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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello ecomama, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩,  and everyone…..🤗


Thank you for your kind posts…I am okay for food….I have meals that I froze over winter and canned soups, tuna etc in my cupboard…I get fresh eggs from a lady from work, cheaper then the supermarket…..Hopefully I can book Ebony in around the end of this months….fingers crossed everyone…..

I have been going to this vet, since Ebony was born, I would have thought that they would let me pay the balance off…No compassion for people now…all they worry about these days are $$$$….They are the only vet in town, so I suppose they can do what what they want to do by their patients…..


I mowed yesterday…my yard looks nice and clean now…..


Deebi, yes my cardiologist did up my heart meds by an extra half 2 times a day….but I started putting on lots of more weight, as they slow down not only my heart but also my metabolism, so now for nearly a year I dropped that other half…..when I feel the ectopics too much I will take the other half…..My cardiologist is okay with me doing this😁


I am pleased your icky will be removed later this month…and very happy once you’ve recovered from your surgery…..


We go on about our lives the best we can, then bingo something seems to comes along that disrupts it….We do our best to accept it, do what needs to be done, recover….we get stronger within ourselves to get passed it so once again we can go on the best we can….These curve balls, only make us stronger…..People really are amazingly beautiful, resilient creatures….


Remember Deebi, that if you feel or need to talk as it gets closer to your surgery we, all your beautiful friends are here for you….


My kindest thoughts precious bbff, with sss love and care…💕💙💕🦋..and special caring sss hugs 🤗🤗🤗🤗..


My love, care and hugs to everyone…♥️🦋🤗..




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Grandy and friendly waves to all the lovelies reading, 


Prayers for your sweet Ebony and getting through yet another challenge Grandy. 


You can't hold an amazing woman down for long! 


Yes, we do have struggles, life can be totally seen as a struggle. 
We may even get knocked down for a while, but Grandy you are showing us how you rise up again and again.


You show your resilience with such grace, love, kindness and gratitude. 
Sometimes you're even human lol! 


I'm so grateful for you Grandy. Thankyou for sharing your stories on the forums. 


Love always

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear ecomama, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 and everyone…..


Thank you for your kind words ecomama…..I don’t feel that way much at all…


Today at work, I was asked about my dog….(Betty told the girls)…I told them what she needs to get done and the cost I need to play…..3 of the girls were concerned about her…but the other one said to me to…”put her to sleep….it’s to much money to pay out for a dog”……She has 2 dogs of her own….how sad is that to hear?….my dogs are my companions, my friends, I love them more then anything else…I was shocked by her suggestion😡


My fur baby is booked in to have her operation on the 13th September..Thats next Tuesday…she has to stay one, maybe 2 days in the Vet Hospital….Then I’ll be able to bring her home…It’s going to be a long day next Tuesday…I am pleased I will be busy at work, to keep my mind off, what my poor sweet Ebony will be going through….I wish I could take her place, she is one of the sweetest and most gentlest dogs I have ever known….I am so blessed being her human mum…


Life is at times a hard struggle ecomama….sometimes when triggered into PTSD downers I don’t want any part of it and could very easily leave it….but then there are times that are also beautiful and peaceful…..those beautiful and peaceful times are worth fighting for…It still feels strange to me, sitting outside and watching the world live it’s life…

I had a busy day today in the shop…lunchtime I had a Telehealth appointment…I forgot I had a Drs visit…so she did Telehealth….I have 3 “simple cysts” on my Kidneys, which is common and don’t normally cause any symptoms or problems….Doc said the pain I’m feeling around my back, leg, hip and groin is going to need further investigation…starting off with a bone scan…


I hope everyone is doing better then okay, and had a beautiful day…


My love, care and hugs everyone…💕🦋🤗















Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


Hello Grandy,


That is such good news about your kidneys lass.. 


You must be relieved that Ebony will soon have her op... but no doubt a bit worried at the same time... Woofa & I will keep our fingers & paws crossed for her next Tuesday... I had a Labrador have that op over 30 years back.. it went so well back then... these days they are so much better at doing it... the hard part will be keeping her quiet while she recovers... 


Big hugs lass


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Paws, and everyone 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩…..🤗..


Paws thank you so much for your post….I have been so very worried about Ebony’s up coming surgery…your post has settled me a bit…knowing that one of your beautiful fur babies has had this same operation and was good afterwards…..Can I ask you a question please?….Was your Labrador baby after the operation, able to walk, run on all 4 legs?….Poor Ebony is only walking on 3 legs when she gets up from her bed (which isn’t very much at all)…


I do hope everyone is doing good and enjoying their day today….Me I need to get my act together and clean my home a bit….since I no longer have a support worker, I have really no need to keep my home sparkling clean anymore….she was my only visitor…Betty visits very rarely, then mostly she sits out front….right now I’m washing a couple of weeks of clothes…😁..


Have a beautiful day everyone….because you all deserve it so very much…


My love, care and hugs everyone….💕🦋🤗..




Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,


Yes my boy was back on all four paws after his op... straight after the op he was a little hesitant to put weight on that leg but it didn't take long before he was using it as normal...  everyone I know whose fur has had this op found the hard part was keeping them quiet with no running around for the full 6 weeks, they bounce back to normal so well & so quickly... I'm sure the vet will tell you about the care needed in the first few weeks after the op to ensure a full recovery... basically you will need to block off a small area to confine her & only outside on a lead when she needs to toilet... 


Hmmm your doing house cleaning... 🤨now if I could just sneak my house into one of your rooms without you noticing... I know... I'll just have a rummage through the 💼 &  ahhh there it is 🏍 no not that... rummage rummage 🚜 💨now that's better... I'll just balance my house on top & now it should only take me 2.333 seconds to move my house to yours... then 🔨🪓 a little work to fit it in & hey presto..


What? you've noticed a whole new other house in yours... no no no... I'm positive that has been there all the time... besides I'm sure it will be removed... 😁I mean not be noticeable once it's clean 😉




Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Grandy,

It's good to hear your Emily will have her surgery next Tuesday, & will be thinking of her then, too, sending my best love & care her way.

It's no surprise you are anxious about it - anyone who care for their furbabies would feel the same. It's no small thing, this surgery. As with any treatment for yourself or your furbabies, make sure you ask all the questions you have, so the vet has a chance to help to ease your concerns.

I feel reassured by the experience Paws & Woofa have had - really good to read. 😸

Hugzies, if you like, ❤️ you & furbabies,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey dear bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩 & all lovelies 🤗


Struth it's all happening darlin. Geez a major ouch from that lady. Some people are quite cold arent they. They see Black and White. It might be pragmatic if thats the word. Sux. I too would have felt quite jilted & hurt. Heartless really pftt


Dear Ebony sweetyheart like humans dogs seem to be as  you mentioned are quite resilient.

Im glad it'll be soon you'll feel relieved when thats sorted and of course our as shes part of our family 👩‍❤️‍👩dear Ebony wont know herself. What a lovely sounding nature she has.

With the strong endless love she has in her life she'll bounce back in no time esp that she gets plenty of exercise running around the house 😆 I love the commentaries about you girls furs 💗


Yes it's hard to feel strong isnt it when our mh takes us to mentally crippling darkness but its true as was it Eco Eco 😆 said remember to look back on how far you've come. We need to be aware of goods esp when the darks smother our thoughts. 

Also think of the love you have in your life hun theres solid reasons for that dear lady. 


Sweety Im sorry I havent been here as much lately, Ive been quite active doing the BV event which is humming along nicely. I think it's going to be a gooden but the days not the best Im learning uh oh 😅 but all good coz Im giving it my best and v.happy the feedback Im getting so should be a success. 

Im in mh so getting more done but working on keeping calm and collected. Struth theres a first 😲😁 God I wish we could be real life Id love us to muck around together and calls texting staying at eachothers. Yip gotta hold onto hope. Its what can save us eh. 


Good news re your kidneys and that theyre sussing the cause of the pain. 

Oh thats a relief hearing its ok about the half pill for the ticker. 


Good job the lawns precious. Huge achieve too. Try not to let the housework stress you, babysteps is ok hun and gets the task done ☺


🤣 aha thought there was something different about the 💼 and I noticed our 🚜 was parked on the 89th floor not the 88th. Roight must set up those cameras🔭 down there too 

So much love Grandy 4evs 🗯 u2 pubAok. 👩‍❤️‍👩💗🗯


Nigh nite loves youse rock 🤗



Community Member

Hi Grandy and everyone


I wouldn't be too worried about your beloved dog's surgery - modern vet surgery is so good now and animals are so quick to recover, much better than we humans!  I'm sure Ebony will be up and running about before long and I'm sure will be thankful to be comfortable and out of pain...


Feeling sorry to hear of the death of Queen Elizabeth, an amazing lady and much admired...


Hugs from me and Sam 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Grandy, I hear you. It is so strange.

I often wonder if any one on earth has anything like my experiences, would they know what this life feels like, how are they living their lives... 


IDK there are probably billions of answers to those questions. 


What I DO know is that you are magnificent
All those things we all say about you are true. 
I don't BS lol. 

Just believe us, we're not going anywhere anyway so you just have to! 


I wish I could sit and have a cuppa with you Grandy. Take you down the back to watch my chickens and laugh together at their cuteness. I drew a similarity with myself and my darling, struggling chicken who wanders alone, like me. She's had injuries but can now walk, like I've had. Lives in what could be a beautiful place but isn't, it's damaged and wrecked. 


I wanted to tell you about C.H.A.T. No it's not about chatting lol. It's an organisation who are doing the most beautiful things for people and I LOVE IT! I've watched so many YT clips where they show all the volunteers who've worked for sometimes 20y helping others get food and stable housing. They are BUILDING TONS of tiny homes for homeless people. They have so many programs helping others and making a huge difference. 


I need my faith in some humans restored so much. I can't say "humanity" no. Just some people. 


Praying for Ebony's op on Tuesday. 


Hey everyone, hope you're doing well.
Love EMxxxx