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Work trouble
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Hi everyone, back again with another issue in my life. Everyone here is always so helpful and have such great advice so I thought it would be a great place to air my thoughts.
Work is my biggest problem and is causing me to have problems in my personal life.
I have been at my job for 11 years and the past 9 months it has been so horrible. Last year things got on top of me and I ended up seeing a dr and getting on anti depressants. I also took my long service to help clear my head. I came back possitive but that was when things went bad. My boss said I wasn’t doing a good job and ended up taking over my position and putting me back where I started! I literally have a cardboard box for my things. I explained my anxiety and depression but it’s almost made things worse, he’s at me constantly. I’m in tears too often. I get great feedback from staff and customers, so I just don’t get it.
I have told him I will finish up at the end of the year but every day is like a week. I completely shut off outside of work because I feel so miserable. I don’t want to sleep because I have to go back the next day.
If I change jobs, I know I will drop about $10 an hr in wages so I have to stay until September to pay my car. But then will need a job right away. If I stay until the end of the year I will have savings to take time off and find a job.
Question is can I make it! I worry if the end is too far I might explode early but I’m scared to need a job right away. On top of the fact that I’m starting again which is scary in itself.
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Sorry a little more info on the situation.
My previous position was running the office. The problem came when the boss wanted help in managing the staff as the past 2 managers quit. I have trouble passing out work I do tend to take it all on myself and feel bad asking people to do things for some reason. I also mentioned to him I feel bad because I know I can’t help enough because I have no experience and that I had looked up management traineeships you can do through your current employer. You work normal hours and have your boss mark off the tasks as you go, plus some study I was happy to do. The government covers it too or something like that, but he never listens to me.
My new role is back on the retail floor. Taking care of customers and also the stock and showroom itself. I have also been asked to freshen things up and redo signs etc. I also do other bits and pieces and help out other staff.
Some day’s the boss comes in and says its looking great and he’s excited and I’m doing a good job and he’s getting good feedback. Then he will have a day off and come back negative and ask what I do in my spare time when there’s no customers and just make me feel like I’m not doing good enough. I’ve asked for a job description several times so I can have something to stick to and maybe get something right for once. I don’t take any breaks what so ever besides going to the toilet. I eat while I still work. I don’t know what else to do.
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I’m really sorry guys I’m ranting, last post!
I feel the reason my boss expects so much from me is my wage.
When the first manager quit, so did all the staff besides me and one other. We were both given a good pay rise, there were no requirements given, I think he was worried we would leave.
We got our second manager after that, so it had nothing to do with management.
It was over a year, maybe even two years after that before things turned bad for me. The other staff member is in the production area so gets left alone. The new staff also get left alone. He does annoy them but isn’t horrible about it.
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Hi Lov3,
Your work situation sounds absolutely horrible. You must feel undermined, maybe even embarrassed, disrespected and as though you’re walking on eggshells.
I don’t like the sound of how your boss has been treating you. He seems really unfair and targets you a lot. The word that comes to mind is “bully.”
Also, I’m concerned about you eating on the job. I don’t know the law very well but I’m pretty you are entitled to breaks if you work a certain number of hours in a shift. Maybe you might like to get in touch with some sort of fair workplace ombudsmen. Just a gentle suggestion...if you search online, you might be able to find something.
Sorry, I don’t know what is the best course of action as I know you want to stick it out for financial reasons, which is understandable. Maybe give the BeyondBlue helpline a call on 1300 22 4636 as they might be able to direct you to organisations, etc that can help you?
Kind thoughts,
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Hi Pepper,
thank you so much for your support and kind response. You are exactly right, that is exactly how I feel. I am so embarrassed and feel so worthless and like a complete failure. I am on edge all day. I can’t tell anyone what has happened I’m so embarrassed.
Thank you for your suggestions, I will spend some time over the weekend looking in to it a bit more. Hopefully there is another option besides leaving.
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Hi Lov3,
Thank you so much for writing back. It’s great to hear from you again 🙂
I hear you. I feel it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by our emotions e.g. feelings of embarrassment.
Good on you for reaching out here. I’m glad you’re trying to find ways to help yourself. You can always come back here to talk or give us an update. No pressure but if you like, the option is there 🙂
Kind thoughts,
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Hi Lov3,
It certainly does not sound like the boss is treaty you fairly at all. Is there someone above your boss whom you can talk to? If the company is large enough, does it have a HR person? Is there a Work Health and Safety Officer, it almost sounds like the boss is being a bully.
Are there work place policies and procedures yo could ask to look at that may help you with rules and regulations with in your work place?
I'm not really sure who you contact to ask for advice, Beyond Blue phone help might have some idea like Pepper mentioned. Or give your local council a call they may have some suggestions. I am sure there are rules and regulations regarding employee entitlements.
I don't know how you suddenly find the courage to stand up against your boss, but that almost sounds like it is necessary. Once you find out what you are entitled to, it might be worth having a chat with the boss.
You may be able to have someone act as an advocate for you as well.
Different states have different rules and regulations.
Maybe even Googling Discrimination laws in your state might lead you somewhere.
Trying to find enjoyable activities outside of work will hep to boost your self esteem and sense of who you are as a person. The bosses comments do not mean you are the person he thinks you are, it means he is having trouble seeing your values!
Hope you come up with some answers!
Cheers for now from Dools
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Hi Lov3
Glad you posted your thoughts and are trying to sort this situation.
A couple things you mentioned sound so much like me I just
had to jump in and offer my own experiences.
I used to have trouble delegating work and worked through my
lunch break to get things done. I believe I felt just as frustrated as you do.
However, this isn’t right. You are not obligated to cover other people’s
responsibilities and you deserve a lunchbreak. The obvious answer to speak up,
however if you’re like me, that sounds very intimidating and worsens the
What worked for me was I asked my boss for advice on how I could motivate the people I was supervising. It accomplished two things: 1) It showed my boss I cared. That in itself changed his attitude about my performance. He started empathising with me and appreciating the challenges I faced. 2) He became my teammate. Now there were 2 people working to find a solution to the problem. He gave me some good advice that worked. I now enjoy my lunch breaks and not being rushed to do other people’s work.
Most people are more than willing to help if you ask for their help. You mentioned that you were contemplating a management training course. What if you asked your boss to act as a mentor for you, essentially doing on-the-job-training? It doesn’t have to be a big production. Keep it small and simple like” one new tip each week for managing people”. Most people take it as a compliment when you ask them for career advice. For people with our kind of depression, asking for help can be the most difficult thing to do. Asking in this way made it easier for me. Maybe it will work for you
All the best,
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Hi Dools and Greg 🙂
Thanks so much for jumping in on this and for your thoughts and support.
Unfortunately I tried talking with the boss, you just don’t get anywhere. I’m either just being sensitive, or the other staff are ‘simple’ and that’s why I get paid more. I spoke with him about the course and he just changed the subject. The other staff have had to step up a lot more now that my role had completely changed.
Everyone is scared to speak up about anything.
The boss is the owner, there is no HR or manager; I have been there the longest.
I actually found out the person below me has been lying to the boss about me which is what caused things to change. This person lies constantly. I ABSOLUTELY hate ratting people out, I very much always mind my own business . I mentioned to my boss something he had lied about recently that was a big lie and was obvious, but just made him see this person lies very easily and for no reason. My boss has gotten a lot better with me now, but I still can’t get over how I have been treated.
It has been a terrible time and is a sad end to things but I think I will be best off with a fresh start, I just hope I can make it at least another few months.
I Hope you guys are having a really nice weekend 🌞
Bye for now...
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