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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



1,044 Replies 1,044

Oh Paul,

I know you say you're ok but I know it's one less person who you physically see. A 15 year friendship is a big deal too. I hope it can be mended in time. I wish I could be there in person for you my friend.

I'm glad you have Prince. You have my virtual shoulder too.

I must to bed as I have to be up and ready for my friend to take me to my appointment. It's a bit of a trip and we play to have a cuppa before I go in.

Big hugs Mr Woof xx

Hi Carol, just thought I'd drop by quickly to say hi and that I am wishing you a successful treatment today. I hope your self hypnosis in your safe place helps you through the worst of it.

11am I will be at work, but I will spare a few thoughts for you as you become a pin cushion once again.

Good luck you to, and I look forward to hearing how it all went once you feel up to it again, whenever that may be. Meanwhile a big reassuring and encouraging hug to you Carol.

Paul - I am really sorry to hear that your friend Pixie is no long on your list of supportees and/or supporters. Perhaps it was all too much for her with all the health issues she's been having, and everything just got too hard. Thank goodness for pets! Prince .... take good care of your Master. Big bear hug to you both.

Sherie xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Good luck today Carol, we really need that magic wand! Hugs, xx

Paul that is rotten news about your friend, hang in there. Hopefully someone new and wonderful will find their way into the empty space. Hugs, xx

Thanks so much Sherie and Wednesday.

Well today went so much better than expected. My friend picked me up after her school drop so we arrived 40mins early to the neurologist.

We decided to have a cuppa and breakfast at a cafe. It was lovely and relaxing though I still felt very nervous. I kept being mindful as I sat there.

Everything about the procedure was the same as before except I reminded myself of the borthstone gem Emmy gave me and I thought of my special place.

Afterwards I did not feel the raw emotion that I did after the forst visit. In fact there were no tears and no strong emotions. Last time I literally howled when I got to the car.

I can't help but think the ADs helped as well as me trying to relax more. I am very pleased with the result. My neuro said 2 weeks before I will notice any effect.

All in all, it is a good day.

It is beautiful outside too.

Carol xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member


That is fabulous news, I am so pleased. Fingers crossed now that the two week go quickly. I guess that means it will gradually take effect over the next couple of weeks and will be two weeks before you notice it. Fingers, arms and everything else crossed for you.

I think you're are right the AD's have probably taken effect, which is great too. Maybe it was worth all those icky side effects to start with.

Huge hugs, xx

Oh well done Carol. Really happy for you .......... you were so brave! I remember how badly it affected you last time, so I was worried for you. No doubt Emmy's gemstone helped! As well as everyone else's well wishes.

Now hopefully within 2 weeks you will start to see further improvement again. Just another step in the long road to recovery. Bring on March! Then all the good stuff can start to happen - weight loss goals, wedding party. Yay - celebration time coming up. Well I guess I shouldnt get too excited just yet .. after all that is all still 7 months away. But there will be gradual improvements throughout that time for both the weight loss and the headaches. Just think how good you are going to feel and look come March/April.

I'm glad its been a good day for you. Perhaps the leisurely morning breakfast with your friend also helped to put you in a better frame of mind this time? Its been a nice warm and sunny day here as well. Very pleasant.

Well done Carol ......... big hug.

Sherie xx

Glad to hear it went okay, Carol. Sounds like a much more positive experience than last time. The anti-depressants and your friend's company probably did some good. Hopefully over the coming two weeks you'll see reasonable improvement.

I see your weight loss is still progressing well, too. Go you! I know you've been struggling a bit lately, so I hope these positives help you feel a bit better in yourself.


I am so blessed to have the support from all of you here.

Your messages and thoughts, kindness and caring mean so much to me. You are all beautiful souls and you have given me hope.

I was so lost when I first came here, in the middle of the night not expecting a response but to find dear Mr.Woof there welcoming be in and telling me how brave I was. Then Shell and Sherie joining him in being my constant companions and Moon sharing my escapes.

Now there are so many wonderful people here supporting me and each other. It is something really special. Everyone despite their own issues reaching out and giving more than they really have. It is inspiring and joyful that in dark moments you all find something to give to someone else.

If any of you doubt your worth, if you doubt your ability to be a friend, if you doubt if you are good, know this my friends, you are all of these things to me.

Love Carol xx

Community Member

Hey Carol. Just wanted to say well done today. You should feel proud. Nice getting there early and having some brekkie - I hate rushing and that can cause more stress. Let's hope these next two weeks go quick. With you every step of the way hun. Much love. Emmy xx

PS Glad the birthstone helped xx

Community Member

Hi Carol

Pleased to hear you did better than anticipated. Fingers crossed too that all turns out for the best.

AD's do have their rightful place don't they? My hubby has noticed a difference in me and told me so. I didn't realise he needed me to have them too, for his sake! Anyhow, here's to moving forward and doing so at a comfortable pace. I know we all want quick fixes but life has other plans for us sometimes. Give yourself some grace. Pamper yourself. Accept help. Take much joy in the little things. Celebrate the smallest of success in the biggest of ways.

Thinking of you, always.

Pet 😊 xxoo