!!


Quirky, have you explained that to your kids?

Just in case they think it's another reason is all.


Good point velvet, I have explained but they think I am very disorganised and silly and not too smart. 

Maybe let them know you'll ask when ready? Words to that effect?

My mum = good. Has a well thought out plan about moving forward with some stuff. Cognitively excellent. Me = had 1.5hrs with counselling yesterday.  Also was good. 

The shock on his face when I casually mention things that have happened over the last many years. 

Hope y'all are good !!!!