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I can't find the right place for me to post

Community Member

I don't know any more where to put a new thread if I make one, or which ones to join in. I always used Anxiety because that is my major condition but that has been relatively under control lately - I feel Depressed today - but I don't qualify for the topics there either. I'm depressed mainly because there doesn't seem a place for me. I love some of the threads and personal thoughts for example in Staying Well, but I can't join in there, because I don't have any tips for Staying Well.

I tend to have almost paranoid thoughts through over-thinking "problems" that I would like to talk over but don't know where to talk them over before they reach the paranoid stage...I want to avoid that. I join in the Social threads saying light hearted jokey things because thats the only place I seem to belong.

I dwell on any problems my adult sons have in various aspects of their life and want to "fix things for them" - our relationship is very loving and close though - they are wonderful to me - so there is no real "problem" with my relationship with them....so I don't seem to belong in the "relationships, family" section either do I?

I worry about them all the time - when I tried to express this on forum I think it was misconstrued that I had "empty nest syndrome" - trying to adapt to my sons' leaving home....No, that's not it...they've been gone for years and years...I am a grandmother.

I liked the Getting to Know You, or is it Me? thread very much - but have been given suggestions how to start my own thread and what section to use etc and get the feeling I'm being steered away from there too.

So I am still confused. I don't feel particularly anxious today, so this shouldn't even be in Anxiety! Do you see my dilemma?

In fact the more I write the more I feel like crying - I don't know where to go next.

1,722 Replies 1,722

Moon and Cmf sending understanding thoughts.

 Moon I understand how you miss your partner and your great relationship. I have never had that. I miss the fact I will never know the love of an understanding partner. 
I feel a bit ungrateful as people say you have someone but when that is conditional and controlling, I too feel sad and lonely.

CMF I think the sadness you are feeling at the moment is part of the process of moving on.


Thinking of all those who are feeling lonely. 

Dear Moon~

It is quite common for people to feel let down, lonely and even pointless after an intense i enjoyable busy period with loved ones. I have hear it called the 'post holiday blues'


Now you are back home and all the hectic times are over for now -and it takes time to adjust to this. You have been content at home before , and it wil come again.


You can help, mainly by bring in contact wiht others. If there are no bowling matches in the offing try just ot meet socially. Your life wil be full again, it is just very wearing until it does.




Dear Moon~

I guess you need to set your GP down in an extended appointment and go through all the different families of pain-killers. They are not all opioids and each has its benefits and downsides.


It is not just a question of saying I feel pain but illustrating how this is starting ot prevent you from your life long activity that has brought you accomplishment purpose and friendship


Point out that as pain prevents you form doing these you are left alone in a house by yourself and your quality of life and welfare is being seriously diminished.


If the doctor is worried about medication abuse arrange for more frequent consultations so he can supervise. Do not take no for an answer -it is too important. If your doctor persists go seek a second opinion. Be upfront and tell the second doctor the reason and see what happens.


You need to do the things you enjoy and give life meaning.

