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I just don't know anymore
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I have been reading many threads, which makes me feel not so alone. I've had depression for 30 yrs. the last 5yrs have been chronic, that's why I'm in a nursing home.( no where else to go) I could not look after myself anymore. I have lost (commission unit)my unit my car and my baby dog. After many shock treatments, I am on medication which is keeping stable. I just don't have a life anymore. So alone. (Have lost my friends as I was out of action. I'm sure u guys can relate. I struggle with society that they just don't get it, what do we have to do to let them know this is REAL.( as if one could pretend with this illness) I don't think so!!! I really don't have a life
anymore. Being in a nursing home does not help cause when I leave my room I see so many older people around. It does not help my depression at all. That's all for now.thank you for ur time, looking forward to some replies.
my thread name is chrissy1 which some of you may have seen.
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To chrissy1
hello Mandy, thanks for ur reply. Yes I have been ok, just slack naughty of me. Been reading ur threads, u do have a lot on ur plate, but the good news is ur talking to ur phyc. I am so glad u are so u don’t feel so alone. Hopefully it is helping u. Today is Wednesday I’m waiting for my daughter to arrive to get my nails done, I don’t know where the month has gone.
i have this article that my daughter gave to me some time ago. It’s on the symptoms of depression/anxiety. It fantastic, I’ve never read anything like it, it is so real. A writer/author wrote it,he suffered for 4yrs. I want to get it out there but don’t know how, do u have any ideas it’s 3 pages long.
I just hope ur days are getting abit better you so deserve it.
take care💕
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To chrissy1
hello Karen, sorry it’s taken so long, I’ve been slack. I don’t mean too. I have written to Amanda, about an article I want too, get out to society, but know know how, do u have any ideas?
I do hope meds help u with ur glands. Same old same same old nothing to write about. Abit of news on Amanda’s post, for u to read if that’s okay.
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Hi Chrissy,
Lovely to hear from you again.💕
Regarding the article you'd like others to read. I would suggest you state in a post the name of the author and the title of the article. We may then be able to google it ourselves to read it on-line.
Good on you for wanting to share something which you have clearly found helpful. I look forward to further information so I can read it too.
Enjoy getting your nails done, and the joint pleasure of your daughters company. Oh yes, you're so right, the month of May has indeed flown by.
Will talk again soon.
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Hello Chrissy 😊
Yes, what Amanda suggested would be great, if you can put the author's name and title of the article in a post, then anyone who is interested can Google it ... thanks so much for sharing.
What colour will your nails be today?
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To chrissy1
hi Birdy77
how are u going.Thanks for ur reply so nice to hear from u.
well the colour of my nails bright pink, I have a drifferent colour each month. I live in Melbourne. Where are u?
its Sunday lunch time. It’s a bright sunny day. Thanks for info on the article. I will send soon. For me this article is outstanding,
I am so looking for some kind of hobby, it’s really hard because I have not worked for 25yrs, and have done so many things in those years to keep busy. Now I have no motivation at all, it’s so debilitating, I am so sick of it! Talk soon.
take care 💕
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Hello Chrissy,
I hope you don't mind me reading your posts to Amanda and Birdie, they are both amazing people..
I am also interested in reading the article you are referring to, so I'll be on the lookout for the title, when you post it..
Love the colour of your nails, very daring, way to go.
I am looking into starting croteching again..although I'm not sure how my fingers or wrists will hold up , I will give it a try..if not I'll find something else..I hope...I usually just play crosswords, solitaire or jigsaws on the internet, oh I found a nice adult colouring on the internet, that's fun and time consuming as well. Oh here is a little beautiful 🌹 rose for your bedside table..
I hope your daughter Rachel is doing okay as well as your grandchildren..
Look look after Chrissy, and it is so good hearing from you...
Warm hugs.🤗.. if you like hugs..
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Hello Mandy and Karen and anyone else
Im hoping you do have some luck with this article, for me it’s so real.
”What does depression feel like?” Trust me you really don’t want to know says Tim.
written by Tim Lott 20th April2016, he lives in the UK. It was written in “The Guardian”
I really do hope u have some luck as I find this article amazing. Please let me know if u do have some luck, I look forward to ur response.
take care💕
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Hi Chrissy,
Thanks for the above information about the article from Tim Lott. Yes I found it, and read it with interest. Its a very well written and realistic article about how we feel when we are suffering from Depression.
However I will point out one particular part of the article which I would like to emphasise to you. And to me too I guess, as it is kind of reassuring.
To quote Tim Lott - "And above all, depression, in nearly all cases, sooner or later lifts, and you become “normal” again. Not that anyone but you will necessarily notice".
I think its important to remind ourselves of this.
Just getting back to something you said in your previous post to Birdy. That you havent worked in the last 25 years. If you are comfortable in revealing it, can you tell me what sort of work you did? And whether you enjoyed it at the time? Just wondering if it may provide any clues as to what hobbies may be good for you.
Thanks again for providing the details of that article. Yes I did find it helpful, and oh so true.
Is Wednesday's the regular day for your daughter to visit you? Regardless, I hope tomorrow proves to be a day where you find some happiness in whatever you do.
Kindest thoughts to you Chrissy. 💕
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hellow Mandy
how are things? Thanks for ur reply. The article I sent, said that Tim says we eventually get better. It’s been 25 yrs now ,how much longer do I have to wait, therefore I don’t believe that anymore. I have tried so many types of ways for recovery, I’m over it.
Rachel can’t come any more she is working now, I miss her visits so much, she was my only hope to get out for abit.
take care💕
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Hello Chrissy,
How are you feeling hun..
I read that article you recommended, and I agree with you, I think we get better but only for a very short time..Depression will leave us for a day, week maybe a month but it always seem to find it's way back to us...but Chrissy, I aim for that day of peace, that's my purpose now to find some peace..
Im sorry that Rachel can't visit you while she is working, how about on the weekend, does she pop in and say hello, or does she ring you and chat to you..
I haven't seen my sons or grandchildren for so long, it's really hurting me a lot..Its just unfair, all the love and care we give them as their growing up, we love them unconditionally, why can't they love us unconditionally as well...oops sorry Chrissy, I lost me a little..
Do you still look around the forums at deferent threads, I do for distraction. I like talking and helping people, here is the only place I can do that...I notice at time your lovely support to others..well done..
Did your nursing home have the biggest Morning tea yet?
My village is having theirs at the end of next month, I'll try to get their..
i hope your night is good Chrissy. speak soon.