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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,

Just popping in to let you know you are in my thoughts & cared about.

Giving you a huge gentle bear hug lass


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Magic, Croix, Paws...

Thank you for your caring posts...

I couldn’t go to work on Tuesday..couldn’t face anyone...Betty came to mine after she finished work..and told me I need to go and see the boss if I am finishing there...Betty told me the boss and the 2 girls said they took them home so they didn’t get thrown out...If that’s the case why didn’t they give them back to me..my boss is on their side now...I am over everything to do with work...Just like always everything gets turned around to me doing/saying the wrong thing...must be the way I talk or do things...

They returned the dolls, Betty brought them to mine...but quite a few are broken...I think I can fix most of them...I am going to take them to the Salvation Army...next week before/after my Victims Services counselling...

My mh supporter took me to Bunnings today to buy a new lawn mower...and asked me to wait until Monday so she can help me set it up properly and she wants to help me mow it...Don’t like people going out of their way to help me.. I have no choice because I don’t know how to set it up and run a new mower in..

Croix..Thank you for your words..You seem to know about how I’m feeling and thinking...your words are always wise and helpful...

Monkey Thank you for you post..I spent years collecting them and wanted to give to charity for the needy..I used to love them..now I have them back...I hate them..they have caused me to much heartache...and I feel bad having them now...I mean if the other 2 girls wanted them that bad, I should have let them have them...

Deebi..Thank you for taking me away from my head for a while..and giving me a huge smile...oh and the never ending no calorie bite size chocolate...How can I not love you...beautiful bbff..💜🐻🤗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Paws Thank you for popping in..saying hello and a huge hug..I really needed that hug today..

You are all such beautiful, understanding, kind and caring friends...Thank you for being the people you all are..

My love, hugs and care to you all..


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Grandy~

It is hard when you think

me doing/saying the wrong thing.

but maybe in time you will come to see it was they that did that, not you. Its the reaction you normally have, self blame is as much a part of your injury as scar tissue wold be on an outside wound

No, doing the right thing is hard, often has no reward and sometimes seems pointless. In your case you pointed out dishonesty, and your judgment is confirmed by their subsequent lies.

Thinking they should have had them becuse they wanted them is not looking at things squarely. True if they wanted them they could have asked, or put them though the shop and paid.

Rather than hating the dolls for reminding you of an unpleasant pair of people think of your rescuing them and now repairing them. They in the proper hands now.

I'm not sure you have to see that boss, perhaps the phone might be easier, and say you have said all you were going to, or say you prefer not to say anything and leave it at that.

Whichever way you will be left with a hole to fill, to make you feel productive again (actually having honest people in the world is productive in itself.) There are dishonest peple everywhere I'm afraid and how you deal with them is what leaves the lasting effect inside you -in this case knowledge that you are braver than you thought.

When you do drop off the dolls could you ask if they needed help? Difficult, maybe it might take several goes, but op shop work is a huge revenue raiser for charities, with homless placed and the hungry fed. Even with people skimming things off the top the remainder is significant.

Do you mind if I ask why you do not like people going out of their way to help you? (Sorry if that's a hard question, of course you need not answer, I'll understand)


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Beautiful Grandy 👩‍❤️‍👩 hi lovely people ☺

Ah darlin it's just SO unfair this rot's going on. Never forget sweet lady they did wrong not you.

I completely understand you not wanting to face work.
What a shame darlin.

I've been thinking... one door closes and another opens.
There might be somewhere else you could do same or ?

Probs that's for later to think on. You'd I'd think need to focus on recovery for now, gently rubbing your back while a big 🤗 happens. I'll just put that cuppa down there.

Darl is Betty in your corner?

If you leave it's as much as this is hurting you it'd be majorly their loss.
You know seriously you should be proud of yourself standing up for yourself I know we are. Leaving will drive the point home which is how it should be! They might have a conscience moment and short a solid reliable hard worker.

Grandz no matter what beasty says, if someone else was in this situation what would you say to them.
Just thought that might be a valuable tool to access the rational thinking part of our brains that beasty brat shuts down!
It'd help us question negatives and not accept first thought as truth.

I too doubt that very much. If that was the case wouldn't they communicate to you about it.
I'm wondering if a few broken was someone being malicious. Maybe not but suss on that.

Good to the Salvos.
That's who Mr Deebi volunteers with. I'm starting to get involved too slowly. Making new friends is nice too.

I know you prefer to give than take because of your Golden soul.
I think a lifetime of giving deserves some goods back.

Oh SO pleased you got a huge smile and a small beasty break.

You are all such beautiful, understanding, kind and caring friends...Thank you for being the people you all are..

We wouldn't waste our time and energy on someone that's exactly the same with a heart and courage bigger than the mighty Ayers rock my lady 💜🤗

Deep love gives a beautiful blanket of security dear dear Grandy.
Your friendship and who you are's the ultimate.
Thank you too sweet lady ☺


Community Member
Sending you soft fluffy hugs from little Sam Grandy, and to Deebi as well... hug hug

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Croix, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩..and everyone...🤗..

Croix....That is a hard question to answer...that will make sense to anyone but me...but I’ll try...When people go out of their way to help me...I feel so much guilt..because it is my job...guilt because they are using their own time on me...I should be doing the job..not them getting sweaty, tired, sore muscles..when in my own time I can do it....useless and sad, watching them helping me...it just feels so wrong when people help me...Like I’m using them...idk..it’s just so wrong for someone to use their time and energy on me...

I loved working out back in Vinnies..it took me a long time to be comfortable working with the other volunteers their...They were the first people I started to associate with after a year plus, of self isolation... I learnt to care for and trust them

The place I want to drop them off at is 85 kilometres away..maybe a bit far to drive their every week for a volunteer day...
Deebi...I don’t think broken on purpose..they were all put into one of those striped bags..probably very roughly...I brought them in, in a large foam container....

Apparently theirs a full volunteer staff meeting on Tuesday at 11am....My thoughts are fighting each other about going, not going...going...not going...It’s really hard trying to argue with myself.... I think I have two seperate brains living in my head...both as stubborn as each other...My heart or inner child is saying to keep away...

Awe Deebi...If I had any courage at all...this wouldn’t be getting me so down and confused....Thank you for your sweet words....Love you dear bbff...💜🐻🤗..

Thank you Croix...Giving me a different way of thinking about rescuing and repairing them...Has made me feel somewhat better...

My kind and caring thoughts...


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Grandy 👩‍❤️‍👩 hi all ☺

Darling bbff you're such a kind caring giving person.
Do you think you don't like people helping because the guilt and feelings that you should do it is because of your treatment in your life?
If so you dear lady maybe you might feel differently knowing it came from people that were wrong and bad who clearly had problems.

I can relate to some of that esp feeling like you're using them, maybe because we've been used dunno.
Although today I asked a stranger for help. Good lad did willingly. Going to repay somehow laters.

The scales aren't tipped evenly if you do all the giving and not taking my sweety. This too would I'd think be a big part of your recovery.

Yes I know you loved working there. Oh Grandz it's a big mess isn't it but only because of selfish people taking advantage of an opportunity open to them.
Must be so disappointing that some got broken.
The whole deals just so wrong. Some/many people can be SO ....

That's exactly how it is hun like two minds going at eachother in opposition.
We need our good part to be more stubborn than the bad. Hard when we're hurting and tired.

Yes long drive to get to the place. What a shame.
Darl something else might come up esp with your ww who might help with something down the track.

But you do have courage Grandz. You went against every fibre in your bod to talk to the boss. I'm really proud of you and so are your many lovelies here. Mean it hun.

I strongly suggest if you go to the meeting don't give any of them the time of day. Just go sit listen and choof. Make them invisible. Silence can be as or more powerful than words.

Sounds maybe like a silly question but how are you going. Truth plz lovey.

Always love and awesome deep close friendship dear Grandyfloss.

Community Member

Hi Grandy (waves to Deebi & everyone)

Just a thought - people really LIKE to be able to help someone else - people feed bad if they can't help someone they want to help.. is it worth keeping this in mind so you don't feel bad about people helping you? Honestly, people feel good if they've been able to help somebody else. Just a thought, but it can help to keep this in mind... sending fluffy hugs.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩....Hanna and everyone...🤗..

I don’t know Deebi, I just feel like people doing things I can do...are wasting their time on me, when they could enjoying their time...I mean okay if it’s something I’m unable to do or something to heavy to lift, for a few minutes or so...and they lend a hand to help...that’s okay...but mowing my lawn, is a big job..it takes me 2-3 hours most times...It’s heavy and dusty work...Really will feel bad if she done it..

I am okay Deebi...I mowed yesterday as it forecasted rain, if I waited until Monday, the grass..well weeds will be to wet to mow...it’s sprinkling now...I haven’t told supporter I’ve mowed as yet...I feel concerned about telling her I did it..hmmm feeling guilt both ways...can’t win can I..

No...I’m not going on a Tuesday..I am staying away from the shop from now on....I don’t need to go in and make my mh any worse then it is now...I really am okay...Just not wanting people around me right now...

Hanna, I understand what your saying...Thank you so much..I feel good when I can help someone...I just can’t get my head around the guilt of anyone helping me, especially for so long as well as hard, sweaty and dusty work...

Today....Blossomed 3 beautiful big white Lillie’s in my garden...They are so pretty....White with a big long yellow thingy sticking out from the middle...

I hope everyone has a lovely and peaceful weekend...

Bbff...always SSS love for you..💜🐻🤗..never ending..

Sending my love, care and hugs to everyone..💜🤗🦋.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Grandy

I have a 75% / 25% rule with any employment, be it paid or voluntary. Nothing goes perfectly, and sometimes a particular incident will be horrible. Other times are great.

Perhaps wondering if all things considered it is 75% ok over the years might help.

While I'm not pushing either way I do know that perseverance with that organisation would take great deal out of anybody in your circumstances, if you judge it is too much for you to bear or future relationships would be too uncomfortable that's fine - you know you best

As for others helping, maybe there is small glimmer of truth buried in there. If you can do something and it is not harmful to you or upsets others then by all means do it, you take satisfactions where you can.

Might I suggest you do not close the door, there may be other times you do need that help.
