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Where to start?

Community Member
I am a fairly healthy 74 year old, reasonably secure financially and living in a home I own with my wife of 50+ years. I shouldn't be depressed, but I am. All my sources of support seem to be closing at the same time, these include volunteering in emergency services, sporting shooting, motorbike riding, even full time employment. This has meant that my outside support base is shrinking and I have no idea how to move forward. The big black dog is sniffing my my heals but the local GPs seem more interested in their fees than me. Is life supposed to feel this hopeless?
4 Replies 4

Community Champion
Community Champion


Welcome to the forum.

I can hear the frustration and the bewilderment in your words.

I am sure so may like me can relate to your dilemma. I feel I maybe like you in ten years time.

When you say your sources of support seem to be closing at the same time, is this something that took you by surprise? Is there a reason that all these sources are stopping at some time? Are you thinking of stopping volunteering or are you being asked to end this . Is it possible to do part time or casual employment?

I have my shop 7 days a week but wonder how I will feel when I stop that.

Do you have a men's shed near you? I am not sure if you like making things but I know men who go there for a chat with other men some of whom are feeling lost and hopeless.

Is it possible to find a more understanding GP?


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Puggsley,

Welcome to Beyond Blue and well done for reaching out.

I must say, you sound like quite an active person, like my Dad is. He is 82 and cannot drive anymore, cannot play squash, and doesn't cook for himself, even though he probably could! My Dad lost his one and only love - My Mum - 7 years ago to cancer, and so lost 'half his world' in effect. But he is active nonetheless. He now rides his bike about 50 to 70 kilometres a day, volunteers with the local men's shed, and I pretty much have to 'make an appointment' to see him! Mind you, I also work close to full time and live more than 60 kilometres away from him. Mind you, my Dad also has only one eye due to cancer, and a whole bunch of other medical issues. But does that stop him? No way!

I'm saying all this because with change, comes grief. And I know that I myself have at times confused grief with depression .... and at other times, grief has also been accompanied by depression.

Perhaps these things that are closing off around you is the universe's way (or God or Higher Power or whatever) of saying "Hey there! Time to move on sunshine, cos I've got this thing lined up that is just for you!" But maybe this thing that is just for you couldn't be done before because the other things were in the way?

All life changes take some getting used to. Try not to give yourself a hard time about adjusting to the change. Kick the black dog out, and go knocking on some other doors!

In the meantime, take care. I'll be thinking of you. xo

Sorry it has taken so long to reply, I have been trying to keep busy in a number of ways. I am still an active volunteer firefighter and that ensures I always have things to do. My problem is rousing the enthusiasm to get started. It doesn't help that winter is here, I have never liked cold wet weather. We do have a local Mens' Shed but my wife puts up with me spending lots of time at the fire station now, I don't want to add another organisation demanding my time. Time to Move on sounds easy but my get up and go seems to have got up and gone. I could do with going back to work but who wants to hire a 74+ year old?

Keep your shop as long as you can but plan for retirement. I didn't and one day I was working in a design engineering role and the next I was unemployed. I knew it was coming but it still came as a shock. My role as a volunteer continues and our brigade is quite busy, I also have occasional work with the local authority. I should be feeling great. Sadly I am not