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Hi Grandy,
I'm really sorry you had such a horrid experience at a place where you were volunteering. I'm sorry you were spoken to in a such a way. It can be hurtful, demoralizing, confronting and confusing.
It is important for you to realise that although this has happened and it has no doubt produced many thoughts, emotions and feelings that maybe triggering you, you are still the amazing, caring Grandy that we all know here!
I hope you are able to find ways to comfort yourself through this Grandy and to feel the support of everyone here.
Best wishes to you, cheers from Dools
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He must have just been taking out his bad mood on you - poor you! No wonder you walked out, I would too! I am sorry... how nasty and upsetting for you.. you have had a bad time dear lady. I am sorry.
You have the support of everyone here Grandy - you are among friends here who care about you very much... little Sam would curl up in your lap and lick your face... and put his paw over your arm.. and snuggle up close to you... to comfort you.
Hugs lady... we're all here for you. oxoxoxoxo
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Oh no darling Grandy 🤗
Sweetyheart why on Earth did he carry on like that with you. No way you deserved rot like that. Geez hun not fair at all.
You poor love I know you'd be feeling so bad 🤗
Grandy hold your beautiful head high, you were an asset to them. He's made a huge mistake and he better bloody well apologise.
Sweety I so wish I could be there with you. My arms are around you 🤗 and holding your hands 🤝 honey. I too sit with you and Paws and your many good friends here.
I'm so sorry he behaved so appallingly.
Please Grandy puAbok lysvm yAdimh swod gorgeous.
So much love and care always darlin. 👩❤️👩💜🤝🤗🗯👭🕊
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Here for you also.
Not much fun being on the end of someone else's bad mood.
It's no refection of you because you are the greatest!
I agree, you are an asset to them.
Please try to not think on him too much as he doesn't deserve your time.
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Hello Deebi👩❤️💋👩, Hanna, Croix..Paws..Mrs Dools..Monkey..
Thank you all for you posts..I really do appreciate you talking to me....feeling so awfully alone right now..
Our Area manager brought in a van full of donations from the very big shop from another town....The store boss was in and myself, newbie, area manager was unloading the van..while the store boss was checking out the things in the boxes...He started selecting things from the boxes..glasses, brand new fully wrapped make up and perfume, gift packs ..and threw them all in the skip bin...area manager didn’t seem to care..then lots of second hand and some new toys...all in good condition he threw them...I said as he was throwing things..that they sell..he said they don’t..I said..yes they do...he got angry with me and said just unload..Seeing so much donations go into the skip bin was heart breaking...So many people could have used those things..90% of the town’s residents are unemployed..any way I said okay..not wanting to disrespect him...
After it was unpacked he went home...about an hour later he came back and called me into the office.,and said that he doesn’t like to be undermined by his staff..I apologised...which wasn’t enough for him...He started going off at me..said I belong out back..no where else and I don’t know anything about what sells out front...told me to stay out back, and not question his or co-ordinator’s decisions ever....he was making me feel so small and useless...scared me....the anger in his voice and words were too much for me...After he finished shouting at me...I grabbed my bag and went home..
It hurt so much...I thought I would never to feel this way again..
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Hello Lass,
You are right such things would sell, especially with christmas coming, there would be many families who would benefit from being able to buy low cost toys for their kids & having perfume etc for the parents.
He had no right to speak so disrespectfully to you. Nothing you could have done warranted such behaviour from him & nothing you did do warranted it either. Grandy you should be proud of yourself for seeing the wrong he was doing, those items had been donated to help people not to be just thrown out on a whim.
He clearly has problems which doesn't excuse him, but please lass don't take his words to heart.
Lass I'm sitting with you in spirit.
Huggliest of hugs
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I wonder, reading your post, if this is a man not liking a woman to dare give him an opinion? Anyway, yes those things would sell and I don't know why he was throwing them out - is he a volunteer too? Sometimes I think people in these places can get very bossy - some of the people in the shop here are scary and I hardly ever go inside.. where I used to live a couple of women in the op shop were so rude to customers we had to complain to the charity... they would make personal remarks about customers in front of them or where they could hear - not nice remarks... one of them was to my neighbour who was a lovely kind elderly lady... she was terribly upset - and she was very ill at the time too...going to the OpShop was her only pleasure.. to buy some little thing for herself...
It must be terribly upsetting for you but nobody should treat you like that and they have lost a wonderful volunteer in you Grandy...
Give yourself time to recover... none of this is your fault... some people like to feel powerful.. and try to make other people feel bad.. so he yelled at you...
Little Sam would sit next to you and put his paw over your arm and snuggle up to you and lick your face and gaze up at your with his big brown eyes and show you how much he loves you...
So I am sending snuggly hugs from him to you, soft fluffy ones, he had a bath yesterday so he's all soft and smells of hair conditioner!!!! snuggly hugs oooooxxxx
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Beautiful Grandy ❤️ hi other lovely people
Dear dear Grandy wow I reckon you need this our lovely one 🤗 Big long warm hug precious friend.
Darl I'm so sorry that mongrel carried on like that. Agreed he had no right at all.
Where does he get off throwing perfectly good things away geez what a jerk.
As the lovely people here said and you too, those things I too would think would sell and you know what you're talking about.
Love that you spoke up!
Hannah ... hi darl ☺ might be onto something he clearly had a problem with someone speaking up. Could be a woman issue or maybe a power trip or simply him just being a mutt! Certainly acting like one.
Who knows maybe all the above and more.
Grandz love 🤝 please try very hard to allow yourself to realise the problems his not yours. You absolutely did the right thing. Please believe that truth sweetyheart 💗
You probably are unaware that you also did everything right by the community speaking up. I'm incredibly proud of you. Good on you hun seriously that was good.
Too many things get overlooked.
Only a few people like you have the courage and decency to speak up.
You're a really good person Grandy please don't doubt it.
I'm so sorry you're hurting so much and that this has happened.
Such great support from your beautiful friends here honey because of the beautiful person you are.
You really are never alone darlin you have a lot of love and many friends that really do care and are with you every step of the way dear love. We'll get through this together 🤝
Always here for you sweet lady 💜🤝🤗😚
Love you so much precious friend 👩❤️👩
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Hi Grandy,
Thinking of you. I'm sending you a huge virtual bunch of Australian native flowers. If you look in amongst the blooms, there is a cute little pygmy possum waiting to keep you company.
Do you have any plans for today Grandy?
Is there something nice you can do for yourself?
Sometimes when I am angry and frustrated I will go out and weed for a while or clean the house, then I find something soothing and relaxing to do like reading a book, doing craft while listening to music or colouring in.
Hope you find something today Grandy that will help to soothe your soul.
Virtual hugs to you from Dools
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Hi again Grandy,
You know what I think might have happened? You've changed a bit and people don't know how to cope. You're speaking up a bit now, and I don't think you have been a person who has usually done that? And guess what - people don't like it when you change. They don't know how to deal with a different you.
That's what happened to me when I went from being a mouse and doing what everyone told me to do, and I started to speak out. People didn't know how to cope with a different me! They expect people to stay the same... so they are surprised and they don't like it.
I may be wrong but I do wonder if this is at least part of what's happening? Plus they have been in the wrong and they knew it, and you have pointed it out to them.
This might be part of a very healthy change happening for you - you are learning to speak up for yourself, good for you and about time! Celebrate it! Other people will have to learn to adjust to a different Grandy! Yay!
I hope you do something nice today and remember that maybe this is all just part of you changing in a very, very good way! You good thing you!
Fluffy hugs from little Sam who is grinning because he think's that's what's happened! Cheers dear lady, feel good about yourself! hugs