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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩...Paws and all...🤗..

I just about finished writing out a post..then a mosquito was buzzing around my face and fingers..so I decided to try to squish it...Oops..I must have missed mozzie and hit both reply and cancel together...then my I pad froze..and now my post is gone..😢 poof 💨..gone...not noted either..

Will be back tomorrow f that’s okay...I’m so itchy on my feet..and fingers...darn mosquitoes getting through the screen wire...

Much love Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 My bbff...

Love to you to Paws....and everyone..


Community Member

Hi Grandy (waves to everyone)

Isn't it frustrating when that happens???!! I think we've all had it happen at least once.

How are you going? Do you see your nice neighbour very much? Do you have any company? Does anyone take you out walking now?

I am wondering what I will do over the next few weeks with Christmas coming and Sam and I will be alone for that, and everyone else seems busy organising family Christmases or trips away and we are here with no friends... my music lessons have stopped until mid-January... how to fill in the days? At least it's cooler this week. I will take little Sam for a walk by the river - I wish he could have a run off leash, but there are snakes... so I have to be careful and keep him on the lead - it's a shame as he's so happy if he can run along off the lead and explore and sniff wherever he likes...

Are you doing anything at Christmas? If not maybe we should organise to meet up in the BB Cafe... do you hear from anyone at the shop where you worked?

Anyway sending fluffy soft squishy hugs your way from little Sam oxoxoxoxo hugs

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi beautiful 👩‍❤️‍👩 and all lovelies 🖐

Drat it aye. Sneaky little beasts. It's really annoying losing pists isn't it. Depending on content and headspace they can take up to hrs per pist as we know too well.

Just when you're up to sweetyheart I know at times it can be hard posting.

I'm glad you posted cause I wanted in case you didn't know to tell you that I have such deep love for you dear friend/soul sissy 🤗

There's a lovely TV show that you might like called "My big family farm" on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. The only thing is that might upset you but you also might be ok because it's nature is you see on occasion some widdle lambs or other animals that have gone to heaven. It's all about being humane & there was a part that was interesting I won't say but it was for the good of saving another lamb. Anyhoo it's a family with 9 🤤 kids and the parents teaching the kids farm skills it's interesting and lovely.

And a dragon animated coming on the Sat 12th Dec "How to train your dragon" I didnt jot down channell but can let you know if I see it.

Hope you're as good as can be at this point in time. The more we can handle it the stronger we get so I assume with time and more practice it will become easier and 2nd nature.

Always 🗯 & 💜 dear dear friend.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Hanna and everyone...🤗..

It sure is a pain when that happens....It’s happened before..but not because of pesky little mosquitoes..I spend Christmas alone...with my two fur girls..I buy them a treat and a fluffy toy each and wrap it up for them...it’s funny watching them rip the paper to get to the treat and fluffy toy..but not fun cleaning up the mess😄..

I have seen several snakes around here..so please do be careful...The paddocks across the road has long brown grass..the cows don’t eat..The owner really should come and the grass...for snakes and of course grass fires...
Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩...It has to be okay, I can only do the best I can to live the best I can, with me...

Your right bbff...painful to uncover..won’t heal if they stay unprocessed deep inside...”Better out then in”...Shrek..😁...
Oh I’ve seen how to train your dragon...it’s nice...I will check out the farm show on Tuesday....I love watching happy families...playing and working together...something heartwarming about seeing families being happy with each other..

I heard from my usual WW supporter...she fractured her back..L1..and a tear in the L4/5..She is back at work and in a brace..her hubby is FI/FO worker..so he not home...Gosh if I knew I would’ve offered my help...poor lady only lives 15 minutes drive from mine....She is wanting to visit me “officially “ next week....

I’m doing okay..I started going through things in my Dining room to put out front to get rid of them...still too much of my past life around me.... ended up starting to move the furniture around.😂..still doing it..it’s been a great distraction for me...Wow so much fur/dust behind things I moved away from the wall...

Bbff..I hope your doing okay in recovery....Much love , care and respect in my heart for you..💚🐻🤗🦋🌹..
My love, hugs and care to everyone..your all such beautiful people..🤗💜🕊


Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,

Your poor ww lady that must be painful. It is good to know why she hadn't been in touch, but the ww organisation should still have let you know instead of leaving you in the dark.

My neighbour has put some cows back in the paddock next to me, but like the paddock near you, it has really high dry brown grass which they don't want to eat. Yesterday a couple of them were eating the leaves from my tree that is by the fence. They have also been reaching under the fence to eat the green grass on my side. Woofa is pleased to see them back.

I think when the dog fur drops from our pooches it doesn't just lay there... it breeds when we are not looking... how else can there be so much fur behind & under things & just all over furniture... without our dogs being bald.



Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Paws..

I think your right..about the dog fur..now I feel I need to move everything out and vacuum behind and under them..We are so good at making more work for ourselves..aren’t we? 😂😁..

I agree I should have been told.,Gee people with mi can have a mind that thinks all bad reasons why our supporters suddenly left us without an explanation.,,.

Cows are beautiful creatures..I’m so happy your neighbour has put them back in...both Kya and Ebony love to just sit and watch the cows...I remember once Kya got out..and headed straight into the paddock across the road..and decided to have a wash in the cows..umm droppings..oh my goodness she was stinky..but very proud of herself..jumping up on me and running around in circles.😂...I had to wash her under the hose outside..lucky it was a hot summers day.,😂😂.That was a few years ago..but I can still remember how she looked and smelled.🤢😂..

I hope you and Woofa enjoy watching the cows as much as I do....They are so peaceful to watch and funny sometimes as well..

Love, hugs and care,,💚🤗🦋.,Dear Paws and everyone..


Community Member

Hi Grandy,

My computer is playing up so all the posts are mixed up when I look at them - but I do wish I could talk to someone about something that happened that has upset me and I can't talk to anyone here! Just feeling horribly lonely and upset about something I don't know how to deal with... nothing you can do just wanted to thank you for your kindness checking on me today.. and I hope you are OK dear lady. Waves to Deebi , Paws.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Hanna..

I am so sorry that your struggling loneliness and being upset...

I know sweetheart that when something has a downing impact on our Mental Health...being alone can cause us to sink much faster and deeper... Please dear Hanna...if you can’t talk here..please can you ring our lovely trained counsellors on the 24/7 phone number..1300224636..

Keeping it inside yourself, questioning yourself, thinking about whatever it is constantly will only drag you further in..Can you reach out to your GP..or psychologist tomorrow morning and make an appointment to talk to them?..

Always here for you dear Hanna...I have replied more to you in your thread...but forgot to ask you to Please reach out to your GP/professionals.... I really hope beautiful Hanna that you are okay...

Sending you a big warm caring hug Hanna &one for Sam as well....


Community Member

Grandy, thank you I am OK.. I just didn't know what to do about something and I had nobody to talk to. It's OK now just onely... nights are not so bad, it's the long days now that it hot too.. we can't walk much.

My brother has written to me but he hasn't asked anything about me, he talks about himself a lot, he's always been like this...

Thank you for being there Grandy, Paws, I am OK because I have little Sam to look after and without me he has nobody!!! I'm not that bad, just tired from making decisions today with nobody to give me their thoughts. Hugs and nighty night oxoxo I am off to bed!

Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,

Had to chuckle at Kya being so pleased with herself after rolling in smelly stuff... thankfully Woofa hasn't done that... though he will eat any he can find & then breath stinky breath at me.

The cows are a joy to watch... my neighbour usually gets youngsters in so they tend to play with each other & just be daft. This time he has a mix of youngsters & mothers with calves (which are so cute). Though the mothers aren't too keen on Woofa when he runs along the fence wanting them to play. It's a very large paddock & they moved out of sight yesterday... hopefully they will move back near us soon.

Lass do be careful moving heavy furniture...

