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My K9 Community Champion passed away

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hey everyone

my beautiful Chow Chow/German Shepard cross was euthanized at home here in VIC on June 9 with degeneration of the spinal cord...He couldnt walk anymore yet his heart and lungs were okay

He was a rescue dog that sat right beside me and helped me write over 11,000 posts of support on the forums

He was kind...and loved his stuffed toys

He was huge..57 kilograms with massive paws...The photo on my profile pic is only a year ago

I couldnt even get a VET on the phone or a home visit to discuss his health in the last few weeks of his life without being brushed off...He was panting and walking slowly inside the house for 18 hours before he laid down on his side.....Then he waited 9 hours for VET. This was horrible

Thankyou for letting me grieve (and modsupport for the care)


14 Replies 14

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey Paul

So sorry for your loss, such a huge thing to go through and in such a difficult way by the sounds. A beautiful picture, he looks like a sweetheart. RIP. Sending you a virtual hug. Hope you’re managing ok. Katy

Hi Katy and thankyou for helping me with the loss of Prince...and the hugs too

you are wonderful Katy

Hugs..I miss him so much

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Paul, I am so sorry you have to go through the loss of Prince and it's so awful to know that the one person you so dearly loved and has been your company, no matter whatever happened, and to us, they are a person, he would know how you are feeling in good times and when you weren't feeling well, they understand everything you do in life and that's why we love them.

All of the great memories and his idiosyncrasies that he displayed while playing with you or just by himself will always be remembered, such as how he used to ignore the backing Jack Russell at the back of your house, with one paw he could hold the JR down and show it who is king.

Sending you all my deepest thoughts.

Take care.


Community Member

Hi Paul,

thanks for sharing your story, it brought a tear to my eye as I remember the passing of my first dog who was with me from the start of school til mid high school through good and not so good times. I will always treasure the memories!
I’m new to the site but just wanted to send my deepest condolences.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi blondguy

I just wanted to offer a virtual hug to you at this really tough time. Not only is it so hard to say goodbye but to have to wait and feel like you were not being cared for by the Vet just adds another layer of pain and a huge amount of anxiety. I am so sorry this happened, just devastating.

Please do not thank us for letting you grieve, we are here with you always as you are here for so very many. Let us now put an arm around you to take care of you and to offer a shoulder. As you very well know, grief is hard and there are no rules and no time lines, just do what needs to be done, and if today that is not much then that is fine.

Keep sharing and keep talking if that is helping blondguy, we are here with you on the journey.

Sending hugs and lots of support to you.

Sarah xxx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Paul when my last dog passed away a few years ago from a tick my heart was so broken and I was so lost without her.The one thing that kept me going and gave some joy in my life was gone.I thought another pet again as it was so hard when you loose them.But when I bought this house a stray starving cat was hanging around and started feeding it and adopted it and now she gives me some joy back I to my life.Remember your wonderful friend and companion and give yourself time to mourn and when the times right a new one will come into your life many when you least expect it.

All the best,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Paul..

Your post is so sad..and no doubt at all that your heartbroken....I am so very deeply sorry...No words are strong enough to express my sadness for you....hugs dear Paul..🤗🤗..

Loosing your beautiful and very much loved fur baby...would be like loosing your best friend, companion...I wish I had some words of comfort for you....My deepest condolences Paul...R.I.P..gorgeous Chow Chow/ German Shepard.....sorry I don’t his name...

Please, Talk here when you’re feeling up to it...

Like you are for us...we are all here for you, with our love and care....

My kindest thoughts dear Paul..


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Geoff....thankyou for your understanding...really appreciate your support

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Paul,

I am so sorry for your loss and for the upsetting experience you had leading up to it. I know how much you loved your 4 legged companion as you referred to him many times on the forums. He too was part of our BB family.

I feel your pain Paul and I'm sending you support and comfort.

Gentle hugs

Cmf x