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I can't find the right place for me to post
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I don't know any more where to put a new thread if I make one, or which ones to join in. I always used Anxiety because that is my major condition but that has been relatively under control lately - I feel Depressed today - but I don't qualify for the topics there either. I'm depressed mainly because there doesn't seem a place for me. I love some of the threads and personal thoughts for example in Staying Well, but I can't join in there, because I don't have any tips for Staying Well.
I tend to have almost paranoid thoughts through over-thinking "problems" that I would like to talk over but don't know where to talk them over before they reach the paranoid stage...I want to avoid that. I join in the Social threads saying light hearted jokey things because thats the only place I seem to belong.
I dwell on any problems my adult sons have in various aspects of their life and want to "fix things for them" - our relationship is very loving and close though - they are wonderful to me - so there is no real "problem" with my relationship with them....so I don't seem to belong in the "relationships, family" section either do I?
I worry about them all the time - when I tried to express this on forum I think it was misconstrued that I had "empty nest syndrome" - trying to adapt to my sons' leaving home....No, that's not it...they've been gone for years and years...I am a grandmother.
I liked the Getting to Know You, or is it Me? thread very much - but have been given suggestions how to start my own thread and what section to use etc and get the feeling I'm being steered away from there too.
So I am still confused. I don't feel particularly anxious today, so this shouldn't even be in Anxiety! Do you see my dilemma?
In fact the more I write the more I feel like crying - I don't know where to go next.
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Moon and Cmf sending understanding thoughts.
Moon I understand how you miss your partner and your great relationship. I have never had that. I miss the fact I will never know the love of an understanding partner.
I feel a bit ungrateful as people say you have someone but when that is conditional and controlling, I too feel sad and lonely.
CMF I think the sadness you are feeling at the moment is part of the process of moving on.
Thinking of all those who are feeling lonely.
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Dear Moon~
It is quite common for people to feel let down, lonely and even pointless after an intense i enjoyable busy period with loved ones. I have hear it called the 'post holiday blues'
Now you are back home and all the hectic times are over for now -and it takes time to adjust to this. You have been content at home before , and it wil come again.
You can help, mainly by bring in contact wiht others. If there are no bowling matches in the offing try just ot meet socially. Your life wil be full again, it is just very wearing until it does.
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Dear Moon~
I guess you need to set your GP down in an extended appointment and go through all the different families of pain-killers. They are not all opioids and each has its benefits and downsides.
It is not just a question of saying I feel pain but illustrating how this is starting ot prevent you from your life long activity that has brought you accomplishment purpose and friendship
Point out that as pain prevents you form doing these you are left alone in a house by yourself and your quality of life and welfare is being seriously diminished.
If the doctor is worried about medication abuse arrange for more frequent consultations so he can supervise. Do not take no for an answer -it is too important. If your doctor persists go seek a second opinion. Be upfront and tell the second doctor the reason and see what happens.
You need to do the things you enjoy and give life meaning.
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Yes Croix...I should be more forceful...I loathe confrontations. I am still pretty sure most of this pain originates in my mind..e.g. when I was away (as last time I visited family last year) I took less painkillers than in my everyday life. also...my bowls club are in the middle of a celebration social type of "tournament" featuring highlights from top players and I am doing a small appearance in that. Once I have begun it seems to override the pain somewhat as I expected. The mind is so powerful and I have read a lot about the connection between messages from the brain to the body and vice versa. After a while this process moves so quickly it's virtually impossible to intercept the "thought or fear" before it hits the body... unfortunately there are no hypnotherapists in my town at present who deal with pain....this is an avenue I'd like to pursue. I'd also be a good candidate for a "placebo" I reckon. I am not sceptical and doubting about the power of our thoughts/mind...and I know mine is strong.....(what has happened to the Alphabetical Movies thread? It seems to have lost that order lately???). love Moon S x
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Dear Moon~
I'm pleased that once again you are going you thrill the public with an exhibition of your bowling skills, and don't worry about the brevity -it is always quality that counts.
Constant pain is a complex thing and while I agree that doing something pleasurable that takes you mind off pain it does not mean it is not there. Similarly if you are doing nothing the mind may concentrate on it more and thus you feel worse.
I can for example be lost in a book -for a while and pain reseeds, however in time it increases due to my posture to the extent it interrupts my concentration. Then more medication is needed.
So please do not leave things because there are occasions when it seems less, act on those times when it is worst. You can always adjust medication to be less, but can't increase beyong the prescribed limit -so endevour to have that limit made as large as meets your needs.
I'm not sure about your pacebo therory.
I'll go and look at the movies thread and see what you mean.
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Croix...there's been about 3 or 4 people now who have suggested I see another GP for second opinion and/script for the pain...just make an appointment with someone else to see what they say about it. One friend was surprised that my GP told me that next time I needed a repeat...I would have to see 2 doctors for approval..one other besides her...e.g. a colleague in her practice. My friend was surprised at this as he had never heard of such a request or rule. Is this common...for Gps to require a "second approval" before issuing a script? Does it have to be a doctor at her practice, or do I just pick one from anywhere? Has anyone heard of this before and is it a government regulation or what? Conufused Moon S.
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Dear Moon~
I am not sure how regulations vary from state ot state however it is normal practice in my state for some restricted medications to require the consent of 2 GPs for continued use. For convenience sake another GP from the same practice is often used.
I don't know enough to comment further other than to say if you get the chance to go to a specialist dealing with the cause of your pain, or a pain specialist, it may be preferable to leaving treatment and medication in the hands of your GP.
I'm sorry you are having so much pain and trouble getting it addressed, however I doubt it is anything to do with you but simply regulations.
Let me know how you go
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Dear Moon~
You mentioned a few days ago you were going to reprise some of your more spectacular bowling moments.
Has this happened as yet -and did you WOW them as I'd expect?
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Yes its finished now and although short and sweet, we crazy little team in our "send-up" had them roaring with laughter which is the most gratifying sound believe me. Took a lot out of me though and don't bounce back as quickly as in my youth...like most of us as we age I guess..I realise I am not alone in finding it difficult to reconcile the physical limitations our bodies put on us, while our minds and hearts keep wanting to live life to the fullest as we once did!
Hey....I have my "medication review" its called in a few days. the surgery actually called me and said it was due. I told receptionist I was waiting until pills had finished but she said thats OK...so I went ahead and made appointment with my own GP's colleague....haven't a clue how it will go. As I have told you, I make the pills last as long as I can, to assure them I am not addicted, or abusing them...Hope this has been the right thing to do...as the pain becomes intolerable I could easily take 5 or 6 at a time...do you think my eloquent communication skills will convince them how important it is to continue the medication otherwise my enjoyment of life will plummet to about nil. When nicotine and alcohol are readily available to the already addicted, no questions asked with users free to keep going damaging their health etc sometimes all the way to death....and I have to beg and scrape for something to ease unbearable pain!! I mean....what the hell????
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Dear Moon~
It is amazing how a bowling reprise can affect an audience, you obviously still have the talent even if you are a trifle tired afterwards. I'm sure it was fun.
You are quite right, some addictive harmful substances are in common everyday use, while others take quite a rigmarole. It might pay to sort your thoughts out on paper (a script almost) so you make a reasoned submission. I'd be surprised if it did not go well, particularly as you have eked out your current script and not had it all at once.