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My story- just keep moving
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My depression started 20 odd years ago. So many bad things have happened in my life that remembering them is not something that I am able to cope with at the best of times. Some of these things have caused depression, some of them because of depression. It also hits me hard for no reason when all is going well. Its the major depressive episodes when I become to ill to cope, its like my soul/ existence leaves completely. Anxiety goes hand in hand with depression, and my anxiety is matching the level of my depression, just going outside is a painful experience. High level anxiety can last for days on end. Negative thoughts impact my everything, fleeting, unrealistic/uncontrollable. I forget who I am, where I put things/day it is. I don't think that I am good enough. This is not true, I know that from past experience. It effects every part of my life, family, friends, work. Most people don't understand why.
Why can't I have fun? When will I be normal? Why is this? Questions sometimes cause more problems and all I can do is take every day one step at a time until the major depression passes (its been 3 months already) or until the medication settles. Medication changes for me have side effects which can escalate other present symptoms. Mental health is so important. Don't hide it, with every ounce of your being tell someone. Get help. Reach out. Except. Go against what you feel. You are worth it.
I hid myself from society for many years because I felt that nobody understood. This was a mixture of anxiety and my naturally reclusive mentality that depression moulded me into. Its extremely difficult for me to decipher at times with all the chatter of negative thoughts what is reality or not. I never let anyone close to me so that I'm not a burden on them and I'm untrusting to others because of the fear of being hurt. People have a natural ability to push away the weird and undesired. So this makes it easier to do but not right.
All these symptoms mashed together make psychosis and inevitable agrophobia. Luckily this only effects me for a few weeks but the time it takes to recover from that to being able is far longer.
Its time for me to be me again. Clarity is still far away but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to keep moving.
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Here is another plus on philosophy;
With Australia being a multicultural society, the philosophical approach would eliminate bias against different belief systems.
Australia has almost every belief system currently around, operating in the same society, all humans have the unfortunate issue of mental health.
Anyone have any philosophical veiws on this?
Its a really good one!
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More philosophy
How do we preserve the right to belief for each citizen, whether we feel that belief to be enlightened or uninformed, yet expect and enforce limits on actions based on those beliefs?
This is a great question for mental health or even in general.
When people are suffering from mental illness or any illness really, what does judging there belief do to help that situation?
Example 1; if anyone has another example, feel free to add.
People believe in god. Lots of people talk to him/her every day. But what if science says thats not right. Your told that you have problems/voices in your head. But you say its god.
If the only voice in your head is god, is this a disorder?
So any philosophical insight on this would help.......
I'll leave it open......no judgement......philosophy
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Hi Matt
You always have an intellectual and heartfelt topic and good on you Matt. Thankyou heaps too for your peaceful and kind thoughts about my brother too
"People believe in god. Lots of people talk to him/her every day. But what if science says thats not right"
To answer your question about God being the only voice in your head....I was brought up to respect and read the bible which I am proud to have done as young person years ago.....I still do understand that there is a 'higher being' than us....no worries there at all.
Its not a disorder at all....Its a rock solid belief system that can give us strength when we need it when we have god as our guide.
Im not a huge fan of science but with my own health I know its a physical issue (chemical imbalance)
I am glad you have brought up God because whether it does it any good or not having a bible in my home wouldnt do me any harm. I would have nothing to lose and everything to gain Matt...Nice1
Just my 2cents worth. No judgement from me at all....:-)
Peace Back my friend
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Hi Paul,
Not philosophy,
Its 458am. I just slept from 1030 til now 6.5 hrs. No medicinal help.
Its taken me 23 days from my last episode to find my body clock. I think it took close to 70km of walk with a balanced diet and proper hydration. 2 to 3 litres and day. I will continue my routine for another month before reducing slowly. If I stopped it now cold turkey, it would have an unbalanced effect.
I am ecstatic. Truly. Happy for myself.
This is the quickest I have ever recovered, all due to this forum. I think it deserves recognition.
Beyond Blue is the forum ever! I could never have disrespect for this community after the help, insight, self confidence, knowledge,............the words could go on and on and on.
Your a truly awesome guy, Paul, I'd be happy to add you to my brotherhood. I only have respect for you. My brother/friend.
This poem is for Beyond Blue.......peace.
Everyone is learning, as the world is turning
The sun does rise, the rain does fall, on everyone
My mind is an ocean of love and equality
Its time to bring this to all
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Doh didn't edit,
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Hey Matt
your heart is kind and your words are true
Matt Said: "This is the quickest I have ever recovered, all due to this forum. I think it deserves recognition"
Matt...you have just made everyone's day on the forums
Its a two way street as well....you also have helped me too let alone the bulk of the people that read the forums and choose not to post that only gain by your/our recovery.
You are an asset to the forums Matt (Great poem by the way)
my kindest thoughts
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Dear Matt~
You ask impossible questions, I never did have any answers, but it is import they are at least asked - thank you.
You are in inspiration in the way you tackle your down times, you are methodical and have the conviction your regime it will work - and it does!
Again thank you for being you
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Morning Matt. So pleased that you have finally managed to get some sleep and get the body clock nailed down.
Decent sleep makes such a big difference doesnt it? I hope I can follow in your footsteps.
Take good care of yourself.
Taurus xx
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Peaceful thank you all,
I appreciate all your kind thoughts, and you all, for being you too.
Talk soon.
Peace and Equality
After morning medwalk Philosophy 23/1/17
Angel number 23;
You are working closely with one or more ascended masters such as Jesus, Moses, the saints, or the goddesses. This is a message from your ascended master-guides. Who can see that the answer to your prayers is within reach. They encourage you to stay positive
to ensure that you attract the best possible outcome. - Doreen Virtue.
-----------------philosophy for the day-------------
One word with multiple different meanings?
Or multiple different meanings to one word?
Or one love?
I'll leave it open..........
Btw... it doesn't matter anyway, worth thinking about.
Peace and Equality
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Philosophy out of sheer boredom,
What is a meaningful question and what kind of meaning does it assign to love?
Is it misleading to think that we could give an external justification for love?
Or is love a feeling?
How do we as humans express love to others we don't know?
Ok so..... this subject has to many different levels.
How do we incorporate love in to mental health without leaving someone feeling weird?
It's not like love for family or husband/wife etc etc.....
Could we infact see anyone as a good friend? Without judgement especially when we can't see anyone?
Does this take a different veiw of this situation?
Or do we get to close to the reality of the of this life of abandonment?
I will leave it open.......
Peace and equality
Btw.. worth a thought.