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When you ignore your triggers

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi guys,

I have Bipolar 2 and have been well for quiet a while. Just came back from the best holiday but definitely burnt the candle at both ends. Yes there’s a trigger I’m well aware of. Sent me into a hyper manic party state that was heaps of fun at the time and even though I know better I just went with it. Right now, at 1.15 in the morning I’m dark as. That’s how I explain depression. So I’m reaching out, saying hi and taking full responsibility for where my mind is right now. I live a good life and know how to keep well. Alcohol and sleep deprivation are my biggest triggers and the 2 things I just went with for 10 days away. Not one of my better life choices. Well, I’m paying for it now. So I’m gonna take stock and sprinkle some selfcare on myself and remind myself that tomorrow is a new day. An exciting brighter day.

Thanks for reading. Dani. x

Note to self - don’t drink alcohol and get a decent sleep. I should bloody know better!!

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Dani_11,

Thanks for posting this. It really resonated with me. Especially the acceptance of your down state and the need for self care and support rather than guilt and blame.

Kind thoughts, Jess

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Thanks Jess,

Took me a long time to learn not to beat myself up and to just learn from it and move on. Make better choices next time but take complete ownership for my unwellness (if that's even a real word lol). Anyway mate, I hope you are travelling along well. Always be kind to you.

Kind Regards

Dani. x